The College Basketball Post

This is more accounting than anything. As they readily admit, the athletic dept has been self sustaining for a decade plus. Taxpayers would much rather have athletic programs making money and running businesses fund scholarships than the average schmuck. The idea the lesser revenue generating programs like baseball or volleyball will disappear is a farce. They’ll just be treated like lower performing assets which they always have been.
Read the tweet that was posted right above you. But yeah, go ahead and be naive enough to think that the revenue share will be dispersed evenly among all the athletic teams within a program
They never have been dispersed evenly, never will be and there was never going to be any movement to provide equal resources to lower performing assets in the portfolio, whether it was via taxpayer dollars or TV deals funding those programs. What about the NCAA ever gave you the impression that’s what any school or organizational leadership wanted?

My point was that coastal conferences aren’t bleeding money on travel costs because the revenue generation as a whole is orders of magnitude larger than if they stayed in tepid conference alignments based on geography.

If you want a discussion about equality of college sports programs, that’s an entirely different one. Volleyball and a number of these sports have always been sunk costs every school deals with cause no one watches or gives a flying ****
I’d also point out that year after year we seen an increase in foreign Olympic athletes competing and training at US college programs, be it track and field, swimming, volleyball, etc… I think it was a 17% increase last year in an article I read during the Olympics.

So the idea the lesser programs are being hurt more than in the past because of coast to coast conferences or that revenue sharing is killing the existence of their programs… well it’s not borne out in the data. There’s more international interest and participation in those NCAA programs than at any time in history.
They need to do away with conferences in general and just place teams with historical rivalries in regional pods
I think we’re eventually getting there. Two super-conferences like the pro leagues. Don’t think we’ll ever see anything like Euro soccer with relegations due to the money disparity, but there’s definitely a way to have the prior P5 teams in set divisions/conferences and the G5 breaks off into their own thing managed separately from the two P5 groupings.

I don’t know if it necessarily makes sense for basketball, but definitely for football. I would not hate having separate conferences/groupings across all sports.
I think we’re eventually getting there. Two super-conferences like the pro leagues. Don’t think we’ll ever see anything like Euro soccer with relegations due to the money disparity, but there’s definitely a way to have the prior P5 teams in set divisions/conferences and the G5 breaks off into their own thing managed separately from the two P5 groupings.

I don’t know if it necessarily makes sense for basketball, but definitely for football. I would not hate having separate conferences/groupings across all sports.
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