The College Basketball Post

From what the camera shows, live and in that vine, it doesn't appear that the fan dropped any racial slurs.... Then again, we can't see that specific male fan until Smart is up and in his face. Again, just playing devils advocate because I personally think Smart will go this route to save face

Because you don't see the fan until after Smart gets up.

And what do you mean "to save face". Do you really think he got up and shoved that fan for no reason? Something was obviously said. You can tell from the way Smart snaps his head around and by the fan saying "sorry about that".

i applaud marcus smart. fans shouldnt be able to say whatever they want

I agree man. Fans need to be held responsible for their actions.

I wanted to reach through my tv and ***** slap this fan.

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Because you don't see the fan until after Smart gets up.

And what do you mean "to save face". Do you really think he got up and shoved that fan for no reason? Something was obviously said. You can tell from the way Smart snaps his head around and by the fan saying "sorry about that".
I agree man. Fans need to be held responsible for their actions.

I wanted to reach through my tv and ***** slap this fan.


By save face I mean to justify his actions he will say the fan made a racial slur. And at this point we cant know if he did or not. I also dont ever see him say, "sorry about that". And no I don't think he got up and shoved him for no reason, but from what we have seen previously he does lose his temper and shows apparent frustration.. Again, I'm not excusing the fan for his actions or Smart for his, just wondering everyone's thoughts.
jesus christ espn making this like the president of the usa was shot or something

 i don't care i tend to side with the athletes nowadays. fan probably said something way outta line and thought he was protected by "freedom of speech" or something
What do you guys think/define as "out of line" or unacceptable for fans to SAY? I agree that fans should be held accountable too, but should athletes keep their composure if words are said?
Several local reporters for Oklahoma St. and a few ESPN ppl saying this might be real bad for Smart. might be a lengthy Suspension.
You'd think this was Malice in Palace Part 2 the way ESPN is covering it.

I guess it's icing on the cake that it happened on one of their networks too.
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