The Combat Jack Show Thread

He makes a lot of points :lol:. This one of his more surface level ones. Everybody understands this.

But he saying some more realer and more ****, that the intended audience needs to hear through the pod. He probably came off the “best” in this interview, and thay says a lot :lol:.

Watched the whole thing…you could see the Big Facts Pod with the Zo gif face.


Dude is 1000% a clown, and is wrong or ehhh….on some things. And his delivery hella off. But a part of his messaging and what he really be saying has some hard truths in it.
At the end of the day, it never seems like it’s intended to serve some larger discussion, tho. It’s just self serving.

I tend to tune it out completely.
At the end of the day, it never seems like it’s intended to serve some larger discussion, tho. It’s just self serving.

I tend to tune it out completely.

I think that's the thing tho, if it's solely on the messaging it should be a larger convo, but i completely see why people are turned away.

With that said in the interview he says he's doing this internet thing for profit first & DGAF if the message doesn't come across because he knows it will get done in real life

Didn't some of you get your Mal on and defend his guest and interviewing before?

He has had some interesting episodes/clips I’ve seen; “defending” him wouldn’t be the hill I die on don’t watch him often enough for That, don’t get full out racist from him but I also feel most white people that grew up a certain way…are on that spectrum lol

but Ish brought up the excellent point on one of the last JBP’s when Parks tried too lightweight defend him “I won’t put racist on him” and said that it’s not about dude being racist but how he can go 15 years saying the N Word but we can’t touch Jews, LGBT, etc. + that’s not enough to start all these boycotts but “misinformation” is

There’s also the other element of Rogan being a huge threat to traditional mass media and misinformation and “racism”/racial insensitivity being things that the mass media that’s crucifying him are also guilty of, maybe even moreso with the misinformation which is how a Rogan type even rises up
It is funny that this is basically the "urban" podcast thread and the other is almost solely dedicated to Rogan or non black pods (Trevor Noah oddly gets bunched in there for some reason as well).

I guess all things aside I give Rogan the benefit of the doubt on most things. His platform is invaluable, I actually agree with some of his takes on free speech etc.

However, he should know better than saying the N-word.

Whether he admits it or not his platform has just grown too big. He will never admit to selling out or siding with the right but I think his experiences especially during the last 2-4 years have ready caused a shift in where his allegiances lie.
I just find it funny they scrubbed some of his old pods when he first got to Spotify, because of guest/content, but the N word slipped through the cracks?

The only thing I know him from is UFC, and I don't even mess with the UFC because of Dana.

but yeah, I skimmed through the thread and I saw the apologist and it fit right in line.

Amazing people don't seem to know what free speech is. So if you support Rogan are you pro racism, because that's how mutha****as try to construct the argument in their favor.
J prince been around Ye pretty heavy for the last 6 months or so. Wouldn't be shocked if he was at the Ye Rogan interview a while back.

Not defending J Prince but I wouldn't be at all shocked if he knows Rogan.
I really think we need to stop running to defend them. It's not reciprocated.

We don't know what they say when we're not around.

He's friends with us and this 50 year old man knows he shouldn't be using the word under any circumstance? So how many of us does he really have as friends, not associates, co-workers, subordinates, employees, acquaintances.
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