The Combat Jack Show Thread

That man ain’t doing nothing wrong.

This has got to be the most sensitive society EVER. People literally making a living off talking about others via podcasts, IG lives, tweets, etc. but whenever someone actually is willing to match energy, there’s an issue…? No man.

Everything is fair game these days :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And y’all know Cam ain’t the type to let up.

Nah it reeks of desperation to be talked about.

People seem to do anything for clicks and attention these days.

while i think i understand the sentiment, i think he’s being more than disingenuous about the process…the ‘system,’ as it were, was/is/will always be very hit or miss (altho i suppose maybe ai might one day come up with an algorithm for music 🤷🏿‍♂️) & some might say even predatory, that’s without noting all the burn & churn of 1 hit wonders, never made its, those that get lost in the sauce…

homie is leaving out the actual reasons why artist actual find this ‘do it yourself’ path alluring/seductive & why execs in his word started chopping off the heads of their peers/underling execs


What does him being gay have to do with anything?

And then he seems shocked at her reply and talks about my DM's are open, after he made a public statement tagging them :lol:

It's obvious she's an opportunist, and they gain from their allegiance with him. So it's beneficial to both sides.
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Ray Daniels was an A&R. So of COURSE he hates dudes doing stuff on their own. His whole career and income was predicated on finding and developing artist.

He was a middle man/liaison so he’s upset that dudes really don’t need his type or the traditional foot soldiers or street team to put in work. Sorry, not sorry.

These former execs and A&Rs can’t be upset at artists doing it themselves when people in the past like TLC or tribe called quest were being taken advantage of.

People aren’t going for that anymore
Mans got a two-bar facemask and soft chinstrap. Gillie definitely ain’t play football. He would’ve got laughed off the field because only QBs or bench warmers wore that combination:lol: :lol: :lol:

Philly ain’t have a chance anyway :rofl: :rofl:
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