The Combat Jack Show Thread

Curious how Joe responds. Does he admit it? Is he forced to? That’s some ugly **** Joe. Can’t be touching women no matter how bad your life is or your age.
I think it's viscous due to the fact your whole identity is tied to Joe and you're almost 50 with a OF 🤷‍♂️

They had a toxic relationship and Tahiry keeps acting like she's a saint.

It will hit Tahiry, who it's meant for.
I think it's viscous due to the fact your whole identity is tied to Joe and you're almost 50 with a OF 🤷‍♂️

They had a toxic relationship and Tahiry keeps acting like she's a saint.

It will hit Tahiry, who it's meant for.

Yup. They both benefited off each other and she was just glorified eye candy for suckers who thrive off making those type of women feel like they’re something that they aren’t.

Her time is up. A young oh’ eventually becomes an old ‘oh :lol: :lol:
Never understood people who spend years, and years having relations, being intertwined and romantic… yet both criticize each other when really and truly they both look like/are clowns

This is my thing. At what point do you move on, because it was ten years ago.

That's if you have nothing going on for yourself and you see that person up and seemingly happy. Which makes you more upset.

But this is a way for Tahiry to be back in the public eye and get attention. Maybe even get another round of interviews.

I noticed Raqi did some corny into post for her new followers after her and Van went back and forth. I was like what, aren't you supposed to be against abuse, or you just wanted the look and attention for your 15 minutes?

With social media I don't trust none of this **** anymore and look at all of it as a play. Especially when these outlets are paying for interviews.
"like the cancer you are"


Seeing how Joe and Tahiry act on camera both of 'em was probably crazy as hell. Joe is a emotional dude and Tahiry seem like a wild one.
This is my thing. At what point do you move on, because it was ten years ago.

That's if you have nothing going on for yourself and you see that person up and seemingly happy. Which makes you more upset.

But this is a way for Tahiry to be back in the public eye and get attention. Maybe even get another round of interviews.

I noticed Raqi did some corny into post for her new followers after her and Van went back and forth. I was like what, aren't you supposed to be against abuse, or you just wanted the look and attention for your 15 minutes?

With social media I don't trust none of this **** anymore and look at all of it as a play. Especially when these outlets are paying for interviews.

It’s like when friendships go bad, we know there’s mostly two or three sides to every story. I’m the type to just let stuff go and move forward. If I dealt with you, I dealt with you. I’m not going to completely talk negatively about someone I’ve been involved with because it makes me look foolish.

I guess it’s hard for some people to move on and let the old issues die.

I’m just going to act like you don’t exist and only mention the positive times we had. Makes no sense to harbor all that negativity when the other party has moved on and isn’t even thinking about you anymore:lol: :lol:
And she still chunky? She got potential if she hit the gym.
I doubt she wanted to ever be that slim, just a fat butt and a slim stomach (which she has when she hold her breath).

Still listening to them pod about the diddy mess but man it’s so hard to listen to Joe when he talks about this kind of stuff . Idk if the domestic abuse situations with him were true but the dating young girls and manipulation were for sure .

He’s saying the right things but just wrong messenger . Too hypocritical
There's dudes that listen to this guy 7-8 hours every week who either discount or don't know about the allegations who look to him to still be morally aligned with them
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