The Current 10 Worst Contracts in MLB

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by finnns2003

I don't get how Zito declined so fast. Yeah he doesn't throw fast, neither did Jamie Moyer. Dude went from Cy Young in his SECOND full season to now being left off playoff rosters. WTH?
If Barry Zito's Cy Young season happened now, with the way the voters have smartened up, he would NOT have won it.

Not sure what that has to do with anything, but had to put that out there.  He sucks.

Explain a little more. Do you mean they have smartened up to Zito, or to what a Cy season is?
As an M's fan, we faced Zito that year a ton and he owned us (albeit so did Mulder and Hudson). He was the real deal for those 23 wins.
Originally Posted by CosmicCanon

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by JPZx

Yep. Even being a fan of the team he plays for I can say that.

You know what will make his value plummet even further? If he switches to 1B or 3B like some are speculating. Traditionally, you have power players at those positions. How does it sound to have a 8 year, 134 million dollar guy at 1B that hits 3 HRs and boasts a .287 BA (like 2011, even though it'll go up)?

Agreed.  One of the hot topics of 2011 here in the Bay is moving Buster Posey to first base....which I am vehemently against.  Moving Posey and Mauer to first base would cripple their respective values.  
But Posey is your best hitter though.
Given your terrible line-up, you should protect him from being injured again. It's one thing, if you have legitimate hitters around him(sans Belt and Sandoval), but you don't and it's best to protect your best slugger.

Sure Mauer is at best a 13-17 homer guy in that HR deathtrap in Target, but he's too valuable, to be in harm's way like Posey.

Sorry, I disagree.  Both Mauer and Posey are elite players because they are catchers.  Catchers arent generally great hitters because of the grind of the position.  Posey and Mauer add great value to their teams because you get a .300 hitter out of a position that you typically have a .250 hitter.  If you take their production and move them to first base, you now have a first basemen who is producing less than you desire out of your first baseman.  Now you are stuck finding a catcher again, so you will likely have two positions that are subpar.

You move Posey and Mauer to first base, they go from perennial All Stars to mid to lower players at their position.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by finnns2003

I don't get how Zito declined so fast. Yeah he doesn't throw fast, neither did Jamie Moyer. Dude went from Cy Young in his SECOND full season to now being left off playoff rosters. WTH?
If Barry Zito's Cy Young season happened now, with the way the voters have smartened up, he would NOT have won it.

Not sure what that has to do with anything, but had to put that out there.  He sucks.

Explain a little more. Do you mean they have smartened up to Zito, or to what a Cy season is?
As an M's fan, we faced Zito that year a ton and he owned us (albeit so did Mulder and Hudson). He was the real deal for those 23 wins.

Voters have smartened up to what a Cy Young season is.  They have smartly started to devalue wins, and value statistics that only the pitcher can affect.  If voters continued to vote the way they voted in 2002 still today, Lincecum might not have any of his two Cy Youngs, and Felix Hernandez DEFINITELY wouldnt have his.

You tell me which season statline is more Cy Young worthy:

229.1 IP, 23-5 record, 2.75 ERA, 1.13 WHIP, .211 BAA, 182 Ks
199.1 IP, 20-4 record, 2.26 ERA, 0.92 WHIP, .199 BAA, 239 Ks

You just picked Pedro Martinez's season. 
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Proshares

Ryan Howard should be #1 or #2 behind A-Roid. Wells "only" has 3 years left. IDK if it's expired but Gary Matthews JR robbed Anaheim. Don't think Tex should be there but can't argue with it. Hanley will be on that list next year

Tex and Howard are basically the same guy, Tex is prolly better cause he's a better fielder but you stay acting like there is a large gap between those two and there aren't. That Philly lineup was putrid this year, Howard had no protection wich you can't say bout Tex.

They are definitely not.  I've been over this before.  Both lineups had big injuries and slumping hitters throughout the year so let's throw all that garbage out.  There's a difference between having a lineup that is putrid and a lineup which can be pitched to.  I don't wanna hear about the ballparks because both ballparks are big hitters parks.  Tex's defense is immensely better than Howard and that makes a huge difference.  So does the fact that Tex hits from both sides whereas Howard has recognized how to hit a breaking ball in 3 years.  The guy strikes out in 27% of his AB's man
the man was seventeenth, SEVENTEENTH in first basemen WAR where Tex was 6th in a year where he was EXTREMELY unlucky.  Add to the fact that his body type makes it more likely he'll be a DH sooner than later where Tex is very durable and his fielding skills haven't diminished rapidly.  Also gotta add in that Philly is not like the Yankees where the Yanks can afford to keep Tex's contract on the books.  Philly is not the same market.  The list isn't all about Player A > Player B.
some of these players man....I looked up several player contracts just now and it's amazing how many have basically above-average seasons every year....and then the contract year they all become Babe Ruth

The amount of dudes in pro sports who get fat and lazy or simply don't try as hard once they get "paid" is hilarious. That's why as a fan I'll always roll with NFL model regardless of if the players often get the short end.
Originally Posted by Winged Wheel

If a list gets created next season you can bet Albert Pujols will be number 1.

...or Fielder.  Neither of them are worth the 200+ million they will be asking for.  We'll have to see who's dumb enough to give it to them.

Also surprised to NOT see Carlos Lee on that list.  I could swear Houston is buried under some ridiculous contract they gave him.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

I don't get how Zito declined so fast. Yeah he doesn't throw fast, neither did Jamie Moyer. Dude went from Cy Young in his SECOND full season to now being left off playoff rosters. WTH?
When Zito first came up to the majors nobody had ever seen anything like his curve before. I'm not saying he has the best curveball ever but I am saying pro ball players were stepping up to the plate and experiencing something they had never ever ever ever seen in a lifetime of hitting baseballs. 

But he only had three pitches back then and two of them were barely big league caliber. Guys started going to the plate knowing he was going to throw the curve 75% of the time and would just sit and wait for the one pitch that looked like bp. 

AL west hitters were the first to figure him out.  Even by his Cy Young season he was only really dominant outside the division. 

Eventually he adds a couple of pitches but like you alluded to he throws 85 and simply put, he's no Jamie Moyer. 
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by JPZx

Actually thought I was going to see Joe Mauer on the list, but nope. He has a lot of value because of the position he plays, but still.

2009: Mauer (28 HRs, .365 BA)

*Proceeds to get 8 year, 134 million dollar contract*

2010: Mauer (8 HRs, .327 BA)
2011: Mauer (3 HRs, .287 BA)


I've been saying this.  One of if not THE most overpaid players in all of sports.
Mauer would be #1 on my list. Its amazing how fast he fell off. He was called best player in MLB back in 2009.
At least the other players listed produce they're still better than Mauer and his overpaid contract.
I came in here to say A-Rod.

I feel that he's just coasting right now and it looks awful. He has this Vince Carter mystique in him I can't explain - they try to make themselves look cool while playing but fails miserably.

and yes, I still respect that both players were once great players...but it's like a day and night comparison right now.
A-Rod, man

Vernon Wells
I'm really not liking the identity of my team the last 5-6 years. We're either picking up dudes who had flashes of brilliance and then return to earth when we get them, or we get dudes who were legitimately good, but are definitely on the decline once we get them. We had no business with guys like Colon, Guerrero, GMJr, Jose Guillen, Matsui, and now Wells.

Meanwhile we let a guy like Eckstein go... who ends up being a World Series MVP. Or Napoli, who looks primed to get to the World Series, and even if the Rangers fail, it definitely ain't Mike's fault. Or Teixeira; granted, he wanted a ton of money, but hell, he's more worth the money than a guy like GM, Jr!

Cannot be more glad we let Lackey bounce, though.
Somewhere, he just gave up a 2-out triple and a single while I typed this... then turned and yelled at the infield.

three years, $21 million

edit: his average (.204) was below his listed weight (230)

honorable mention goes to Eugenio Velez, who went 0-37 on the year. any money he made this year should be immediately returned to pay for another Frank McCourt lawyer
Originally Posted by JPZx

Actually thought I was going to see Joe Mauer on the list, but nope. He has a lot of value because of the position he plays, but still.

2009: Mauer (28 HRs, .365 BA)

*Proceeds to get 8 year, 134 million dollar contract*

2010: Mauer (8 HRs, .327 BA)
2011: Mauer (3 HRs, .287 BA)


Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by dland24

If Barry Zito's Cy Young season happened now, with the way the voters have smartened up, he would NOT have won it.

Not sure what that has to do with anything, but had to put that out there.  He sucks.

Explain a little more. Do you mean they have smartened up to Zito, or to what a Cy season is?
As an M's fan, we faced Zito that year a ton and he owned us (albeit so did Mulder and Hudson). He was the real deal for those 23 wins.

Voters have smartened up to what a Cy Young season is.  They have smartly started to devalue wins, and value statistics that only the pitcher can affect.  If voters continued to vote the way they voted in 2002 still today, Lincecum might not have any of his two Cy Youngs, and Felix Hernandez DEFINITELY wouldnt have his.

You tell me which season statline is more Cy Young worthy:

229.1 IP, 23-5 record, 2.75 ERA, 1.13 WHIP, .211 BAA, 182 Ks
199.1 IP, 20-4 record, 2.26 ERA, 0.92 WHIP, .199 BAA, 239 Ks

You just picked Pedro Martinez's season. 
Good point. Pedro definitely should've won that year. Less than a 2.3 ERA and 240 K's

I'm glad they smartened up for the King.

When Zito first came up to the majors nobody had ever seen anything like his curve before. I'm not saying he has the best curveball ever but I am saying pro ball players were stepping up to the plate and experiencing something they had never ever ever ever seen in a lifetime of hitting baseballs. 

But he only had three pitches back then and two of them were barely big league caliber. Guys started going to the plate knowing he was going to throw the curve 75% of the time and would just sit and wait for the one pitch that looked like bp. 

AL west hitters were the first to figure him out.  Even by his Cy Young season he was only really dominant outside the division. 

Eventually he adds a couple of pitches but like you alluded to he throws 85 and simply put, he's no Jamie Moyer. 

Yeah, that curve is just ridiculous. I'm sure the new-factor helped a lot. It may explain the lack of success in the postseason every year with the A's.

Moyer was the man, trust I don't discount a Seattle Mariner.
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

I came in here to say A-Rod.

I feel that he's just coasting right now and it looks awful. He has this Vince Carter mystique in him I can't explain - they try to make themselves look cool while playing but fails miserably.

and yes, I still respect that both players were once great players...but it's like a day and night comparison right now.

A-Rod is not Vince
 A-Rod became an injury magnet the last two years because of age, he was never as brittle.  And if you look outside of 05-08 he always hit well in the postseason.  I mean the guy missed 25 games last year and ended up with 30/125 and missed about 40 games the year before and hit 30/100.  He's definitely overpaid and the Yanks will start regretting it soon but Vince?  Nah
My problem with Minnesota and the Mauer deal, and I don't know this for sure, but didn't they know that
he wasn't going to be able to catch his entire career with his height and size? They basically knew that
they were going to have to move him to 1st base or have him DH in the future.

I don't know the details or the assumptions that were made about Mauer, but I just always felt the contract
was more of a statement by the club, that they could keep Mauer from going somewhere else, and that he was
from the area and would always appeal to the fans.
I love how we let Vlad go, and traded Napoli... they both haunted us with the Rangers.    Add to that, we got Vernon Wells huge contract in return....  And he probably won't be starting next year with Trout, Bourjos, and Hunter in the OF.. Or possibly moving Trumbo there with Morales returning at 1B, then moving Hunter to DH.  So the Angels are paying $63 mill for a 4th outfielder 
Joe "Hometown Discount" Mauer
Twins FO isn't that bright to begin with. Anyone who thought Mauer would keep up those power numbers was crazy.

Dako, Scioscia forced Napoli out. He would not play him to save his life. Guy loves his defensive minded catchers. That's why Mathis keeps playing with a .125 BA and Napoli got forced out. Even Hank Conger got demoted when he was raking. Mike also loves vets so Wells will be in the OF to start next year and Trout will be back in the minors. I'd be on that.
Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

Originally Posted by hawkflight6

It still amazes me that the Blue Jays were able to trade away Vernon Wells


as a non baseball fan lookin in it seems to me that his could very well be one of the worst overall contracts of all-time
Originally Posted by DoItAllPaul

Arod is the worst by far
I love when people put "by far" after their comments as if it somehow validates their opinions more.  I know he makes a huge salary, but there is absolutely no way he has the worst contract in the Major Leagues, let alone "by far."  He is still an incredibly productive player, in spite of his salary.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Joe "Hometown Discount" Mauer
Twins FO isn't that bright to begin with. Anyone who thought Mauer would keep up those power numbers was crazy.

Dako, Scioscia forced Napoli out. He would not play him to save his life. Guy loves his defensive minded catchers. That's why Mathis keeps playing with a .125 BA and Napoli got forced out. Even Hank Conger got demoted when he was raking. Mike also loves vets so Wells will be in the OF to start next year and Trout will be back in the minors. I'd be on that.

Edit--I came off sounding like a Dbag

Connger had just come off 3 consecutive months where he hit .205, .203 and .105. He was not raking.

As far as the list goes I agree Vernon is the worst contract. The fact that we gave away Npoli makes it worse. The fact that Napoli had his best year every makes it even worse. The fact that Napoli had that season for the Rangers makes it unbearable.
3. Carl Crawford, six years, $128 million
Crawford (.255/.289/.405 in his Boston debut) could rebound. You might even say that he SHOULD rebound. But at the moment, because of the big number tagged to it, this contract surpasses the Zito debacle, the Soriano debacle, the Lackey debacle, even the Dunn debacle. There was something about this deal that bugged me from the start. Oh, don’t misunderstand, I thought Crawford would be a dynamic player for the Red Sox — heck, I named the guy the 26th-best player in baseball in my preseason rankings.

No, what bothered me was that Crawford has always been more EXCITING than GOOD. This is a sports theme I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. Ask yourself this: Which statement is truer?

1. Michael Vick is a great quarterback.
2. Michael Vick is an exciting quarterback.

Both statements might be true. But I would think that the second statement rings truer. I’ve taken some heat from Justin Verlander fans, and I think this point applies to him, too. I think Verlander is a great pitcher. And I think Verlander is an exciting pitcher — all those strikeouts, the 100-mph fastballs in the late innings, the amazing breaking balls, are you kidding? Thrilling. And I think the thrilling part of the equation sometimes puffs up the great part.

Carl Crawford has always been a thrilling player. He hits triples. He steals bases. But we’re talking about a left fielder with a lifetime .333 on-base percentage and a lifetime .441 slugging percentage. I remember when I was going out to buy my first car, they showed me all the extras you could get on a Ford Escort. Sunroof. Leather seats. Automatic locks and windows*. And even then it struck me: No matter how you dress up this car, it’s still a Ford Escort. I don’t think Crawford is a Ford Escort. But his lifetime on-base and slugging percentage match up frighteningly close to those of Aaron Rowand and Eric Hinske. So you could argue that he’s Aaron Rowand with a sunroof.

Really liked this POV.
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