THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Re: the ending,

Initially, I thought: Well, if Nolan doesn't want there to be another Batman in "his universe," the best way to do that is nuke him off the face of the Earth.
There is no teaser at the end of the movie right? Also, bane sounds like meatball from aqua teen hunger force.
It's crazy cause my daughters mom love going to 1st night premiers.

When we dated she would always try to get me to go and I would tell her "Hell no, I aint going in no packed theater so somebody can come shoot it up".

I would get called insensitive and stupid.

She woke me up this morning, to tell me the news.

I hit her with the, "see I told you so".

Havent seen the movie but there were 3am showings sold out here in Houston.
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There is no teaser at the end of the movie right? Also, bane sounds like meatball from aqua teen hunger force.

Nope. Might as well run to the bathroom to empty your bladder since there is nothing to wait for.

Although how nice would it have been if Nolan inserted in the end a Daily Planet newspaper article in the front page of what happened to Gotham and it was written by Clark Kent.
Nope. Might as well run to the bathroom to empty your bladder since there is nothing to wait for.
Although how nice would it have been if Nolan inserted in the end a Daily Planet newspaper article in the front page of what happened to Gotham and it was written by Clark Kent.
^ That would've been great!
Genius! :smokin
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My ratings:
BB: 8/10
TDK: 10/10
TDKR: 9/10

Here is a review that totally puts things into perspective:
"TDKR was absolutely meant to bookend the trilogy with Batman Begins. It felt more like a sequel to Begins while TDK was more of a single episode in Batman's career between the Begins and TDKR. That being said, there are going to be those who say that TDK was the best of the three and this was always doomed to be the worst of the three because of the hype generated after TDK. Give it this though: TDK had the luxury of a pre-established universe and the inevitable promise of a sequel, thus allowing Nolan to flesh out the villans and major characters without having to worry about establishing a world/characters (Begins) or tying up all the major plots and characters (TDKR). You cannot compare TDK to TDKR, they are simply different animals in terms of the trilogy's arc
TL;DR: TDKR should be viewed as the arc-sequel to Begins while TDK is a detour/simply an episode between the two bookends."

Here are my notes from throughout the movie:
  • Tom Hardy was great as Bane. He did a great job with his eyes; Tyra Banks should be proud (wish there were subtitles though).
  • Bane's death was very anti-climatic. I was initially disappointed, but it really his death only emphasizes Batman's values.
  • Best Catwoman evar.
  • Both romantic scenes were forced. Bomb was about to explode...
  • I was initially disappointed about Robin's reveal, but I'm slowly accepting it. John Blake is his mask (hypocrite). I would love to see JGL as the next Batman (not so much Nightwing).
  • Would've loved to see this homage:
  • The Scarecrow courtroom set was glorious, but it also looked out of place at the same time. "Death by exile."
  • When Bats screamed, "WHERE ARE THEY?" I lulled so hard. ()
At the end of the movie what was it that was fixed buy Bruce Wayne for almost 6 months? I couldn't hear or see what they told Morgan Freeman
Is the Superman teaser just in IMAX? Cause I damn sure didn't see it before the regular film started last night. Going to see it again tonight.

I'm really sad that this is the end, still holding out hope that this comes to fruition from I Am Legend:

I didn't like it. It wasn't bad, but it was just kind of disappointing for me. Maybe because I had such high expectations. Why I was kinda disappointed:
It was just so... clunky. It seemed that we were just introduced to Bane and then out of nowhere it went straight to No Man's Land.
The storyline wasn't really original like the first two. It was basically a film adaptation of No Man's Land. Sure, there were elements borrowed from the first two, such as calling for the bats in Batman Begins that was borrowed from Year One, but they didn't have nearly the entire story based off of one story arc. This leads me to my next point: IT WAS BASED ON NO MAN'S LAND, which is one of my least favorite story arcs.
I was expecting the second fight with Bane to be a little bit more... strategic. Meaning, I was hoping Batman finds a different way to beat Bane other than just Catwoman showing up outta nowhere and shooting him with the Batpod.
The whole reveal about her becoming Thalia was kinda underwhelming
I couldn't understand what Bane was saying over half the time.
My ratings:
BB: 8/10
TDK: 10/10
TDKR: 9/10
Here is a review that totally puts things into perspective:
"TDKR was absolutely meant to bookend the trilogy with Batman Begins. It felt more like a sequel to Begins while TDK was more of a single episode in Batman's career between the Begins and TDKR. That being said, there are going to be those who say that TDK was the best of the three and this was always doomed to be the worst of the three because of the hype generated after TDK. Give it this though: TDK had the luxury of a pre-established universe and the inevitable promise of a sequel, thus allowing Nolan to flesh out the villans and major characters without having to worry about establishing a world/characters (Begins) or tying up all the major plots and characters (TDKR). You cannot compare TDK to TDKR, they are simply different animals in terms of the trilogy's arc
TL;DR: TDKR should be viewed as the arc-sequel to Begins while TDK is a detour/simply an episode between the two bookends."
Here are my notes from throughout the movie:
  • Tom Hardy was great as Bane. He did a great job with his eyes; Tyra Banks should be proud (wish there were subtitles though).
  • Bane's death was very anti-climatic. I was initially disappointed, but it really his death only emphasizes Batman's values.
  • Best Catwoman evar.
  • Both romantic scenes were forced. Bomb was about to explode...
  • I was initially disappointed about Robin's reveal, but I'm slowly accepting it. John Blake is his mask (hypocrite). I would love to see JGL as the next Batman (not so much Nightwing).
  • Would've loved to see this homage:
  • The Scarecrow courtroom set was glorious, but it also looked out of place at the same time. "Death by exile."
  • When Bats screamed, "WHERE ARE THEY?" I lulled so hard. ()

Pretty much nailed on why TDK is going to be difficult to compate with TDKR. Again, my hunch is that Nolan might've had a different story for thought up for TDKR had Heath not died. My assumption still comes from the fact that (besides Scarecrow), the Joker is the only other villain never to die. So I would think that Heath would've played a part in TDKR if he did not met his untimely demise.
Movie was really, really good but not better than TDK and might not be as watchable as the Avengers (completely different movie, I know, but TDKR is just not fun). The film is 2 hours and 45minutes and they packed a lot in the film but it still felt rushed. I really wouldn't have minded another 20-25 extra more minutes to flesh it out and time it better.
Banes voice is somewhat hard to take seriously, it really reminded me of someone with helium and I couldn't get used to it throughout the film. Maybe after a few more showing I would and that would actually help as some of the things he said wasn't very clear. I feel like they could have edited and cleaned it up some more.
Anne as Catwoman was great, she really could act. Hardy did great as Bane as well, his eyes just conveyed so much. Also probably Bales best performance in the trilogy? That is debatable but he played the part well.
Action was great, started somewhat slow but the action picked up. In comparison to the Avengers, it felt like it needed more but overall it had the best action of the trilogy. I just can't say it is better than TDK but it is up there.
Nolan did a good job ending the trilogy but he could have done it better. Still a very good film and sadly that shooting will destroy any chance of it beating the Avengers (I know a douche thing to even mention but it is true).
The film was a bit predictable. What I really loved about TDK was that the Joker was simply always one step ahead of Bats and you never knew what was going to happen. In this one, even though I didn't want to believe it but Talia was predictable and Blake being the next Bats -was Robin?- was also a dead giveaway throughout the film (being an orphan, hesitant to kill, Bats telling him that he should wear a mask, etc...). Although it never really felt like Blake would make a good Bats outside of the same morals he believed in.
Banes/Talias plot was good and I guess you can say it's good that it all comes in circles but I wish there was more to it than just rehashing Ra's plan. A different way to destroy Gotham but for practically the same reasons. After the Joker and his plans in TDK, this one simply pales in comparison.
The film did feel a bit forced at times, like Nolan wanted to satisfy every fan boys dream like including Talia, adding Robin and making him the next Bats, Batplane, breaking his back, etc...
I like the touch of Killian in there being back, if Heath was alive I am sure he would have a cameo in this film too.

That spoiler sums up my feelings about this movie
A Talia was revealed was I the only one that got excited cause I could see Damian in the future...
Movie was good not great but better than anything else this summer.
Ahhh I think I could do without a Robin film. Especially if it's just him, but I doubt they'll do that.
Nolan should do a Teen Titans movie if he wants to do anything with Robin :lol:
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