THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Just curious, what movie this year is better than TDKR or what movie are you anticipating is going to be better than TDKR?  And what poor casting choices did you notice in the movie?
I wrote out a response, but the board had some technical difficulties and erased!

Anyways, movies:

Beasts of the Southern Wild, Jiro Dreams of Sushi, The Raid, to name a few..

Poor casting: Marion Cotillard (her final scene should be evident of that) and maybe it wasn't so much the casting as the writing. How do you make Gary Oldman look like a bad actor?!
Was a little disappointed in how Bane died...

Loved this movie. I'm sure it's been asked and answered, but how many of you liked it more than TDK? I certainly did.
Just watched the movie, was disappointed that they never explained how Bane eats food. :smh: There's no way a big man like him can stay thick throughout the movie without eating, no bromo.

Also would like to know how Batman pisses and takes a dump in that suit. :nerd:
Was a little disappointed in how Bane died...
Loved this movie. I'm sure it's been asked and answered, but how many of you liked it more than TDK? I certainly did.
I liked it better than TDK. TDK was great but it felt way too long. It turned into two movies in one once Dent turned into two-face
Bane wasnt born in the Pit tho. Ras was a young mercenary when Talia was born. Lets say mid 20's to 30. He was around 50 ish in BB, and 8-10 years later TDKR starts. So just going by that we can make Talia 30-35. If TDKR took place 15 years after she escaped, that would mean Bruce was in the league of shadows around the same time Bane and Talia were there, he wasnt tho. Bane and talia had to have splintered off a few years before Ras found Bruce.
As for Bane, he was clearly played by Tom hardy when he was in the pit. They showed his face. So now your saying that Tom Hardy is supposed to be playing a 13 year old. Nah. To me, he was at least 20 when she escaped.
Bane was just a more experienced, battle hardened foe, who was Just better than Batman. Just like how Ras at 50 ish, still put up a decent challenge to a 30 year old Bruce
so basically
Bane- 50

Bane @ 50? No way.

Tom Hardy played himself in the flashabck yes but that's fine becasue we never see his face so no aging is necessary. Not saying he was born in the pit but I'm saying he was thrown in young, when he was 16 maybe younger as his memories are all of being in the pit. throughout that time after Talia was born, he grew affections for her for a couple of years because maybe compared to all the other men in there they were closer in age to each other. As I said I'll put Talia at 14 when she escapes and Bane at 18. The LOS returns to rescue them and they go off to train.

Let's make it 16 years from Talia's escape and the events of TDKR. Take away 9 years for BB-TDKR. That leaves a 7 year gap between her escape and BB. That's the time where Talia and Bane train w/the LOS. Remember Bane is ex-communicated but not after he has already trained and trained well. let's say they train for 5 years then Ras say beat it Bane, that would make Talia 19 at the time of his ex-communication, perfect age for her to rebel and hate her father. For 2 years Ras has no contact with her thus he "lost" his family. Enter BB and Ras' death then Talia finding out about it when she's 21, then she begins putting her slow knife plan in motion for 9 years till she finally strikes when she's 30.

So in that scenario:

Batman/Bruce - 39
Talia - 30
Bane - 34

I don't think Nolan and Goyer were looking at current MMA fighters such as Hershel Walker when developing Bane. There goal was to show that even tho Bane was younger and stronger than Batman, Batman's desire to save Gotham gives him the strength to not only escape the Pit but also defeat Bane even as an older man. The Bane/Batman confrontation although taken from Knightfall closely resembles more the story in Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns where an even older Batman beats the stronger younger mutant gang leader after being beat the first time. Sure you can say that Ras was 50ish and still took it to Bruce but kung-Fu masters are old as fuuuuu and can kick *** doesn't mean it'll play out right in this scenario tho.
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Bane @ 50? No way.
Tom Hardy played himself in the flashabck yes but that's fine becasue we never see his face so no aging is necessary. Not saying he was born in the pit but I'm saying he was thrown in young, when he was 16 maybe younger as his memories are all of being in the pit. throughout that time after Talia was born, he grew affections for her for a couple of years because maybe compared to all the other men in there they were closer in age to each other. As I said I'll put Talia at 14 when she escapes and Bane at 18. The LOS returns to rescue them and they go off to train.
Let's make it 16 years from Talia's escape and the events of TDKR. Take away 9 years for BB-TDKR. That leaves a 7 year gap between her escape and BB. That's the time where Talia and Bane train w/the LOS. Remember Bane is ex-communicated but not after he has already trained and trained well. let's say they train for 5 years then Ras say beat it Bane, that would make Talia 19 at the time of his ex-communication, perfect age for her to rebel and hate her father. For 2 years Ras has no contact with her thus he "lost" his family. Enter BB and Ras' death then Talia finding out about it when she's 21, then she begins putting her slow knife plan in motion for 9 years till she finally strikes when she's 30.
So in that scenario:
Batman/Bruce - 39
Talia - 30
Bane - 34
I don't think Nolan and Goyer were looking at current MMA fighters such as Hershel Walker when developing Bane. There goal was to show that even tho Bane was younger and stronger than Batman, Batman's desire to save Gotham gives him the strength to not only escape the Pit but also defeat Bane even as an older man. The Bane/Batman confrontation although taken from Knightfall closely resembles more the story in Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns where an even older Batman beats the stronger younger mutant gang leader after being beat the first time. Sure you can say that Ras was 50ish and still took it to Bruce but kung-Fu masters are old as fuuuuu and can kick *** doesn't mean it'll play out right in this scenario tho.

Did we not watch the same movie? It was a 6 ish year old kid who escaped. not a teenager. Ras wasnt old when he knocked up the chick. he was fairly young. The bane character was the size of an adult make while in the pit. We even see him and the doctor in the flashbacks when Talia is a baby.This all happened. Also dont you think itd be weird that Ras got to become the leader of the League of Shadows within 10 years? Awfully fast. Makes more sense that he was in the organization for alot longer than that.

I dont know why its so hard to believe that Bane is an lder gentleman. Ras was old too and still kicking ***. and the reason why bane won wasnt because of age, but 1, Bats just came off an 8 year hiatus, and also Bane had size and speed and his body was battle hardened to the point where Bruce's punches werent gonna do squat
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Nolan was being pressured to have Riddler as the TDKR villain, good thing he stood his ground on Bane.

Dixon (Bane's co-creator in the comics) was much more happy with the way Nolan and Tom Hardy handled the character.

"Apparently, Warner Bros. was pressuring Nolan to use the Riddler, which would have been too similar to the Joker," Dixon continued. "Plus, the Riddler, like the Joker and so many of Batman's villains, is no challenge against him in a mano-a-mano fistfight. Batman will wipe the floor with him in that situation.

“I am beyond glad that Nolan had the juice in Hollywood to stick to his guns," he added. "From interviews I've seen, it's clear he understands the character and he gets what we were going for. It's not exactly what I created, but he's physically imposing and Tom Hardy is one hell of an actor. I can't imagine Bane being better portrayed."

Also, Anne is considering a Catwoman spin-off, which I really wouldn't mind seeing if done right. I found the the Year One Catwoman pretty interesting and somewhat similar to Annes version in TDKR, I wouldn't mind seeing that exploration with a cameo from Hardy's Bane since they implied in the film that they had a past.

In an interview with Digital Spy, the conversation went in that direction and Hathaway was very enthusiastic about the idea.

"I think it would be lovely to see more of her but only if it's with the right people," Hathaway said. "She lives in this Gotham City and so it would have to be established by the people who have made this Gotham City. For me, at least."
Nolan was being pressured to have Riddler as the TDKR villain, good thing he stood his ground on Bane.
Also, Anne is considering a Catwoman spin-off, which I really wouldn't mind seeing if done right. I found the the Year One Catwoman pretty interesting and somewhat similar to Annes version in TDKR, I wouldn't mind seeing that exploration with a cameo from Hardy's Bane since they implied in the film that they had a past.

I'm down for a Catwoman spin-off flick. I think it fit's perfectly with Nolan's noir styled "Gotham "universe". Hell, I'd be okay with a Bane solo too :smokin.
Did we not watch the same movie? It was a 6 ish year old kid who escaped. not a teenager. Ras wasnt old when he knocked up the chick. he was fairly young. The bane character was the size of an adult make while in the pit. We even see him and the doctor in the flashbacks when Talia is a baby.This all happened. Also dont you think itd be weird that Ras got to become the leader of the League of Shadows within 10 years? Awfully fast. Makes more sense that he was in the organization for alot longer than that.
I dont know why its so hard to believe that Bane is an lder gentleman. Ras was old too and still kicking ***. and the reason why bane won wasnt because of age, but 1, Bats just came off an 8 year hiatus, and also Bane had size and speed and his body was battle hardened to the point where Bruce's punches werent gonna do squat

My point was you're trying to put too much of a real world logistics on the scenario in the movie. As I stated because Talia was born in the pit, her conditions weren't the most ideal to develop properly. Take children in Africa for example. I'm sure there are many boys and girls who are between 12-14 that are underdeveloped by the conditions they live in and don't look their age. Just because the actress apeared to be 8-9 doesn't necessarilly mean it's an accurate representation of the age the character is suppsed to be. Look at Andrew Garfield almost 30 playing a 16-17 y.o. high school peter parker. Take the actor aspect out and let the comic book aspect in.

Nolan took many inspirations from a variety of comic book sources and incorporated them in to all the films. Using Bane as a main villain finally gives Batman a physical adversary. Taking Venom away removes a bit of who he is but makes it more real world and not gimmicky. Making Batman older and worn down and pitting him against a younger/stronger foe makes you cheer more for The Batman and justifies the non-existense of Venom.

Remember the LOS came to rescue Bane, meaning all the time Talia grew up in the Pit, Ras spent with the LOS. If you want to say he can't be the leader of LOS w/in 10 years, if Talia was only 6-8 when she escaped he had enough juice as a non leader to use the LOS to exact revenge? I'd put Ras at about 28 when he impregnates his wife, 14 y.o. daughter makes him 42 when they meet, add the 7 years in between Talia's escape and BB makes him 49/50 for When he meets Bruce.

I'm not saying you're wrong as this would be a feasible scenario in another type of movie. But this is Batman, a movie based on a comic book. Comic book elements and reasoning are incorporated. Do me a favor and pick up or d/l The Dark Knight Returns and read through the parts were Batman fights the mutant leader. You'll notice a big similarity between that and the Bane/Batman fights in Rises as well as in some of the dialogue that Alfred says to Bruce about Bane.
To dull the constant pain he is in following his injuries
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Good analysis that might answer some of your questions on the ending...

So the ending went like this...

Batman used the Bat to take the nuclear bomb out to sea to let it explode there so he could save Gotham City. Which would make people think he died but in reality he didn't because that one scientist told Lucious Fox that Bruce Wayne fixed the Bat himself 6 months ago so that's how the Auto-Pilot thing worked. Then we see James Gordon looking surprised because while the city was now hailing Batman as a hero by building him a statue, there was no purpose to owning a bat signal if there is no Batman to come. By leaving John Blake the coordinates to the Batcave and restoring the bat-signal, he was gesturing to Gordon that if ever the city needs Batman, he'll be there. It's obvious that he's looking around for Batman after finding it restored. We also see before hand ...Alfred, James Gordon, Fox & Blake at his burial an Alfred starts crying and saying that he failed bruce's parents in which in he didn't which he later found out.

Later on we see they left something for Alfred when they're dividing up Bruce Wayne's assets, they note that Martha Wayne's pearl necklace is missing. If you recall, there's a tracking device on it. I've read that it's implied that Alfred followed the transmission, leading him to that cafe in Italy. Only then he notices Bruce along with Selina Kyle at a table an gives him the head nod as if the image he had in his head from earlier in the movie were true because bruce came thru in the end an saved everything himself. Though to the public eye bruce was dead and so was batman until Gotham needed him again. Funny thing is most people forgot the device he gave to her to wipe her identity and crime records from the system entirely so nobody would know about her anymore.

Finally in the end we see Blake in the bat cave trying to figure that place out only then he steps on the platform which indicates... "The Dark Knight Rises".

If people ask you why or how can James Blake become batman himself without training ...the answer is simple an it came from when Ra's Al Ghul said this to Bruce in the Batman Begins movie....""The training is nothing, the will is everything. The will to act."
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this might be trivial, but did anyone else find the IMAX version a little annoying? The full screen to wide screen to full screen during the same scenes?
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