THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Upon seeing it a second time I have questions. I'm sorry if these points have already been touched on.
1. If one is building an underground army with fully automatic weapons, why do you send the whole entire police force into the sewer after them? They were supposed to call in the military at that point.
2. Didn't Miranda Tate say she wanted revenge on her father for exiling Bane? So why would she want to continue his legacy by blowing up Gotham City?
3. I still don't really understand how Blake figured out Bruce Wayne was Batman. He just figured it out? How? What led him to that conclusion? The look on his face? Show your work.
4. If Bane killed Dr. Whatshisface for being the only person that was capable of disarming the bomb, why did he kill Lucious?

Unfortunately there were a lot of questions that just don't make sense. I a with you on Miranda. Her motivations don't seem strong whatsoever

Also know we don't even know bane's true origin because it was given to Miranda Tate.

It's a great movie. But uncharacteristicaly sloppy for Nolan.
Catwomen should of gotten more screen time than Johnd1ckgraysontimdrakerobinblake

nothing against JGL
Upon seeing it a second time I have questions. I'm sorry if these points have already been touched on.
1. If one is building an underground army with fully automatic weapons, why do you send the whole entire police force into the sewer after them? They were supposed to call in the military at that point.

2. Didn't Miranda Tate say she wanted revenge on her father for exiling Bane? So why would she want to continue his legacy by blowing up Gotham City?

3. I still don't really understand how Blake figured out Bruce Wayne was Batman. He just figured it out? How? What led him to that conclusion? The look on his face? Show your work.

4. If Bane killed Dr. Whatshisface for being the only person that was capable of disarming the bomb, why did he kill Lucious?

1. I haven't seen the film the second time but did they know they had automatic weapons in there? For all they know it's a little force and they sent out 3,000 police officers? I think at that point they think they could just handle it themselves. Plus the streets have been relatively crime free ever since the Dent act 8 years ago, the cops may have been too over confident.

2. I believe Tate/Talia wants to prove that she is better than her dad, that she could do what he couldn't. At the same time, she is also mad at Bruce for killing her dad and wants him to suffer/watch Gotham get destroyed so it is kind of like killing two birds with one stone.

3. He just said that they were both orphans and both their parents were killed by thugs so he would do the same thing. Plus he is one of the people who noticed that Bruce went into isolation the same time that Batman disappeared. Remember he was the one questioning what happened between him and Dent? He was asking Gordon about it.

4. Did you mean why he didn't kill Luscious? Fox can't disarm it so no need to kill him.
I can see her wanting to one up Ra's. But is that said in her speed or even alluded to? I don't remember
For me it is hard to pick which of the three films is my favorite because they are all different and have certain aspects which I enjoyed. That is how a trilogy should be. Props to Christopher Nolan. I am considering seeing it a third time this time in IMAX.
RFX45 every lil detail cant be explained bro, in a movie with this many moving parts there are bound to be a few loose ends.

Since were nitpicking, i found it a bit weak of Bane to not leave a few goons in the prison with bruce so he cant just climb out. And he put him in a prison with a chiropractor for a cellie, that seems like a bit of a coincidence.
RFX45 every lil detail cant be explained bro, in a movie with this many moving parts there are bound to be a few loose ends.
Since were nitpicking, i found it a bit weak of Bane to not leave a few goons in the prison with bruce so he cant just climb out. And he put him in a prison with a chiropractor for a cellie, that seems like a bit of a coincidence.

It only happened once in the hundreds of years that prison. Hell, Bane didn't do so he had every right to think it was impossible. And the prison medic(he definitely wasn't a chiropractor) was a morphine addict that was blind in one eye, he wasn't going to help too much.
I believe it broke the record for all non-3D movies. It is third overall behind Avengers and Harry Potter DH2 which were both 3D movies.
RFX45 every lil detail cant be explained bro, in a movie with this many moving parts there are bound to be a few loose ends.

Since were nitpicking, i found it a bit weak of Bane to not leave a few goons in the prison with bruce so he cant just climb out. And he put him in a prison with a chiropractor for a cellie, that seems like a bit of a coincidence.

If we can nitpick for loose ends, then we should be able to reach for answers. I try to make sense of it all but that might not work for everyone and we just go from there. Again, some stuff we just have to imagine or put our own conclusion into.

And as stated, Bane didn't need to put any goons to guard Bruce, his back is broken and he likely didn't think he would get help or even recover in time. Plus that doctor isn't really in the same cell as him, as you can see anyone can enter and leave the cells. I believe that doctor is the pits doctor who helps everyone who may be sick or are injured.

Plus I believe Bane put Bruce in his own cell so the doctor who helped him with his mask (?) that was next to his cell (the blind guy or I think he was blind) was already there. Again, if I broke someones back, I probably wouldn't expect him to recover quick enough. And remember Banes reaction upon seeing Bats fire signal in the bridge? He simply said, "impossible!" so obviously he didn't think Bats could come back from that injury at all.
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It only happened once in the hundreds of years that prison. Hell, Bane didn't do so he had every right to think it was impossible. And the prison medic(he definitely wasn't a chiropractor) was a morphine addict that was blind in one eye, he wasn't going to help too much.

That jump is still kind of corny to me.

But by not putting guards down there. That gave Wayne HOPE. Which was what Bane wanted to do.

The more hope you get, the worse things feel when you fail. Spoken like a true Knicks fan haha. But it's very true bane was right about that

Bane put him down there to make him watch Gotham crumble and then detonate a bomb. So putting him there with no giauards gave Wayne even more hope that Bane thought he would end in disappointment
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That jump is still kind of corny to me.

Meh..but its still a movie doe, bro. They still reserve the right the bend reality a little bit. I would've thought the fall would have killed, if not crippled a person. Rope or no rope, especially someone who just slipped a disc. This man's rehab was being hung by a rope and punched in the back. :lol:
That jump is still kind of corny to me.
But by not putting guards down there. That gave Wayne HOPE. Which was what Bane wanted to do.
The more hope you get, the worse things feel when you fail. Spoken like a true Knicks fan haha. But it's very true bane was right about that
Bane put him down there to make him watch Gotham crumble and then detonate a bomb. So putting him there with no giauards gave Wayne even more hope that Bane thought he would end in disappointment

`For the record, i loved this movie.

But cmon, these villains come up with some seriously complex plans and they didnt think to account for the slight chance bats would make it out that pit. Yes i figured the hope angle would be brought up but still they had too much at stake not to make sure he stayed outta commission. This aint some regular dude they dropped in there this is Batman were talkin about here.

Thats the same setup they used in the 60's tv show, capture batman and robin then leave them UNATTENDED in an ridiculous trap only to have him and robin escape in time to foil their plans.

Again, this movie was the $#!@ abd the prison scene didnt bother me at all but since were nitpicking imo i decided to join in the fun.
My point was you're trying to put too much of a real world logistics on the scenario in the movie. As I stated because Talia was born in the pit, her conditions weren't the most ideal to develop properly. Take children in Africa for example. I'm sure there are many boys and girls who are between 12-14 that are underdeveloped by the conditions they live in and don't look their age. Just because the actress apeared to be 8-9 doesn't necessarilly mean it's an accurate representation of the age the character is suppsed to be. Look at Andrew Garfield almost 30 playing a 16-17 y.o. high school peter parker. Take the actor aspect out and let the comic book aspect in.
Nolan took many inspirations from a variety of comic book sources and incorporated them in to all the films. Using Bane as a main villain finally gives Batman a physical adversary. Taking Venom away removes a bit of who he is but makes it more real world and not gimmicky. Making Batman older and worn down and pitting him against a younger/stronger foe makes you cheer more for The Batman and justifies the non-existense of Venom.
Remember the LOS came to rescue Bane, meaning all the time Talia grew up in the Pit, Ras spent with the LOS. If you want to say he can't be the leader of LOS w/in 10 years, if Talia was only 6-8 when she escaped he had enough juice as a non leader to use the LOS to exact revenge? I'd put Ras at about 28 when he impregnates his wife, 14 y.o. daughter makes him 42 when they meet, add the 7 years in between Talia's escape and BB makes him 49/50 for When he meets Bruce.
I'm not saying you're wrong as this would be a feasible scenario in another type of movie. But this is Batman, a movie based on a comic book. Comic book elements and reasoning are incorporated. Do me a favor and pick up or d/l The Dark Knight Returns and read through the parts were Batman fights the mutant leader. You'll notice a big similarity between that and the Bane/Batman fights in Rises as well as in some of the dialogue that Alfred says to Bruce about Bane.

its no point in talking to you anymore dude. Your using the " its a comic book adaptation" as proof of something that we all know isnt true. Kids in africa? come on dude. your reaching. Your going against everything that was told and shown ( Nolan films a young girl in the pit. but for you," Nah, shes just supposed to be a malnourisshed 16 year old") in the movie to prove some dumb point, because it irks you that Bane was old
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`For the record, i loved this movie.

But cmon, these villains come up with some seriously complex plans and they didnt think to account for the slight chance bats would make it out that pit. Yes i figured the hope angle would be brought up but still they had too much at stake not to make sure he stayed outta commission. This aint some regular dude they dropped in there this is Batman were talkin about here.

Thats the same setup they used in the 60's tv show, capture batman and robin then leave them UNATTENDED in an ridiculous trap only to have him and robin escape in time to foil their plans.

Again, this movie was the $#!@ abd the prison scene didnt bother me at all but since were nitpicking imo i decided to join in the fun.

Not arguing with you but really if the villain/bad guy simply shot the hero/good guy in the head on the get go then there would be no movie to be made. :rofl:

People just get way too technical sometimes but sometimes it is fun to read what people come up with to pick on a movie. :lol:
Like I've said before... SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF folks. This is a movie (about a fictional story)... why nitpick specific facts? If I'd like to watch something that is super duper real... I'd go and watch some documentary instead. Again there is no point in debating facts, just sit back enjoy the film. Finding plot holes and stuff would just hinder your enjoyment of the film.
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