THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

BB=rookie jordan

TDK=prime jordan

TDKR=wizard jordan
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Blu-ray trilogy will be copped without a hesitation

Same goes for me.

As for all the "Will it top The Avengers?" talk, I think it has to come to an end. Both are great "comic book/superhero (whichever ya'll prefer)" adaptations, but that's where the comparisons end. Both are geared towards different demographics (Avengers tend to cater more to the general audience as TDKR and the whole trilogy itself is targeted more to adults) and made use of 2 different techniques (3D/IMAX) so there would surely be discrepancies with regards to total profit.

When I saw The Avengers, it brought out the kid in me again. Seeing all those superheroes in that magnitude was awesome. But as for the who DK trilogy, it made me understand in a more complex way what my favorite superhero is... a troubled man trying to make sens of the troublesome world around him. In hindsight, what makes Batman a superhero for me ain't about the gadgets and the detective skills, his super power is staying true to his credo... and making sure he stays the path. And we all know how difficult it is to do so. That's what makes him a very complex character, and that's why he's always top 3 when it comes to superheroes.

As for Anne, I'm thinking of having that free poster I got of her from the screening framed. I could finally move on from those Michelle Pfeiffer nights after 20 years... :lol:
Saw this last night with some of my boys. They packed so much into this movie and the hours flew by. I almost want a longer directors cut with more Bane and Catwoman scenes.
saw it on friday. i didnt even know that it was bane cause im used to bane being this huge brolic dude but people like that dont exist in real life. anyways it was a good movie. you can figure out that the cop was robin from the get go. and that batman wouldnt die. i would like to see a batman and robin movie next, right where this one left off
Saw this in IMAX Saturday morning, and wow. I'm still on the Batman high... :lol:

It was so emotional. Michael Caine was on a different level. His acting was so real, so believable.
they need to NOT RELEASE any more Nolan batman films.
give it a rest for a few years. and then DON't DO ANOTHER
origin story when they do release a film.

A side mission would be cool. We don't need the next film
to be a sequel to this or anything.
they need to NOT RELEASE any more Nolan batman films.
give it a rest for a few years. and then DON't DO ANOTHER
origin story when they do release a film.
A side mission would be cool. We don't need the next film
to be a sequel to this or anything.

As much as we would love for that to happen, I highly doubt WB goes that route. Batman is WB's cash cow and they won't allow the franchise to be dormant for too long. There's been rumors that they're already setting up the next incarnation of the franchise so we might be seeing another Bat film in the next 4-5 years.

As for Hardy's inspiration for Bane's accent, I've read somewhere online that he based it off of a legendary bare knuckle fighter named Bartley Gorman.
Batman was created as a symbol to inspire good in a corrupt city backed by mobsters, crooked cops, and crazy villains. He didn't put on the suit as his day job that needed to be done day after day until the end of time; he put on the suit to teach others that they can stand up to evil and that they shouldn't be afraid to become heroes.

John Blake is there to symbolize that Bruce succeeded at planting this idea. He's not there to plant seeds for the continuation of the story or franchise.

Gotham now has a hero that is willing to protect it if they need it. It doesn't matter if he's donning the same suit, putting on a Robin one, becoming Robin with Bruce coming back, etc. It just matters that he's doing something.

Naming him Robin is more of a nod than anything. It doesn't mean he would be the same Robin as in the comics.

All that matters is that he's willing to fight injustice the same way that Batman did.

A fourth film would just cheapen the message.
Batman was created as a symbol to inspire good in a corrupt city backed by mobsters, crooked cops, and crazy villains. He didn't put on the suit as his day job that needed to be done day after day until the end of time; he put on the suit to teach others that they can stand up to evil and that they shouldn't be afraid to become heroes.
John Blake is there to symbolize that Bruce succeeded at planting this idea. He's not there to plant seeds for the continuation of the story or franchise.
Gotham now has a hero that is willing to protect it if they need it. It doesn't matter if he's donning the same suit, putting on a Robin one, becoming Robin with Bruce coming back, etc. It just matters that he's doing something.
Naming him Robin is more of a nod than anything. It doesn't mean he would be the same Robin as in the comics.
All that matters is that he's willing to fight injustice the same way that Batman did.
A fourth film would just cheapen the message.

Great points. Also, in TDK Bruce was already ready to hang up the cape is Harvy Dent was going to become the "hero" Gotham had been needing.

Bruce was definitely looking to inspire an uprising in Gotham. Not just doing the same thing night in and night out, he wanted to inspire others to take the responsibility of making a change as well.
Batman was created as a symbol to inspire good in a corrupt city backed by mobsters, crooked cops, and crazy villains. He didn't put on the suit as his day job that needed to be done day after day until the end of time; he put on the suit to teach others that they can stand up to evil and that they shouldn't be afraid to become heroes.
John Blake is there to symbolize that Bruce succeeded at planting this idea. He's not there to plant seeds for the continuation of the story or franchise.
Gotham now has a hero that is willing to protect it if they need it. It doesn't matter if he's donning the same suit, putting on a Robin one, becoming Robin with Bruce coming back, etc. It just matters that he's doing something.
Naming him Robin is more of a nod than anything. It doesn't mean he would be the same Robin as in the comics.
All that matters is that he's willing to fight injustice the same way that Batman did.
A fourth film would just cheapen the message.

Couldn't have said it any better. It was Nolan's message all along since Begins.

Totally agree with you that calling JGL "Robin" was more of a fan service than anything else.
Great points. Also, in TDK Bruce was already ready to hang up the cape is Harvy Dent was going to become the "hero" Gotham had been needing.
Bruce was definitely looking to inspire an uprising in Gotham. Not just doing the same thing night in and night out, he wanted to inspire others to take the responsibility of making a change as well.

Great point.

The John Blake/Robin character is what Harvey Dent was supposed to be until the Joker came along and corrupted him.
saw it on friday. i didnt even know that it was bane cause im used to bane being this huge brolic dude but people like that dont exist in real life. anyways it was a good movie. you can figure out that the cop was robin from the get go. and that batman wouldnt die. i would like to see a batman and robin movie next, right where this one left off

:lol: man what? How could you go into this movie not knowing that was Bane
saw it on friday. i didnt even know that it was bane cause im used to bane being this huge brolic dude but people like that dont exist in real life. anyways it was a good movie. you can figure out that the cop was robin from the get go. and that batman wouldnt die. i would like to see a batman and robin movie next, right where this one left off

Not everyone who is going to see this movie are die-hard fans looking to ruin the whole expirence by snooping for all the info possible on the internet.

Don't feel bad Troy, I'm just not figuring out who Tom Hardy is. Its Handsome Bob! Dudes gotten HUGE!!
Just watched the movie, was disappointed that they never explained how Bane eats food. :smh: There's no way a big man like him can stay thick throughout the movie without eating, no bromo.
I guess I'm in the minority here, but I wasn't too happy with TDKR. It was a good movie, certainly not a great one. Not nearly the best movie of the year, which is disappointing considering it was primed to be the best of the last 5 and the next 5. I'd say it's one of Christopher Nolan's weakest pieces to date, uncharacteristically formulaic, and even more unusual for him, poor casting choices.  Too many surprises blown over years of sneak previews, teasers, and viral. Bane was an okay villain but he came from nowhere and went nowhere. Maybe I am getting older and have seen everything done and re-done; all is cyclical.  I can see that if I were 15, TDKR would be considered "epic."
Just curious, what movie this year is better than TDKR or what movie are you anticipating is going to be better than TDKR?  And what poor casting choices did you notice in the movie?
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