THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Maybe I missed something but why were the prisoners willing to help Bruce escape while Talia had Bane to protect her?
She was a woman, probably the only chance at sexual intercourse they'd ever get even if it was from a child.. Its presumed they had raped and murdered her mother.

Had no idea her rack was so big

Its not. Like Nolan made Bane look big, so did he with Cotillard's rack.
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Who knows, maybe if Bruce had longer hair they would've tried to prevent him from leaving too.
Maybe I missed something but why were the prisoners willing to help Bruce escape while Talia had Bane to protect her?
Talia was a female. They were waiting for her to hit puberty. They already did horrific stuff to her mother :x.

You really think prisoners holed up, literally, in a hell on earth cared about smanging under-age yambs?... :lol:

The way I saw it, Talia's gender had been kept a secret up until the moments before the riot that saw her escape with the help of Bane. Had the prisoners known she was female, they would've claimed her from the get-go. Remember, this place is "hell-on-earth", as such, we can conclude that morality wasn't a chief concern of most of these dudes.

Why do you think her hair had been shaved (and we can assume had always been shaved)? Likely to help her look the part of a boy. Also, remember that upon telling Bats of her real history, Talia reveals that the name "Talia" (feminine name) wasn't given to her until right before her moms death, and the only reason why she was still alive was due to her protector Bane. In effect, Bane is her protector because he protects her secret, that of her gender, which doubles as her "innocence"--in masculine dominated societies, female chastity is reinforced notions of innocence and purity. She is the embodiment of hope for him.

To be honest, I think the riot that led to Bane's disfigurement likely stems from the possibility that somehow someway, Talia's true identity--her gendered identity--became known to the inhabitants of the prison (perhaps she has her first period, like you stated?); and Bane was probably jumped/assaulted as vengeance for letting the yambs escape, and for probably having kept it all to himself all those years (not that he did "anything" with it) ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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The Best Easter Eggs From The Dark Knight Trilogy
discussion74 Comments published: 2012-07-26 15:16:41 Author: Eric Eisenberg
One of the greatest things about Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy is that it’s clear that the director is a real Batman fan. Over the course of his three films, Nolan paid tribute to some of the greatest Caped Crusader stories ever written, including Alan Moore’s “The Killing Joke,” Frank Miller’s “Batman: Year One,” Joseph Loeb and Tim Sale’s “The Long Halloween” and, most recently, Doug Moench and Chuck Dixon’s “Knightfall.” But for obvious reasons the filmmaker wasn’t able to stick the entirety of the Batman universe into the series, so he did the next best thing: he littered his movies with easter eggs.

Below I have plucked out seven of my favorite bonuses that Nolan left for fans in his movies, including hints about characters like Mr. Freeze, Killer Croc, Victor Zsasz and more. Check out my detailed descriptions below – which come with how the hints connect to the comic book world – and then join us in the comments afterward to talk about more great treats from The Dark Knight Trilogy.

Victor Zsasz
Zsasz is one of Batman’s most horrifying villains. The man is a dangerous serial killer who is best known for carving a tally mark into his skin whenever he takes another victim. While we never actually get to see Zsasz in action – which is probably a good thing – he is still very much part of The Dark Knight Trilogy. In Nolan’s Batman Begins, we first see the murderer as he is sentenced to a term in Arkham Asylum, as he was working as one of Carmine Falcone’s thugs, but that’s not the last we see of him. When Ra’s al Ghul frees all of the prisoners from Arkham later in the film, Zsasz can be seen exiting his cell and turning his head down the hallway to see if anyone is going to stop him from escaping. While the character is never named, if you look closely at the prisoner’s neck in the latter scene you can clearly see tally marks on his neck, indicating that he’s killed at least 15 people. Creepy.

Towards the end of Batman Begins, Bruce Wayne has found himself in a very desperate situation. He has learned that not only is Ra’s al Ghul still alive, but that the League of Shadows leader has made his way to Gotham with the intention of tearing the city apart – but first thing’s first, he needs to get all of the people out of Wayne Manor. And the best way to do that? By giving an insulting, drunken speech, of course! First accusing all of the socialites in the room of coming with the intention of drinking all of the host’s booze, Bruce uses a very particular insult towards the crowd, calling them all “two-faced friends.” This, of course, would eventually be seen as a hint by Nolan that he would be using the legendary Harvey Dent as a villain in the sequel.

But that’s not the only fun easter egg in Nolan’s trilogy about Two-Face. In an early scene in The Dark Knight, Harvey Dent is questioning a witness about the crimes of Sal Maroni and suddenly finds himself staring down the barrel of a gun that, fortunately, misfires. This was Nolan’s fun little way of playing with Two-Face’s origin story from the comics, where Dent was horribly scarred when Maroni, while sitting on the bench, threw a bottle of acid into the district attorney’s face. The director would give the villain a new origin later in the movie, but this was a nice little gift for the long-time readers.

Much like the Two-Face easter egg in Batman Begins, the Catwoman easter egg in The Dark Knight was interpreted by fans as being an indication that the character would turn up in the sequel, and boy were they right. The hidden gem comes when Bruce Wayne is meeting up with Lucius Fox for the first time in the sequel and asks about what improvements can be made to the suit following a vicious dog attack. While the armored suit may not stand up against Rottweilers, Fox tells him that he can be sure that it, “Should do fine against cats.” As many predicted, this did end up being foreshadowing for the finale of the trilogy, as Selina Kyle would arrive in Gotham for the battle against Bane in The Dark Knight Rises.

Mr. Freeze
It would have been really hard for Christopher Nolan to place a villain like Mr. Freeze into his Dark Knight Rises trilogy. The director worked hard to established a certain level of reality to his superhero films, making the audience feel like some of the events in the movies could actually happen, so the idea of having a villain who uses a freeze gun was seen as being a bit too much. But that doesn’t mean he wasn’t willing to give Batman fans a little hint of the character. In The Dark Knight Rises, Bruce Wayne finally leaves Wayne Manor after locking himself away like Howard Hughes and goes down to visit Lucius Fox at Wayne Enterprises, a visit that inspires Fox to say something along the lines of, “So you've come out of your cryo-sleep.” This could very well be a hint at the cold loving Victor Fries, who puts his wife in cryo-sleep in the comics so that he can have more time to figure out the cure to the disease that’s killing her.

Killer Croc
At the beginning of The Dark Knight Rises, bad things are afoot in the sewer system of Gotham. After trying to find those responsible for the abduction of a congressional representative, Commissioner Gordon finds himself trapped below the streets of Gotham and face-to-face with the supervillain known as Bane. While he manages to escape with his life – and a few new bullet holes – unfortunately people aren’t too quick to believe his story about the forthcoming danger. When John Blake attempts to start an investigation based on what Gordon saw in the tunnels, he is scoffed at and asked if knew anything about giant alligators in the sewer system as well. If you heard people chuckling at this line in the theater, it’s because it may be a reference to Killer Croc, Batman’s humungous, reptile-like villain who likes to spend time in Gotham’s sewers. Perhaps Bane took a page out of his book?

What’s interesting about Nolan’s reference to Clayface in The Dark Knight Rises is that it actually takes from Batman: The Animated Series rather than the comics. In the 90s show, Roland Daggett is the owner of a company that produces a new face cream called Renuyu, which gives the user the ability to modify their face. While the cream wouldn’t be allowed to sell in stores due to its addictive qualities, Daggett gives it to an actor named Matt Hagen for use in a series of crimes, eventually leading to Hagen becoming the villain known as Clayface. While this doesn’t happen in the final Batman movie, and the character is renamed “John,” Nolan does have Daggett appear as a corporate rival of Wayne’s who hires Bane to take Gotham’s most famous citizen down a few pegs. Much like in the animated series, Daggett’s plans don’t exactly turn out as well as he planned…
Had no idea her rack was so big

Its not. Like Nolan made Bane look big, so did he with Cotillard's rack.
I love when Bruce climbs out of the prison. The way the whole seen was shot was great and if you notice closely you get a small glimpse of just how far the climb is. What the blind doctor says to him about fear will find him was greatly shown when the bats started flying around him. Bruce first real fear was bats when he fell in the hole and also kind of caused the incident that took his parents when he got scared at the play with bats, then when he was ready after years of training he makes that fear a weapon to strike fear in the hearts of criminals. When he makes the climb the bats flying out signify that fear has found him and the Batman has truly returned, not the one that had no fear of death and was reckless and overconfident enough were he let Selina Kyle outsmart and sell him out to Bane to then get demolished and have his back broken.
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Just came back from seeing the film. Honestly i shed tears towards the end. I was wiping my eyes and **** I would say its equal to TDK though
Two things:

1. Anyone else find it odd when the dude helping batman was telling "Bane's" story and was like oh the doc helped him after he was mauled, but then started to state that a child escaped (implying Bane) from there. How you gonna escape as a child and then still be around to be mauled and fixed by the doctor as an adult? Additionally, the child's protector was getting mauled. From that point on I was like that don't be matching up. Was a surprise, but not really when Talia revealed it was her. Thought that was interesting.

2. Is it just me or does it seem like the rope they use to climb is too short for the jump and stops the jumper, like a dog tied to a tree, from making it? Hence the "fear" (use of the rope) is literally what is preventing you from making the jump. Interesting because he is embracing the fear of death but at the same time using it to empower himself.
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I love when Bruce climbs out of the prison. The way the whole seen was shot was great and if you notice closely you get a small glimpse of just how far the climb is. What the blind doctor says to him about fear will find him was greatly shown when the bats started flying around him. Bruce first real fear was bats when he fell in the hole and also kind of caused the incident that took his parents when he got scared at the play with bats, then when he was ready after years of training he makes that fear a weapon to strike fear in the hearts of criminals. When he makes the climb the bats flying out signify that fear has found him and the Batman has truly returned, not the one that had no fear of death and was reckless and overconfident enough were he let Selina Kyle outsmart and sell him out to Bane to then get demolished and have his back broken.

Excellent point.

To expand on your analysis a little, I was listening to an interview Nolan did with Elvis Mitchell on The Treatment, and Nolan mentioned that Bruce takes his father's advice of "Don't be afraid" too literally. Through Batman, Bruce attempts to live without fear-- or in the words of Ra's Al Ghul, "to become more than a man"-- and bring justice to Gotham. This, of course, occupies the first two films.

At the start of TDKR, we see that he has essentially done that-- and yet, personally, he is miserable. Fighting the forces that killed his parents and left him an orphan has resulted in poor health, the death of Rachel, Alfred's leaving the Manor, and a general detachment from the world.

By putting the mask back on to fight Bane in the first act of TDKR, Bruce deludes himself into thinking that to be successful again he must defeat fear (his enemies) as he did before. As Rachel notes in TDK, despite Bruce's statements to the contrary, he needs to be Batman. It is quite literally his way of masking his problems.

In prison, however, Bruce finally learns that fear is on some level necessary to rise out of the pit, and in the short term, save Gotham. At a personal level, this lesson is fully realized in the final scene when he is faced with the decision of dying as Batman (a fearless martyr, and symbol for good) or living a normal life as Bruce Wayne (a man). His internal conflict is displayed in the crucial shot of his face as he flies across the bay. I wonder: is he actually afraid to die? The old Bruce, I think, would have chosen "to do what others cannot" and overcome the ultimate fear-- death-- and allow the bomb explode with him onboard (similar to the sacrifice he makes at the end of TDK). This is what a "hero" is "supposed" to do, and Nolan actually leads us to believe that he has made this choice. But by ejecting, we see the personal development of Bruce's character. Indeed, Bruce has accepted that he cannot be Batman forever. He is human being, with fears, no different than the rest of us.

EDIT: Wow, I can't believe I actually wrote all that about a comic book movie. :wow:
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Saw it again tonight with my family and it still sent chills down my spine. This, and the final Harry Potter, are the only movies that gave me goosebumps all over and just had that WOW factor to it. I'll get flamed for this but I still don't know how you guys think TDK is better than this. From a purely storyline point of view, this movie is better. I think a lot of you guys are mistaking a brilliant performance by Heath for a brilliant overall movie. Don't get me wrong, TDK is amazing but TDKR is without a doubt better than it.
Anyone ever wonder how did Bane eat and drink? He takes mask off, he feels a lot of pain?
Did Bane and the fellas stink? Did they shower or wear deodorant?
Those are my questions.

Really ?? That seems a bit strange to be worried about, if dudes were stinkin or takin showers bro.

1st question is cool because i was curios if he ever takes the mask of as well, but wondering if he has body odor is heading in the wrong direction imo.
Really ?? That seems a bit strange to be worried about, if dudes were stinkin or takin showers bro.
1st question is cool because i was curios if he ever takes the mask of as well, but wondering if he has body odor is heading in the wrong direction imo.

I figured I'd toss in some questions like everyone else.
I watched once but didn't really notice. 

What was the rope tied to to keep Bruce from falling and hitting the ground? Why couldn't he just climb the rope to the top of the well or prison or whatever?
The rope was anchored on the wall about halfway up. So once he got to the jump, the rope was hanging below him.
Excellent point.
To expand on your analysis a little, I was listening to an interview Nolan did with Elvis Mitchell on The Treatment, and Nolan mentioned that Bruce takes his father's advice of "Don't be afraid" too literally. Through Batman, Bruce attempts to live without fear-- or in the words of Ra's Al Ghul, "to become more than a man"-- and bring justice to Gotham. This, of course, occupies the first two films.
At the start of TDKR, we see that he has essentially done that-- and yet, personally, he is miserable. Fighting the forces that killed his parents and left him an orphan has resulted in poor health, the death of Rachel, Alfred's leaving the Manor, and a general detachment from the world.
By putting the mask back on to fight Bane in the first act of TDKR, Bruce deludes himself into thinking that to be successful again he must defeat fear (his enemies) as he did before. As Rachel notes in TDK, despite Bruce's statements to the contrary, he needs to be Batman. It is quite literally his way of masking his problems.
In prison, however, Bruce finally learns that fear is on some level necessary to rise out of the pit, and in the short term, save Gotham. At a personal level, this lesson is fully realized in the final scene when he is faced with the decision of dying as Batman (a fearless martyr, and symbol for good) or living a normal life as Bruce Wayne (a man). His internal conflict is displayed in the crucial shot of his face as he flies across the bay. I wonder: is he actually afraid to die? The old Bruce, I think, would have chosen "to do what others cannot" and overcome the ultimate fear-- death-- and allow the bomb explode with him onboard (similar to the sacrifice he makes at the end of TDK). This is what a "hero" is "supposed" to do, and Nolan actually leads us to believe that he has made this choice. But by ejecting, we see the personal development of Bruce's character. Indeed, Bruce has accepted that he cannot be Batman forever. He is human being, with fears, no different than the rest of us.
EDIT: Wow, I can't believe I actually wrote all that about a comic book movie. :wow:

Love how you broke it down there. Phenomenal.
A question i have: When Alfred tells Bruce he dreams of going to that restaurant and seeing Bruce there with a wife or whatever, how would he expect Bruce to actually be there?
A question i have: When Alfred tells Bruce he dreams of going to that restaurant and seeing Bruce there with a wife or whatever, how would he expect Bruce to actually be there?

when they are dispersing Bruce's belongings in his will, the people mention that the pearl necklace is missing (the one with the tracking device)

Selina Kyle is wearing that pearl necklace at the restaurant with Bruce.
when they are dispersing Bruce's belongings in his will, the people mention that the pearl necklace is missing (the one with the tracking device)
Selina Kyle is wearing that pearl necklace at the restaurant with Bruce.

not really answering the question. I meant why would Alfred assume that all those years he's been going to that foreign restaurant that Bruce would actually be there out of all the places in the world?
not really answering the question. I meant why would Alfred assume that all those years he's been going to that foreign restaurant that Bruce would actually be there out of all the places in the world?

Alfred always went there and Bruce along with Selina happened to be there one time.
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not really answering the question. I meant why would Alfred assume that all those years he's been going to that foreign restaurant that Bruce would actually be there out of all the places in the world?

you're over thinking it, IMO.

is it not plausible to assume that bruce would go there.. just to show alfred he made it? alfred tells bruce his dream scenario for him, bruce makes the dream come true.
As an addendum to my point above, the genius of the conclusion is that it really reconciles one of the major themes of trilogy: duality. We see this portrayed numerous times through: justice/chaos, good/evil, Two-Face/Dent, white knight/dark knight, Ra's/Batman, et al.

The principal manifestation of this struggle with duality, though, is Batman. In BB and TDK, Bruce thinks that he must choose between being either Batman or Bruce Wayne, but never both. In the end, the character finds a way to accept his dual nature: maintaining Batman's status as a symbol for good, and passing his legacy on to Blake, as well as wiping his slate clean with Selina so that he can finally pursue a "normal" life.
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not really answering the question. I meant why would Alfred assume that all those years he's been going to that foreign restaurant that Bruce would actually be there out of all the places in the world?

Do you seriously not understand that part? Alfred told him about the cafe, when he goes, and where it is.

he goes there every single year, which was made very clear. He didn't know Bruce would be there. :smh:

therefor, Bruce went there to show Alfred he was safe and happy.
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