THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Official Thread - 6/28 - TV Spot 10 on Last Page (More Selina Kyle)

Cannot wait until I see this movie! :smokin

Unfortunately, it will probably be next week for me, as I work this weekend and good times are all sold out at the moment.....

Originally Posted by damian054

I stayed up till 2 am yesterday to train for tonights showing! 2 hours and 45 minutes of epicness! can't wait

dudes going in hard :rofl:
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Any one know why Imax tickets are cheaper when it comes to morning showings? Just got two for 11 each for a 8:45 am showing on Saturday morning.
im watching a 7:00pm IMAX showing tomorrow. To be safe, how early would i have to arrive to guarantee decent seats? I remember when the TDKR prologue released with MI4 Ghost Protocol, i arrived an hour before the movie started and i was stuck sitting off to the side. I dont want that to happen.
just knocked out Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. So stoked for tonight at leaving work early to head to the theater
i know when I worked at the movies back in HS when Dark Knight dropped the lines were crazy, I copped fandango tickets, how early do you guys think I should head to the movies for the 10 pm for good seats?
Watched TDKR at my local theater last night, and all I can say is I'm still in awe as of this time. Can't wait to discuss the movie with you guys after ya'l have watched it. Enjoy :smokin

Tonight is the night. I'm signing off NT until tomorrow. May all of you enjoy the greatness that will be/is Christopher Nolan's Batman swansong.


Bring it.
I don't know if and when I am going to catch it this weekend, but I'm way too hyped.

gotta be matinee prices. makes sense.

smh 11 cash each tho? where they do that at? i paid matinee at 13 for nyc...and i kno 13 gets you comfy seats each with its own subwoofer, in boston (jordan's furniture imax). and thats not matinee.

anyways to hell with this thread. i won't be back in here until after i walk out sat morning.

im too ready...
I just realized that i got a Free Song from TDKR because i bought tickets offline..

Hans Zimmer - All Out War was the track... **** is :wow: :pimp:
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I think I'll wait for the hype to die down some. I waited 4 years, I can wait a couple of more weeks :lol:
For now I'll just rely on nt's reviews
I think I'll wait for the hype to die down some. I waited 4 years, I can wait a couple of more weeks

For now I'll just rely on nt's reviews
The hype should die down after this weekend, in my opinion.  I was checking out some theaters near me and they're still selling tickets for tomorrow, so I think the hype is just for the midnight showing.  Could just be my area though
I'm at the marathon and there have been two confrontations already. One guy in front of me got in this kids face because he had his phone out during TDK.

The other was over seat stealing I think.. Between Begins and TDK, someone took anothers seat and the guy is standing right over him talking trash and getting pissed. He finally gets his seat back.. Then 20 minutes later the alleged seat stealer comes back, calls him a jack ***, then leaves. THEN, the cops come and remove the guy who got his seat back because I'm guessing he was being aggressive or threatening to seat stealer. It was weird. People cheered.
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