The Dark Tower Film Adaptation (2017)

interesting read for anyone that has read the books.
But what the movie does not promise is the band-of-brothers ka-tet that (to me) made the books so interesting. No Eddie Dean. No Detta+Odetta = Susannah. Crucially, no sign of the beloved Oy.

still looks like a fantastic movie though and i'll definitely watch it.
Wow Dunkirk July 21st and this Aug 4th..requesting vacation days now lol
idris elba looks absolutely perfect in that role. i'll just have to watch the movie as a standalone entity that's separate from the books. it looks really good. hope they don't rush the story too much.
Didn't read the book but really interested in seeing this.

Are the books necessary beforehand?
not from what I understand, it might help to peak your interest even more but I don't think they'll necessarily make a movie where you require to read a book to understand :lol:
if anything, i'd think that reading the books first will taint your movie experience. there are many more characters and memorable moments that are probably not going to be in the movie.
i'm super stoked how they captured the gunslinger loading his revolver.
it's Tuesday and there is a review embargo, this makes me think this movie is REALLY bad
There are reports that the movie had a horrible production journey. Good chance this movie might be trash

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