The Equalizer II

Imo there should have been a sequel for Inside Man.
Great movie. Maybe.

Thing is it'd be hard getting a story getting those two characters involved again given the story crafted it as a perfect heist where even the good guy ended up in a good place by the end after the criminal succeeded.
If I remember correctly Clive Owen was planning on exposing the old man. The sequel and could be Clive and Denzel working together to do so while battling the old man's powerful allies. Yeah it's formulaic but it could work.
I had dinner in Hollywood on Tuesday and the premiere for the movie was happening at the same time lol. I saw Denzel and he definitely looks like Uncle Denzel these days lol.
Got a chance to see the movie today. It was cool. Still think the first one was better though.
The Equalizer 2 5.7/8

After a few hours away from it this isn't better than the first one. It was good but Fuqua and Uncle Zel didn't bring it. In some ways in tone and message its distinctly different from the first one.

Its like Fuqua and uncle Zel on the first go around stuck to source material, modernized it and just made a real good action flick in the old man action genre revitalized by Liam Neeson. With this sequel they had specific themes and topics they wanted to touch on.

Here's the crazy thing, the Equalizer equalizes to start off the movie. The patented equalizer action is there and its good, theres some humor, wisdom added in. Dude is keeping up with being that guy to right wrongs. Then the main plot begins to take center stage and the 2nd act turns this movie in to a slow paced murder conspiracy investigation. It is so filled with talking, and maneuvering, and the editing is a bit choppy to get that underway that it was wild to me how different it was from the first movie. And I admittedly need to rewatch the first movie to see just how different it is.

Now the changes they made I liked and/or didn't mind. The equalizer takes an interest in a young man, Miles, who has some potential to go somewhere in life, he ends up equalizing for and there's the whole getting him out of gang life moment. The actor playing the kid was just okay. Clearly playing a character not about that life. Similar to the first movie where he helps Moretz character but its not the main plot.

What got me though was the main plot and the motives of the villains and who they were. I didn't care for it and my man Pedro did not come through given what his specialty ended up being. The final act is a bit dumb if these dudes knew the equalizer in his old life and still fall for his okay done.

A crazy thing to me that didnt click midway through when its talked about in the movie, that had me thinking something was wrong with the theater I was in was every 15 min I kept hearing thunder. **** was crazy. Just thunder. Wasn't until the 3rd act that it finally rained. Like it was a weird set up for the final act. I'm suppose to believe these trained military black ops dudes are gonna try to kill somebody in the middle of a damn super storm in some port town in Boston, and not just anybody but the equalizer. It got a bit silly that he even got his home alone going again to kill dudes in that setting :lol: :smh:

Movie was okay but nothing hyped anticipation should warrant. Just something that'll keep you engaged and entertained for 2 hours.
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I liked it better than the first.

If you just want action, this movie isn't for you. It's not as action packed as the trailer made it seem.

It does give you background on him and more character development.

Plus it had a lot of subtle messages a lot of people won't get. Most won't get it with Native Son and Between The World And Me. 100 Books

This was Denzel's 4:44
Finally caught up to this flick.

First one wayyyyy better. This one seemed so extra.

How they not gonna have clear glasses in a storm. Not reacting to the elements.
Initial reaction: :rolleyes

Actually I need to see it. She not a little person in stature. She can probably throw some people around. Alas, it’s a tv show. I’m not going to watch it anyway, tbh..
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