****The Everything LaVar Ball Thread****

Year after year we hear about various prospects who hated the college experience. They didn’t like playing in college.
I’m surprised this is a debate but i always read articles and felt as tho prospects enjoyed the college atmosphere better than overseas.
They haven’t gotten many minutes overseas.
Don’t get the star treatment.
Don’t get the college party atmosphere.
And for some, the weather stinks.

The biggest gripe with the NCAA is the lack of monetary rewards and actually going to class.

I don't understand how anyone could hate the college experience but I'm sure there's another aspect I'm completely unaware of.
It’s not the experience more than it is they don’t like the NCAA rules. Simmons perspective is that he should be paid to play basketball and that going to college is a waste which he isn’t wrong about IMO.
Nothing has ever prevented this from happening, it’s just not what kids are wanting to do. Make no mistake, Gelo and melo would be balling for UCLA if they could. They’re strings for Lavar

If melo is successful overseas it won’t change a thing, kids ain’t about that life. They want to ball for coach cal/k/izzo/Williams etc etc etc, slay coeds, in America with their family around. The Jennings/mudiays will happen from time to time but it won’t be a trend

You’re underestimated the change in the mindset of these new kids growing up today. They don’t care about playing for the coaches and historic programs to the same levels as they did in the past.

With any significant change in an established system, someone has to be the guinea pig. Jennings & Mudiay only went overseas because they wouldn’t be cleared academically and thus would be ineligible for college ball. Regardless of your feelings on who is engineering this move, the Ball kids were eligible to play college ball but they’re deciding on their own to not pursue it. Going to Europe isn’t the safety plan, it’s the first option.

So if it works, future generation of kids could potentially look at going to Europe on the same level as committing to the Kentucky’s, Duke’s, Carolina’s, etc
Nothing has ever prevented this from happening, it’s just not what kids are wanting to do. Make no mistake, Gelo and melo would be balling for UCLA if they could. They’re strings for Lavar

If melo is successful overseas it won’t change a thing, kids ain’t about that life. They want to ball for coach cal/k/izzo/Williams etc etc etc, slay coeds, in America with their family around. The Jennings/mudiays will happen from time to time but it won’t be a trend

I can assure you 99% of them would rather get paid for a year or 2 (legally and without getting caught and embarrassed by the NCAA) before coming to the NBA.

That old "tradition" and "prestige" of college basketball got people missing that the landscape of grassroots basketball and development is about to get a MASSIVE makeover and it's for the better.

There's a reason the players association has been pushing to lift the one and done rule. If they "loved the college experience" so much why are the players (and the commissioner) pushing for HS entry again?

I respect Ben's opinion but what people need to realize is that Ben Simmons and players like him are the exception, not the rule. For the sure-fire NBA lottery prospects, the NCAA is kind of a raw deal but keep in mind that there are over 5,000 college basketball players at 350+ schools around the country. Maybe 100 of them have pro aspirations of any kind. There is no need to upend the entire system for 1% of student athletes. The 99% of these players generate no money for their schools and are there to play college ball and get their free education.

For every Duke, UNC, Texas, etc. that are generating tens of millions, there are small schools like Dartmouth and Colgate who are losing money giving out athletic scholarships to players.
I don't like the "they're getting a free education though" argument people like to bring up in defense of players having to go to college while not being given any type of other salary. If one of these athletes really wanted a useful degree, he or she can go to a CC for 2 years and then transfer to a local state school for less than 25K worth of expenses (I personally know someone who played in Italy while taking online CC classes, and he just graduated from UCSB last year). That's still a large amount of money compared to college costs in the rest of the world, but it would be easily offset by just a few months of playing professionally.

Personally, if I were in the shoes of young athletes, I'd try to go pro first, and if it didn't pan out, I'd have more than enough money to go to a university by that point.

I don't understand how anyone could hate the college experience but I'm sure there's another aspect I'm completely unaware of.
They not getting a real college experience tho ...they on campus till March/April then they dip...most of the time spent practicing and traveling for games...I’m sure they hang out on campus a lil bit n hit up a few parties but I doubt it’s an experience they wouldn’t pass up just to go straight to the league outta high school
It's a virtual lock to happen. Adam Silver has acknowledged that the one & done system is extremely flawed and starting next year...all 30 NBA teams will have their own farm teams. Look for the NBA to eventually carve out their own version of the MLB model.


Brandon Jennings made $40 million from the NBA.

Emmanuel Mudiay was a lottery pick who's made $14 million so far.

Terrance Ferguson this past year was a first round pick and is due $4 million in guaranteed money over the next 2 seasons.

Who's failing?

I swear.

Also, people really like to front on Lamelo. He might have some questions to his game....but the ***** is ranked a top 10 PROSPECT in his class for a reason.

There’s this growing sentiment that likes to group Lamelo in with his middle brother...or use Lonzo’s struggles (in the NBA) to build a picture that Lonzo and Lamelo are “all hype” and “unworthy” of being elite basketball prospects :lol:.

This really COULD work out in Melos favor. People want it to fail....but the track record of 5 Star recruits going over seas...getting a bag, then getting drafted recently speaks for itself.

We’re talking about THE #7 overall prospect in his class here.

But we’re talking about that 1% here.


The funny thing is...the people that preach in favor of the NCAA don't realize that alternative routes for elite prospects does NOT mean an end to the NCAA. Your 350+ schools and 5,000 athletes aren't getting upended. But the conundrum here is that college basketball is being DRIVEN from a business perspective by the The 1% of elite prospects. So it exposes the fact that Duke, UNC, UK, etc. aren't quite as attractive to advertisers when March rolls around without the Marvin Bagley's, the John Wall's, the Lonzo Ball's, etc. there.

If you really love and champion college basketball then you'd it enjoy it while watching Duke and UCLA put a bunch of 3 and 4 star recruits on the floor right?

It's becoming INCREASINGLY insulting for people to keep holding the NCAA up as some sort of institution that's all about the "Student-Athlete" when that's a complete farce.

High Major College Basketball is nothing more than a developmental league for the NBA backed by billions where the 1% is playing for free under the guise of "development and free education"...while everyone else is raking in dough. God forbid they or their families get caught receiving "improper benefits".
Anybody who uses the free education argument for forcing the players to go to school and not paying em is a joke, can’t have a convo wit em :lol: ...that’s y I ain’t mad at Gelo leaving UCLA cuz he was gone after a year anyway n he wasn’t gonna learn much or improve, just think it woulda been better for him to just finish out the season

I’m sure Anthony Davis learned a lot in those 2 semesters at Kentucky taking intro Freshman classes :lol: :smh:
idc man
im gonna be positive
folks now dog piling talking bout
"see i knew lavar aint have a plan"
"gelo trash"
man **** that im a be postive
love black folks coming out on top
and i think they will
gonna never talk bad about him

But we’re talking about that 1% here.

Paying players isn't logistically feasible. It's just not. Like I mentioned most D-1 schools don't generate a profit from collegiate sports and for the ones who do generate, its usually from one or two sports (mens basketball and football and in some cases baseball and some women sports).

How are schools supposed to pay athletes a salary when they don't generate money from college athletics? Also, will only athletes from revenue generating sports get paid? What about equestrians? women's tennis?

Will the schools who generate the most money like Alabama and Texas pay more than the smaller schools like Western Kentucky?

The playing field would be even more uneven under those circumstances.

I think the best compromise is to let college athletes make money off of their names and likeness. If Ben Simmons wants to do a commercial for Baton Rouge Lexus and in exchange he gets money or a car, I say so go for it. If Lamar Jackson wants to sign autographs for money, go ahead. Same goes for videogames.
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idc man
im gonna be positive
folks now dog piling talking bout
"see i knew lavar aint have a plan"
"gelo trash"
man **** that im a be postive
love black folks coming out on top
and i think they will
gonna never talk bad about him

I don't want Lavar and his family to fail. On the contrary, I was having a jolly time watching his plan come to fruition. He had a kid on the Lakers, one at UCLA and another was one of the top HS ball players in the nation. All of whom had use social media followings and fanbases. We have to call a spade a spade and when he messes up or does too much, he needs to be called out.
I don't want Lavar and his family to fail. On the contrary, I was having a jolly time watching his plan come to fruition. He had a kid on the Lakers, one at UCLA and another was one of the top HS ball players in the nation. All of whom had use social media followings and fanbases. We have to call a spade a spade and when he messes up or does too much, he needs to be called out.

Agree with this. It’s better for the brand if he just “rode it out”

Melo’s viral ball is life tapes
Whatever good Gelo did in limited minutes
Zo’s Rollercoaster rookie year

Lavar might’ve pressed the gas a bit too much....but he’s found another path...and if he can somehow get Melo n Gelo on an overseas roster and develop Melo...

That’s a win
Paying players isn't logistically feasible. It's just not. Like I mentioned most D-1 schools don't generate a profit from collegiate sports and for the ones who do generate, its usually from one or two sports (mens basketball and football and in some cases baseball and some women sports).

How are schools supposed to pay athletes a salary when they don't generate money from college athletics? Also, will only athletes from revenue generating sports get paid? What about equestrians? women's tennis?

Will the schools who generate the most money like Alabama and Texas pay more than the smaller schools like Western Kentucky?

The playing field would be even more uneven under those circumstances.

I think the best compromise is to let college athletes make money off of their names and likeness. If Ben Simmons wants to do a commercial for Baton Rouge Lexus and in exchange he gets money or a car, I say so go for it. If Lamar Jackson wants to sign autographs for money, go ahead. Same goes for videogames.

Who in here is calling for NCAA players to be paid by the NCAA?


That's just one example using one school...and your proposed solution would be for them to "monetize their likeness" for quick cash grabs like commercials and autographs?
I think they should be paid. Boosters could contribute like they contribute to coaches.
Who in here is calling for NCAA players to be paid by the NCAA?


That's just one example using one school...and your proposed solution would be for them to "monetize their likeness" for quick cash grabs like commercials and autographs?

There are 2 posters on this same page advocating for players to get paid. Also, NO ONE IS FORCING THEM TO GO TO COLLEGE; NO ONE IS MAKING THEM DO SO. They can play in overseas, play in the G-league, they can sit out for a year and just work out. I'll admit for the 15-20 sure fire one and done prosects, playing college basketball is a crappy option. They probably shouldn't go at all.

NCAA men's basketball was doing just fine without those 15-20 top prospects, prior to the one-and-done rule was instituted in 2006. It was the NBA who wanted the age restriction because players were coming into the NBA not ready to play. Now we're seeing that 1 year of college basketball doesn't improve players much and we're most likely headed for a change shortly.
If I play basketball for a college institution, and they are selling basketball merchandise directly related to the team (jerseys, sweatshirts socks, photographs) as well as allowing my likeness in videogames, apps, promotional materials, etc in such a way as to promote thus profit off of my skills, then I should be compensated.

However you want to do it, whether that's a percentage or a flat fee, it must be done.
Even if the argument is that the schools can't pay them, which is a flawed argument, then they should at the minimum be allowed to make money off of their own likenesses.
I view the college sports stuff from a leverage perspective. If you’re a potential for sure prospect, you have the power to go on you terms and dictate things to an extent. Play ball, do your one year and dip, and get money on the side, break the rules, who cares, you’re going to be in the pros anyways, whatever happens to the university in terms of punishment is only happening to them. It impacts you in no way shape or form and I doubt a player like oj mayo for example was losing sleep over any punishments usc got hit with after he left.

If you’re not a pro prospect, just milk the free education for the most you can get out of it, take advantage of being the man on campus and having access to easily accessible vagina off your social status, and do stuff on the side too if you know you’re not going to get caught.

It’s a little more shaky for football since there’s no alternative overseas amateur league for them to play in. But it would be great to see more teams and top college football prospects openly breaking NCAA rules and calling their bluff. What are they going to do, put sanctions on every big program?
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