****The Everything LaVar Ball Thread****

First he was od annoying. Then I got behind his Actions. Then he sort of went away for months. I guess the cycle is back.

Dude just loves to talk crap. and people and cameras eat it up. It’s now sad that a clown can hustle his way onto people’s living room TVs.

Lots of nba draft picks only last their first contract. Ball is playing his way into being just that.

Now if melo can make a nba splash, we may have another 3 years of this circus. Otherwise, the clock is ticking down fast. This year may be his loudest most Outlandish going away party.
I still root for the family but Lavar been clown status for a long time now. Great father but he's gone full buffoon. Dude can't even admit he f'ed up that Allen situation. He can front all he want but going to NO is killing him inside.

Hopefully Lonzo toughens up and still lives up to his potential. I know he crushed leaving the Lakers.
I like zo's game and think he can have a long career. I feel like people doubt/hate on him cuz of his pops over the top antics/predictions
I still root for the family but Lavar been clown status for a long time now. Great father but he's gone full buffoon. Dude can't even admit he f'ed up that Allen situation. He can front all he want but going to NO is killing him inside.

Hopefully Lonzo toughens up and still lives up to his potential. I know he crushed leaving the Lakers.

His homeboy stole over a million dollars of his son's money and he is playing it off like "well it happens to everyone".

That is some sucka ****.
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He homeboy stole over a million dollars of his son's money and he is playing it off like "well it happens to everyone".

That is some sucka ****.
At some point you gotta turn off the trollin and over the top character. He loves them f'n cameras too much. I hope he don't set up Melo same way he did Zo. Let son come into the league w/o all the extra nonsense.
It’s a make or break year for Lonzo in terms of being his own man both on and off the court.

On the court the talent is there, he just needs to stay healthy and on the court consistently. He’s only played 99 out a possible 164 games his first two seasons. As of right now you can’t rely on him to play consistently.

Off the court, he just needs to get his stuff in order, avoid distractions and make his own moves. The Alan stuff was a wake up call on a lot of levels. He’s barely 21 so plenty of time to grow up and make his own moves independent of daddy.

As for Lavar. He just talks to talk and if sports media is going to willingly give him an outlet, more power to him. Teams and organizations are going to make moves without a care to his hot takes and opinions, him yapping has minimal impact on jos sons career either way imo.
Dime a dozen considering his weak passing style and weak shot style

Has dude ever played in a legit defensive oriented game?

Scouts are rarely wrong. Are they hungry for this dude? Legit college athletes do well in these things. One or two may make the NBA. It's cutthroat.

I get hated on but others speak of less hate and get likes. Sorry for speaking the truth

I'll give him/them that. Dude has NBA summer league starting lineup potential. I did not see that coming. But his Chino hills days look way too similar to what I see today. It's a one trick pony status unless he just tears through legit competition.

Drew league. Legit college guys have done some stuff but they were rarely NBA ready.
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Seen both of Melo's game at the drew.

It's a lazy comp admittedly, but he's like a 6'8 Trae Young w/his natural pop, feel, and instincts. Love him as a PG prospect. You almost forget he's 17 playing against 27, 30 year olds. W/O a doubt a top 2 PG prospect in his class.
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