The Ex-Banker Living on Alcohol, Hookups, and Unemployment

WOW ny doin it like that
Great read. Cant wait to run into one ofthese girls
I e-mailed this to a friend of mine who does i-banking in NYC.

She replied to me at 4:20 AM this morning:

"You are the 4th person to send that to me!

I don't really want to look into what that means... At least I'm employed still?"

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Damn I have a grip of friends like this right now. Thing about it is they go to work with these hangovers or still live with their parents....
Going to work hung over isn't really a big deal. Living long-term with the 'rents when you're 24...a little bit more of a big deal.

Thats all too common in NYC.
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Damn I have a grip of friends like this right now. Thing about it is they go to work with these hangovers or still live with their parents....
Going to work hung over isn't really a big deal. Living long-term with the 'rents when you're 24...a little bit more of a big deal.

Thats all too common in NYC.
yep, either that or the parents paying for their rent money in the city
Sounds like I-Banking girls in NY...are really i(fill in the blank of a self disrespecting and professing) females.

If you need a JO, there's your answer.

Wonder if I-Banker chicks out here in CA are of the same breed?
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

if she ever wants a job in the future why would she put her pic out there?
no one said SHE had to put her picture out there...there's always them detectives
Originally Posted by 22stylez

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

if she ever wants a job in the future why would she put her pic out there?
no one said SHE had to put her picture out there...there's always them detectives
is there a pic? didn't see it in the article or thread.
Grimey. She'll be the girl that either dates an old guy for money or can't get pregnant later in life cause no one wants some old shriveled prune whenthey can get the next young floozy out there. Believe it or not, there are a couple of chicks like that at my work. Now they are 35 and desperately trying toget someone to impregnate them.
^ Yep they often wear it on their face and seem miserable. They know they their stock takes a big nosedive when they hit their late 30's
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