The Flash (CW Series) thread, season 9

He was so butthurt over not having powers that he didn't want to make Jesse bee's butt hurt.
Jesse could've made him bust in 2 seconds with her super speed.

Speed top + speed cowgirl
Who's that cougar with Thea?

So are they going to visit a different part and find laurel on her wedding day? In the other pic it looks like oliver's dad behind her.
just when i thought u can't get anymore boring than Luke Cage or Dr Strange, this dude Wally man.. :smh:

I'm telling you all this coffee Earth 19 Wells is drinking is going to lead to something, they keep referencing it way too much
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I knew this Julian dude would become a villain, didn't think he was already one.

Dr. Alchemy doesn't seem to have powers though other than giving other ppl their powers and shooting some beam out his hand I think.

Would have been dope if she actually killed Larry but then we'd have no more show

He's not a hero so it wouldn't be such a bad loss.
Actually it would've been perfect cuz Sally just got out.
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