The Following: Episode 15.....Season Finale - Finally.

Watching Ep. 13 now. It's stupid how they left their guard down in the end. 

First we have Iceman.

Now we have Nick Fury.
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Different week, same story... more frustration... how does Claire manage to get caught time and time again!?  She's knifed and forked Carroll, yet he still doesn't kill her. 

Why do I keep coming back to this? 

But to be buried-alive?  Can't imagine how scary that would be. 
Claire could have killed Carrol awhile ago. Stab him in the head area. But then that would kill off the main villain.

Such terrible writing. Once again the authorities show their incompetence at the end. Did they even surround the building? And then they send only 4 AGENCY JACKET WEARING agents into a large crowd.

Loved it when Bacon goes up to the girl who just got axed in the head and say "are you okay?" :rofl: :smh:

This trainwreck of a show is almost done though, one more to go and erase it from dvr manager. :lol: :pimp:
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I hated this episode, barely made it through till the end.
Glad there's only one more episode, but angry it got renewed for a second season :smh:
There's so much better shows out there its crazy. I dont wanna watch a whole new season of this show yet I just might and I cant explain why. The writing's so terrible
I don't get how they're gonna have a 2nd season of this. Unless they're coming with a crop of new writers I don't see how they expect viewers to stick with this.
I guess FOX thinks the viewers are fascinated by Joe enough that he could carry another season with more of his followers popping up to cover an episode. Season 2 will be even worse just thinking about it. :x
Jacob is a straight up sucka.

How you gonna take Emma back after she betrayed you and left you for dead?

Not only does she betray you again, but she ups the ante this time by killing you.

Dumbass. You deserve what you got.

And I'm convinced Joe Carroll has a stash of senzu beans somewhere. How else could he survive two seemingly fatal stabbings.
I liked the ep, but AGAIN, with the turning the lights off trick. Knock that ******g **** off. Either stop or have the FBI bring a generator with them wherever they go. And why 50 agents outside, 4 inside? :lol: Rest of them go on a break once the lights cut out? :smh:

Clean that **** up Fox. Show would be incredible if they stayed straighter there.
I liked the ep
**** was crazy in the refugee center. Burying her alive though
Yeah man.

The Followers doing Mortal Kombat-esque fatalities up in the refugee center.

That ax to ole girl's head.
Jacob :smh: :lol:
As long as Claire and the lady FBI agent don't die, I'm straight.
But yea, i'm not sure what the hell they are gonna do for the next season. I guess for one thing, Joe doesn't get caught.
This show should have been a movie like it was supposed to be.

Dumbest cops and FBI agents in the history of television. :smh:
Didn't like last couple episodes and the show started out really strong too :smh:

Still excited for this season finale. They made multiple endings and James Purefoy (Joe Carroll) says he's not even sure which episode they're gonna use, hope its good :D

EDIT: Watching now and was really hoping she would pull a kill bill and punch her way out the coffin, but she not even bout that life :lol:
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So what exactly are they going to do for season 2?

Don't tell me Ryan and Claire somehow survives because that'd just be dumb as hell. No main antagonist shown either.

Season 2 is going to be a wreck.
this show trailed off really bad towards the end

shows like these are terrible IMO because they last a few episodes then things just become stupid
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