The Glove Thread / Zoom Flight 98

So they were available to purchase on the link early? Like before the shoes even showed up on the site? Or just prior to the link being tweeted?

Not available to purchase, there was nothing special about the link since it wasn't TLO.

It's the same link if you entered the product code into search.
If anyone has any leads to a size 14, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise I'll have to look at eBay.

My dumb, sleepy *** just cost me
Easy scoop at the store. Got there an hour before opening, still had a few pairs left after the line (about 25 people)
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Stupid error connection got me on these, now I'm scrambling to find a pair.

I have to find the source of the error connection, I've gotten them often the past releases.
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Stupid error connection got me on these, now I'm scrambling to find a pair.

I have to find the soruce of the error connection, I've gotten them often the past releases.
You have plenty of royals to keep you company, you should be ok  
I looked on ebay for a 11.5 or 12 prices are up there, are all the niketowns sold out?

Some pairs are sky high but others are as low as $275 BIN... Alot of people trying to capitalize on the SC "limited" tag but overall the Gloves arent that popular of a model and alot of the people buying bought only to resell. If the people who truly want these hold out against the re-sellers I think the prices will fall.
Quick Question: the box label on my white gloves have the sl designation....but the black gloves dont. Anybody know what the SL designation means?
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