The Glove Thread / Zoom Flight 98

Not enough resale value? 
Not enough interest... I could have still resold them to you for $200  ($50 profit = 33% return)
yall really entered the code for free shipping? I thought that joint automatically did it... if the order was more than $100... smh this is BS
Well, got my order confirmation. If I wasn't able to get them online, I might've went to NTSF, which I didn't really feel like doing at all lol. Maybe I can go to get another pair for myself, but just gonna save myself the trouble if I don't end up getting up size.
I was in the NDC line until 5:07 for a size 9 and it finally allowed me to check out!

I had to re-log with the saved CC 2 times, before removal of it and manual putting in the information.....BUT GOT IT THOUGH!
I managed to get a pair and was shocked when I saw it in my cart, I was auto refreshing and couldn't get the darn refresher to turn off, chrome kept asking me to kill the pages.... Thank goodness I was able to pull the cart up in a different screen and close out the other window.
im pretty much definitely screwed. it just keeps saying order processing...i dont understand why my order wont go through...
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