THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE THREAD Netflix series vol. season 2 Oct 9th

Okay, so this show is great. Binged it in 2 days with the wife and finished last Tuesday. A couple things (spoilers below)...

1. The hidden ghosts are mind-blowing after the fact. Definitely missed 90% of them. But that's the great thing about this show--for the most part, the creepiness isn't thrown right in your face. Seeing the statues in the house face different directions in back-to-back scenes was a complete mind**** because I couldn't say for sure if that was the case. But the fact that the seed was planted that they did in fact move tripped me out.

2. Yeah, episode 6 is amazing. The camera work for those long *** shots is nothing short of phenomenal. And the acting. WOW. I'm having a hard time seeing how they don't win awards for that episode, let alone the entire series.

3. The ending. At first I was confused. I couldn't believe we just watched an entire series that was dark, depressing and full of tension, only for it to end on some sappy, happy ending steez. My wife was legit angry about it lol. Then after a few days I came to the realization that it wasn't a happy ending. The house won. It managed to manipulate the Crains into keeping it "alive" and not burnt to the ground. It "fed" on a few more people and was satisfied for the time being. But we know the house is a living thing and will want new blood sooner or later. So all that happiness for the Crains at the end is just temporary, IMO. The house will continue to come for them at some point in the future.

4. Nell's reveal as the BNL was masterful. I had a suspicion that it was her, but man, the way they dropped the bomb was amazing. That last scene of her as the BNL haunting her younger self on the couch and saying "no no no no" was absolutely gut wrenching. You could feel her sorrow as she was realizing it was her all along.

5. Olivia can get it. Sheesh.
Finished last night. I can see the mixed feelings towards the ending, but I definitely think there was more to it than this "happy" finish. I can truly give the season a 8/8. I think it was a bittttt too flashback heavy, but I was not bored once in ten episodes.

The Red Room reveal being all of the kids/Olivia's safe space ****** me up, especially Luke's treehouse :wow:

Great read from the creator (who is married to Theo) - scroll down for his episode 6 takes. Incredible stuff.
so this is good? my coworker recommended i watch it... might give it a shot this weekend
Yeah those long uninterrupted tracking shots they used in episode 6 were fantastic...

Man...easily my favorite episode because of that.

To think of the choreography that went into getting all of that done in one take...

EDIT: Here we go:

Speaking of that, tell me about episode 6 which is an incredible achievement in camera technique.
It was part of our pitch for the show that whenever we got the kids back together, we wanted it to feel like an unbroken shot, basically, for the whole episode. Everyone loved that idea in the pitch stage, and then when we got into prep it suddenly became like, “Oh God, now we have to actually do this,” which was so daunting.

We wrote all of the camera choreography into the script for the episode, back before we started production. So, when we started designing the house, we were designing elements of it specifically to the requirements of episode six. Hill House was on one stage, the funeral home was on another, and we had to build this hallway between the two stages so we could physically walk from one stage to the other and step into Hill House without cutting.

We rehearsed it with our second team stand-ins, who basically performed the entire episode as actors for about five weeks straight, every day. We had shut down production and we just rehearsed with them, with the crew, and kept running it and running it and running it. After a month of that, we brought the cast in and we were able to show them the episode. We had shot it with the second team. So we said, “Here it is and this is what we’re doing,” and then the cast had two weeks with us in rehearsal. We kind of looked at it like live TV. Ultimately, it’s five long shots and we did one a day for five days. It almost killed us. It almost killed everybody.

It’s incredible. There was one shot were Hugh and Olivia are on the second floor and the camera floats down with them to the first.
We built an elevator and suspended it from the ceiling. It’s out of frame for the rest of the shot, but it would have to lower in while we were with them in the hall, and then the steady cam op just steps onto it. It lowered into the floor. He stepped out and then it went right back up to the ceiling so he could turn around and it would be gone.

You should be very proud. It’s really an achievement.
I’m extraordinarily proud of it, and I’m most proud of the cast and crew, because filmmaking is a very collaborative endeavor, as you know, but this was the efforts of 200 people that had to be in perfect sync with each other, and if anyone dropped the ball we had to cut and start over. So the pressure it put on our dolly grips and the entire crew was extraordinary.

Our fear when we were making it was that we would fail, that we just would never get to the end of one of these takes. And then the worst-case scenario for me was that if we did finish it and put it out there, if the characters in the story and the performances weren’t working as well as the technical element that people would find it boring and just be kind of hungry for a cut. So I’m really glad that it’s being received the way it is because that was the hardest and riskiest and scariest thing I think any of us on that stage had ever done.

So, for example, when old Hugh (Timothy Hutton) enters the funeral parlor, he sees his adult children. Then, the camera circles around him and he sees them as children. Are actors just running in and out of rooms when the camera moves?
Yep, that’s exactly what it is. To watch this episode, it was hysterical. If you step out of frame, it’s hilarious, and the kids were all crouched down and hiding in the intake room right next to them, and they would just sprint into place. And while they’re doing that, in the background you’re watching crew frantically pull out this dummy of Victoria Pedretti from the casket to help little Violet climb in her place. So we were doing all these off-camera switches.

There’s a big gag when Olivia’s going through the halls and the statues are tracking her. When you come back their heads are all in different positions, which looks really cool except that when you see the crew members hiding behind the wall carrying statues that all have different head positions and frantically diving into frame to get them there before the camera turns back around, it’s funny.

So yeah, it was a circus, and it was the weirdest thing for me and for Michael, because typically we’re really involved in a given take. But with this, all of our work was up front and all we could do was sit at the monitor and watch, and there was just nothing we could do anymore. Usually about halfway through a take, if it looked like we had a chance to get it, we would just grip the armrests and I think I held my breath for the last three minutes of that third segment, which is our longest.

But it was helpless. It was just like, “Well, anything could happen.” And you’d see a crew member dip into frame, running out with a bounce cart or something, and we’d look over to our visual effects and just stare at them, pleading silently like, “Can we take that out? Can you fix that? Can you fix that? Because if you can fix that, we’ll keep going.” Yeah, it was just panic, but it really worked out.
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My girl automatically thought its sequence was filmed ala Birdman. I told her it's possible, but it may have been a legit one-take the entire time. Sure enough....

Incredible. If that alone could win an award it should.
I finished this whole series yesterday and I thought it was great. I missed the hidden ghosts in the background, which I think it a dope idea to do, after I saw that article, I was like oh ****, I wasn't even looking there lol. One more easter egg I found was from the first episode in the scene where kid Steven is talking to kid Luke in the treehouse, Luke has an ET lunchbox from the 80s, and if you were aware, the actor that plays the young version of their dad is actually Eliot from ET. I thought that was pretty cool.

I would like to know how the father knew about the secret to the house. That night when the police officer came when he found the body in the wall in the basement, he tells him in Massachusetts it's legal for a seller to withhold information that a house is haunted, that could have happened. I think he held out details of that night because he didn't want his kids to bear the responsibilities of caring for the house since it can't be destroyed.
Just finished.

Young Hugh is def Ray Liotta x David Hasselhoff

That family shot at the end was VERY suspicious. Im too lazy to post spoilers tho.
that alternate ending would have been incredible!! I'm sure they didn't do that so they could leave a door open for season 2, not because they "felt bad for the crains"
Aight is this a show that won’t let me sleep? Lmk. I wanna start episode one.

Is it better than American Horror Story S1 E1?
Aight is this a show that won’t let me sleep? Lmk. I wanna start episode one.

Is it better than American Horror Story S1 E1?
Depends. It’s more of a thriller/creepy show for me than actual horror. I slept just fine and I’m usually a biiiii for scary shows.

I thiught it was better than AHS.
I liked most of the show, but the ending let me down. It was too much of a typical "feel good" Lost type of ending that just wanted to close out everything ASAP
I liked most of the show, but the ending let me down. It was too much of a typical "feel good" Lost type of ending that just wanted to close out everything ASAP

I agree with you, I hated the sappy monologue at the end.

I appreciate they didn’t have an open ending though. Ironically, they definitely have a lot more story to tell about Hill House’s past, should they decide to do a sequel miniseries.
Show was amazing.

Had like 7 different crazy dreams the night after I finished it :lol:
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