The important blacks in history?

No mention of Harriet Tubman yet? Not only was she forward thinking, she was bout that life.


Originally Posted by omgitswes

Step your black history up lol.
But really there are too many to name, wouldn't even dare to try ranking. What's important to one person might not be as important to the next.

Jackie Robinson and Madam CJ Walker had a pretty big effect on our every day life.

So who are the ppl your replacing on my list?
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Step your black history up lol.
But really there are too many to name, wouldn't even dare to try ranking. What's important to one person might not be as important to the next.

Jackie Robinson and Madam CJ Walker had a pretty big effect on our every day life.

So who are the ppl your replacing on my list?
Well Nelson Mandella isn't actually black, so your whole argument is kind of invalid
Well Nelson Mandella isn't actually black, so your whole argument is kind of invalid
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Why feel the need to rank them as if it is some sort of competition?


And, a historian should be a historian, reguardless of color. What's the point in seperating thing according to race? I personally think Nicola Tesla was one of the greatest men alive, and I could care less about what color dude was.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Why feel the need to rank them as if it is some sort of competition?


And, a historian should be a historian, reguardless of color. What's the point in seperating thing according to race? I personally think Nicola Tesla was one of the greatest men alive, and I could care less about what color dude was.
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Step your black history up lol.
But really there are too many to name, wouldn't even dare to try ranking. What's important to one person might not be as important to the next.

Jackie Robinson and Madam CJ Walker had a pretty big effect on our every day life.

So who are the ppl your replacing on my list?

I'm not replacing anyone since I feel there shouldn't even be a top 5 list.

With that said I'm not familiar with Marcus Garvey at all, other than the short mention of him in Malcom X autobiography.
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Step your black history up lol.
But really there are too many to name, wouldn't even dare to try ranking. What's important to one person might not be as important to the next.

Jackie Robinson and Madam CJ Walker had a pretty big effect on our every day life.

So who are the ppl your replacing on my list?

I'm not replacing anyone since I feel there shouldn't even be a top 5 list.

With that said I'm not familiar with Marcus Garvey at all, other than the short mention of him in Malcom X autobiography.
Dont compare. Just be happy they did what they did to make a world a better place for all of us.
Dont compare. Just be happy they did what they did to make a world a better place for all of us.
People argue about the complexion of various important figures from Antiquity. One thing is not debatable, The Nile Valley served as a highway of people from black Africa to the Eastern Mediterranean and they were racially and linguistically linked. The Semitic languages of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Hebrew, the Hitties, the Hyksos, the Phoenicians, Carthaginians were part of one of six linguistic groups within the vast afro-asiatic linguistic family, the other five of which were spoken in the Sahara Desert and down the Nile all the way to the edges of the Jungles North of Lake Victoria as well as down the Indian Ocean Coast. The link was started with the desecration of Northern Africa, the creation of the Sahara and the settlement of people along the Nile River. That was in 5,000 BC and the Arab-Muslim conquest took place in circa A.D 700 so that means that the Eastern Mediteranean was linked to the black Africa for 57 centuries and all of mid and late antiquity.

There is no doubt that some of the Egyptians dynasties had black kings and aristocrats and engineers so a portion, perhaps the largest portion of Phaoronic (Old, Middle and New Kingdom Egypt) were designed by funded by and used to glorify blacks and Egyptian civilization diffused northward and agriculture, writing, art, architecture into Greece and the Minoans and the Myceneans brought sophisticated, centralized, irrigation based agriculture into South Eastern Europe and while those societies did fall, what eventually emerged was classical Greece, the wellspring of Western Civilization.

Some argue that at least some important Greeks were black African or were mixed black and European so applying the Anglo "one drop rule" there were some black Hellenes during the Greek Golden age. The classical Greeks (the people of the city states of the Greek Mainland and Islands from circa 700 BC to 320 BC) included some black African blood and the hubs of creativity and philosophy and state craft and logic were the most likely places where they would have been citizens during the peak of the classical era. (1) While it was difficult to become an Athenian or Corinthian or Thebian Citizens during the 5th century, during the 8th and 7th and 6th century, the city states allowed any one who could farm a small but fertile farm in one of the many small Greek valleys, supply his hoplite armor and gear and vote in the assembly and stand in the phalanx.

I have no doubt that there was some black African blood mixed into the Athenian Golden age and some of its luminaries. However, without race being thought of as skin color (language and religion were the biggest part of your identity), there was not a census in the city states of Greece (that only began in earnest in Ancient Rome and the Roman census did not have racial categories like our census does). Therefore, we cannot really know much about which great Athenians were indeed people whom we would consider black.

Obviously, there is constant argumen over the Skin Color of Jesus of Nazareth but the classical greeks had truly radical ideas that become the basis of Western civilization and many of the soldiers, politicians, thinkers and other key figures could have been people who had black african blood in their fairly recent family trees so the Clasical Greece that shaped our world was not quite as white as it is is often portrayed in movies.

(1) In the Southern Part of the Greece, the the small farmers was not as prevalent, Sparta and its client states had enslaves the native population so it was less inclusive of foreigners because all Spartan soldiers were ssentially minor nobles, at minimum. The same was true of the Fudealism of Northern Greece, Thrace, Thessaly and Macedonia so for you movie buffs, it is very unlikely that Leonidas of Sparta or Alexander "The Great" was a black man. The reason is because unlike the urbanized central part of greece where there were small and fertile farms with many villages, towns and multiple large cities, the Peloponese was ruled by Sparta in the province of Laconia and there were other states that were similarly militaritic as Sparta and the reaso nwhy this was the case was because the people who worked the land were serfs or slaves and only one of every eight people in Sparta were free people. In the South, the Spartans (esentially the elite class of Laconia) shunned clavary and despite being aristocrats, fought as the best infantry in the world. Northrn Greeks and Macedonians had an even more stratified society, Spartans owned small planatations and Thracians and Thassalons and Macdoniansowned large ones and had horses and lived as calvary fighters. Thrural middle clases and growing towns with their urban middle classes were the glory that was Greece and that is where the black Greeks would have been.

I big irony is that if particularly wealth Spartan has opted to bu ya slave, who was black from an Egyptian or Phoenecian trader (few Spartyans or would have, they had enough slave/serf labor and buying an exoctic looking house slave would have been an indulgence that even the wealthiest Spartans did not like, they linked thrift to martail dedication), if the slave escaped, as soon as he go ta few miles from his master, he would be free and could walk through the Peloponese and would be assumed to be an Athenians or Thebian going back home to his province of Beoetia or the Attica

Blacks who are interested in this time and place of history will have to be contend wit hthe possibility that Socrates, Xenophone, Plato, Aristotles, Thucydides, Themistocles and Epaminondas looked like Barack Obama as they shaped the foundation of Western thought, campigned with 10,000 through hostile Asiatic nations of millions or used statecraft and ship craft to save Athens and break the back of the Persians at Salamis, the greta Naval battle that denied the Persian's huge but now thinly streched and poorly supplied army the ability to get reinforcements and provision by sea and where thus weakened enough to be routed at Platea, the vast land battle, shown at the very end of the, 300, where the Greeks were only outumbered 3 to 1 on terrain that favored their heavy armor, hoplite fighting style, over the light persian infantry and calvary.

So in short, Western civilization, in a few ways has had black minds, the visions of black men and martial courage and the ability of men with dark skin and curly hair to thank for its periods were it has survived and then thrived.
People argue about the complexion of various important figures from Antiquity. One thing is not debatable, The Nile Valley served as a highway of people from black Africa to the Eastern Mediterranean and they were racially and linguistically linked. The Semitic languages of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Hebrew, the Hitties, the Hyksos, the Phoenicians, Carthaginians were part of one of six linguistic groups within the vast afro-asiatic linguistic family, the other five of which were spoken in the Sahara Desert and down the Nile all the way to the edges of the Jungles North of Lake Victoria as well as down the Indian Ocean Coast. The link was started with the desecration of Northern Africa, the creation of the Sahara and the settlement of people along the Nile River. That was in 5,000 BC and the Arab-Muslim conquest took place in circa A.D 700 so that means that the Eastern Mediteranean was linked to the black Africa for 57 centuries and all of mid and late antiquity.

There is no doubt that some of the Egyptians dynasties had black kings and aristocrats and engineers so a portion, perhaps the largest portion of Phaoronic (Old, Middle and New Kingdom Egypt) were designed by funded by and used to glorify blacks and Egyptian civilization diffused northward and agriculture, writing, art, architecture into Greece and the Minoans and the Myceneans brought sophisticated, centralized, irrigation based agriculture into South Eastern Europe and while those societies did fall, what eventually emerged was classical Greece, the wellspring of Western Civilization.

Some argue that at least some important Greeks were black African or were mixed black and European so applying the Anglo "one drop rule" there were some black Hellenes during the Greek Golden age. The classical Greeks (the people of the city states of the Greek Mainland and Islands from circa 700 BC to 320 BC) included some black African blood and the hubs of creativity and philosophy and state craft and logic were the most likely places where they would have been citizens during the peak of the classical era. (1) While it was difficult to become an Athenian or Corinthian or Thebian Citizens during the 5th century, during the 8th and 7th and 6th century, the city states allowed any one who could farm a small but fertile farm in one of the many small Greek valleys, supply his hoplite armor and gear and vote in the assembly and stand in the phalanx.

I have no doubt that there was some black African blood mixed into the Athenian Golden age and some of its luminaries. However, without race being thought of as skin color (language and religion were the biggest part of your identity), there was not a census in the city states of Greece (that only began in earnest in Ancient Rome and the Roman census did not have racial categories like our census does). Therefore, we cannot really know much about which great Athenians were indeed people whom we would consider black.

Obviously, there is constant argumen over the Skin Color of Jesus of Nazareth but the classical greeks had truly radical ideas that become the basis of Western civilization and many of the soldiers, politicians, thinkers and other key figures could have been people who had black african blood in their fairly recent family trees so the Clasical Greece that shaped our world was not quite as white as it is is often portrayed in movies.

(1) In the Southern Part of the Greece, the the small farmers was not as prevalent, Sparta and its client states had enslaves the native population so it was less inclusive of foreigners because all Spartan soldiers were ssentially minor nobles, at minimum. The same was true of the Fudealism of Northern Greece, Thrace, Thessaly and Macedonia so for you movie buffs, it is very unlikely that Leonidas of Sparta or Alexander "The Great" was a black man. The reason is because unlike the urbanized central part of greece where there were small and fertile farms with many villages, towns and multiple large cities, the Peloponese was ruled by Sparta in the province of Laconia and there were other states that were similarly militaritic as Sparta and the reaso nwhy this was the case was because the people who worked the land were serfs or slaves and only one of every eight people in Sparta were free people. In the South, the Spartans (esentially the elite class of Laconia) shunned clavary and despite being aristocrats, fought as the best infantry in the world. Northrn Greeks and Macedonians had an even more stratified society, Spartans owned small planatations and Thracians and Thassalons and Macdoniansowned large ones and had horses and lived as calvary fighters. Thrural middle clases and growing towns with their urban middle classes were the glory that was Greece and that is where the black Greeks would have been.

I big irony is that if particularly wealth Spartan has opted to bu ya slave, who was black from an Egyptian or Phoenecian trader (few Spartyans or would have, they had enough slave/serf labor and buying an exoctic looking house slave would have been an indulgence that even the wealthiest Spartans did not like, they linked thrift to martail dedication), if the slave escaped, as soon as he go ta few miles from his master, he would be free and could walk through the Peloponese and would be assumed to be an Athenians or Thebian going back home to his province of Beoetia or the Attica

Blacks who are interested in this time and place of history will have to be contend wit hthe possibility that Socrates, Xenophone, Plato, Aristotles, Thucydides, Themistocles and Epaminondas looked like Barack Obama as they shaped the foundation of Western thought, campigned with 10,000 through hostile Asiatic nations of millions or used statecraft and ship craft to save Athens and break the back of the Persians at Salamis, the greta Naval battle that denied the Persian's huge but now thinly streched and poorly supplied army the ability to get reinforcements and provision by sea and where thus weakened enough to be routed at Platea, the vast land battle, shown at the very end of the, 300, where the Greeks were only outumbered 3 to 1 on terrain that favored their heavy armor, hoplite fighting style, over the light persian infantry and calvary.

So in short, Western civilization, in a few ways has had black minds, the visions of black men and martial courage and the ability of men with dark skin and curly hair to thank for its periods were it has survived and then thrived.
Goodness. What kind of question is this?

How about: The Most Important Whites in History?

You crazy, op. You crazy.
Goodness. What kind of question is this?

How about: The Most Important Whites in History?

You crazy, op. You crazy.
Are ya'll seriously giving this dude @%!% for creating this topic?

This thread had the potential to be pretty thought provoking yet burned this to the ground. 
Are ya'll seriously giving this dude @%!% for creating this topic?

This thread had the potential to be pretty thought provoking yet burned this to the ground. 
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