The Invincible Thread

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NFL needs to raise the cap, these guys are underpaid. Bill is cutthroat because he's working with a rigid cap and he doesn't want to be handicapped by one or two monster contracts.

Can't say it hasn't worked out for him :\

does the cap move from year to year? i know in the NHL it goes up and down. assume the same is true in the NFL?

Cap moves.. and there are other things you can do to minipulate the cap a bit
Wow. So the Giants applied pressure to Eli Apple to get his mother to shut up about how Mara handled Josh Brown. :wow: :smh: She's a DV victim herself speaking out on that situation and her own experiences. That's some cowardly **** man.

Whoa...where'd u see that? :wow:

Mara/Goodell got their hands in each others pockets.

I had little respect for Mara after the whole cap-gate thing, but that's superficial compared to what he's doing to Apple's mom.

But hey..."No More."
I have a hot take guys. Maybe a Hawks fan can school me and dissuade me on the sitch tho.

Kam Chancellor is washed and not worth the money. His body isn't able to keep up with his style of play. His best days are already behind him. Sure, when he gets back on the field here and there he'll be great. For another year or two ill say, tops. But it wont be consistently enough to be worth keeping him. And then after a year or two his body flat out wont allow him to be great anymore.
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I have a hot take guys. Maybe a Hawks fan can school me and dissuade me on the sitch tho.

Kam Chancellor is washed and not worth the money. His body isn't able to keep up with his style of play. His best days are already behind him. Sure, when he gets back on the field here and there he'll be great. For another year or two ill say, tops. But it wont be consistently enough to be worth keeping him. And then after a year or two his body flat out wont allow him to be great anymore.

Idk how somebody coukd debate something like this. Kam plays correctly and tackles the right way but who knows. I dont think a pulled groin signifies that his body is breaking down though
Hasnt he had a variety of injuries though. I feel like I just haven't seen him on the field enough since the Super Bowls.
Wow. So the Giants applied pressure to Eli Apple to get his mother to shut up about how Mara handled Josh Brown. 
She's a DV victim herself speaking out on that situation and her own experiences. That's some cowardly **** man.
Whoa...where'd u see that?

Mara/Goodell got their hands in each others pockets.

I had little respect for Mara after the whole cap-gate thing, but that's superficial compared to what he's doing to Apple's mom.

But hey..."No More."
That cap-gate ordeal is yet another thing that didn't get as much play as it should have. It might have been you or another Skins fan who said at the time, "people don't really care about unfair/corrupt procedure like this until it happens to their teams. Then **** hits the fan and those of us who went through it say, "I told you so."" Lo and behold...

But's where I saw it + some of her own words
[h1]The Giants asked Eli Apple to 'control what his mother says' about the Josh Brown situation[/h1]
“One of the worst things you can do to a domestic violence victim or survivor is to defend the abuser,” Annie Apple wrote in a deeply personal column for Sports Illustrated that accounted her own experiences with domestic abuse. “These abusive men aren't abusing the women in their lives because they're sick. These abusers are not the victims. They're abusing women because they can.

“Some have called me a distraction because speaking up for a cause the Giants have reportedly championed for years makes me a distraction. Others have called me a hero for speaking up. Honestly, I'm not a hero. I'm not special. I just know that in life, there are times when certain things are more important than your personal comfort or the game of football.”

Apple has never been one to withhold her opinion — something the Giants should’ve been aware of before the team drafted her son, Eli, with the No. 10 overall selection in the 2016 NFL draft. On Wednesday, in another column for Sports Illustrated, Apple said she was livid with the Giants not only for Mara’s comments or for the team’s handling of Brown, but also because the team tried to get her son to quiet down his mother.

“I felt they were leaning heavily on a 21-year-old kid in an effort to control what his mother says,” Apple wrote. “That’s not fair. I know the NFL is a business. I get it. But where in business school is showing basic human compassion and accountability not a good thing?”
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don't bring awareness to DV unless it's a NFL commercial, dont support finding the cure for cancer unless it's october, dont pay tribute to a American athlete unless it's a fat pasty golfer. :smh:
I think he's referring to John Daly because they just released a 30 for 30 on him
Yup it's called Hit it Hard, documents all his shenanigans. Haven't seen it yet but I'm sure it's good
I really was just looking for a expletive, no disrespect intended to Palmer.

But man wear cleats that brings awareness to DV, fined. Where eye black that supports finding the cure for cancer, fined. Wear some cleats with a golfer on top of them, that's fine. Want to do the same thing for Ali, threatened to be fined.
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