The Invincible Thread

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@DeadsetAce Man, **** all that. You gotta cut the middleman out and speak directly with other dude's insurance. Did the cops come through? Did you get a police report? Why is there a dispute of fault? If those 4 witnesses are unbiased and documented, it should be way more than enough.


Funny y'all were on that topic though. I FINALLY got this check yesterday from my insurance. Ya boy had 2 damn car accidents last year.

Happened in February. Kid ran a red light in the snow when I had a green and I hit him as his car was skidding through the intersection. He admitted fault right away, said he was looking at his phone's GPS since he wasn't familiar with the area, and by the time he looked up, it was too late. I let my insurance know what's up, but I basically dealt exclusively with the other kid's insurance. Filed a claim with them and everything was handled appropriately. No issues.
Took place in September, about 2 weeks after returning from vaca out in Miami.
I made a turn at an intersection and some dumb *** from New Hampshire (probably a Trump supporter) sped through his light and crashed into me. Clearly wasn't paying attention. I took a bad hit, the idiot got his car totaled. Someone who witnessed everything came out his car and backed up what took place, but he heard sirens and scrambled out of there saying he had to go...and I forgot to grab his digits.

New Hampshire dude lied his face off, and I automatically got found at fault since he technically had the right of way. He got paid by my insurance and my points went up. So of course my premium went ALL the way up, word to Fat Joe. I appealed their ruling of fault and brought documentation when I argued my case in court. Won that **** like a boss.

I always pay my yearly premium in total when the time comes. Since I had no more points after I won and was back to a perfect record, my insurance owed me the difference of the new calculation vs. what I had already paid. The points were wiped out in early May. I JUST got my money back yesterday from those thieves, man.
MF'ers had every excuse in the book before the check came through, and claimed they mistakenly "sent it out to my previous address on different occasions". Currently contemplating switching out when it's time to re-up.
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Geico been good to me these past couple years change in rates and claims got handled dumb fast :pimp: , hope they keep it up tho :lol:

N I see Bosa sittin out the 1st couple games then just signing the deal, he ain't trying miss out on too many checks
I have Progressive, been in two wrecks. One of them her fault, the other one mine. They had my back in both circumstances.
My mistake......
  • The Chargers can trade him through August 9th only.
  • If he doesnt sign by the Tuesday after week 10, he cant play at all in 2016.
  • If he doesnt sign this year, the Chargers would hold his rights until the start of the 2017 draft.  He would then re-enter the draft.
All via Pro Football Talk.....
The saga continues...

So what happens if they don't get a deal done with Bosa?

Iirc,he can't suit up for them or be traded this season

I thought it meant he goes right back into the draft?  This whole situation is crazy to me.  Lose-lose for all parties involved.

If he doesn't dress by week 10 he goes into the draft

This,forgot about week 10 being the deadline. Doubt it's gonna get to that point but you never know,the Chargers and high draft picks don't seem to mix too well :lol:
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Two of the 3 points are irrelevant

He’s getting more bonus money that people in previous drafts? Duh, it’s called inflation. Bonus money naturally increases each year.

He’s getting more money than any previous charger draft pick under the CBA? No ****, he’s the #3 overall pick. Our highest other recent pick was #11. #3 will get more than #11.
im with bosa on this. scumbag chargers want their cake and to eat it to.

this situation is interesting for future drafts. if bosa holds out and enters the 2017 draft and the chargers get nothing, this can show rookies that are drafted high that they have more leverage than they thought. owners might be a little on the edge if those deadlines approach and bosa is still at home.
'Agitator' Doug Baldwin pokes Sherman, Bennett

It's been a chippy training camp in Seattle. Michael Bennett seems to get kicked out of practice every other day, while Doug Baldwin's recent scrap with Richard Sherman was nasty enough to warrant stitches to the wide receiver's face.


"Obviously, tempers flare," Baldwin said Tuesday, via The News Tribune. "Sherm's really upset that we keep destroying him in practice. He's upset that the receivers are getting the best out of him and the defensive backs this year. So he takes offense to that."


Yes...I'm hoping they implode.
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I never really understood the chargers drafting him anyways.. they run a 3-4 right?

like I think he would be perfect on certain teams.. basically 4-3 teams, that have great pass rushing 3 techs.. would be a great strong side DE with the emphasis on inside pass rushing.. then you kick him inside on purely pass rushing downs
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Bosa has said all along that he wanted either the offset language removed or to get his bonus money right away (like other similar picks have recieved) and the Chargers are still yet to do either. So of course he rejected this "better" offer. Chargers brass just trying to make themselves "seem" like they are going above and beyond and doing what Bosa & his camp has asked for.
What's the difference between what the Chargers want to do and what the Bucs did with Jameis and his bonus?
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I never really understood the chargers drafting him anyways.. they run a 3-4 right?

like I think he would be perfect on certain teams.. basically 4-3 teams, that have great pass rushing 3 techs.. would be a great strong side DE with the emphasis on inside pass rushing.. then you kick him inside on purely pass rushing downs
Sounds like he'd fit in good on the outside of KK and Star :lol:
The saga continues...

Chargers proposed to Joey Bosa what they made clear is their best offer, source says. It was declined. Offer pulled. Two sides are nowhere.

Can the Chargers trade him?...

Edit: Nvm. Saw the other post.
He should hold strong.
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While the CBA has eliminated most of the negotiating process, there are still structural issues to be negotiated for which the CBA provides no standard solution. This is the reason for the still-unsigned status of Joey Bosa, the third overall pick in the 2016 draft. The Chargers and Bosa are now in a stare-down, each side not blinking, over two issues: 1. Payment terms on a signing bonus exceeding $17 million; and 2. The inclusion (or not) of offset language, giving the Chargers financial relief if Bosa were released during the contract and signed elsewhere.

Regarding payment terms on the bonus, Bosa’s camp wants the full bonus paid by the end of the calendar year while the Chargers want to push roughly half of the $17 million until March, when the new fiscal and league years begin. As to offset language, the Chargers have precedent for offset in their rookie contracts, although they haven’t had a pick nearly this high in this new CBA era. (And they did pay Philip Rivers $32 million in the past calendar year, nearly twice the amount of Bosa’s bonus.)

With two outstanding issues simmering, one would think there might be opportunity for compromise, with the Chargers and Bosa each giving on one of the issues, something seen elsewhere in the draft. First overall pick Jared Goff does have deferrals but no offset language. Second overall pick Carson Wentz does have offset language but only $1 million of deferral that is paid in January. And since 2012, the third overall pick has either had: 1. No offset language with deferral; or 2. Offset language with bonus paid before January. This year, 19 of the first 24 picks have had their signing bonus paid in full by the end of 2016. For what it’s worth, last year’s top overall pick, Jameis Winston, had offset language and $6 million of his signing bonus deferred into the subsequent March.

The Chargers, despite the above, do not appear to be moving on either issue. Further, it appears that any suggestion that they will give in to Bosa to avoid another distraction with the uncertainty around potential relocation only emboldens them more. They will wait out Bosa, who has no options and, therefore, no leverage. They know, as we do, that Bosa will eventually come into the fold. As to lingering damage between the team and the player, time will tell, although that will probably linger more with the agents for Bosa than with Bosa himself.

rolaholic rolaholic
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Bosa has said all along that he wanted either the offset language removed or to get his bonus money right away (like other similar picks have recieved) and the Chargers are still yet to do either. So of course he rejected this "better" offer. Chargers brass just trying to make themselves "seem" like they are going above and beyond and doing what Bosa & his camp has asked for.
This. The Chargers are about to play themselves bad, I hope he sits.
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I never really understood the chargers drafting him anyways.. they run a 3-4 right?

like I think he would be perfect on certain teams.. basically 4-3 teams, that have great pass rushing 3 techs.. would be a great strong side DE with the emphasis on inside pass rushing.. then you kick him inside on purely pass rushing downs
Sounds like he'd fit in good on the outside of KK and Star
I'd love to have him on the eagles.. I'd trade them barwin and/or peters (since we're rebuilding).. even consider trading Brandon graham

if we could get a pure speed rushing 4-3 end for 3rd down, you would have everything you wanted out of a 4-3 line right now
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