The Major League Baseball Post

Originally Posted by JPZx

Yeah, but I think the way Rauch did it was a little bit more unique:

-Twins were up 7-6 entering the bottom of the tenth. Rauch goes out there.
-Rauch blows save giving up one run, 7-7. Gets out of the inning with just one run given up.
-Twins score two runs in the top of the eleventh, score is 9-7.
-Rauch goes out there again to attempt a second save opportunity, and gets it.

I should have been more specific, because I believe you both thought I was talking about the way KLJ posted.

Y'all gotta remember that Nathan's been the Twins closer forever and I haven't had to deal with many "blown saves" situations so I'm not really up to date on all that...

MLB umping is the worst !@@##@* organization ever. im seriously about to email these !!+#@@@. the MLB NEEDS to do something about this. anyone who seen the end of the royals/twins game knows what im talking about. hell, if you watched last years PLAYOFFS you know what im talking about. calling @$*$#*@@ outs just because they want to go home. !$@# them.

Greg Gibson can suck a big one. same guy who ejected Greinkie last year.

the commissioners office has to do something.
Just a harmless discussion for a rainy Monday here in New York.

At the moment, who is the best pitcher in NY? Pelfrey or Pettitte?

Pelfrey: 4-0, 0.69 ERA (WHIP: 1.19)
Pettitte: 3-0, 1.29 ERA (WHIP: 1.07)

I honestly think Pettite. His age and the fact that he's doing it in the American League. Yeah, my reasons are very bland, but that's why I said a harmless discussion.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Just a harmless discussion for a rainy Monday here in New York.

At the moment, who is the best pitcher in NY? Pelfrey or Pettitte?
CC Sabathia. The end.
Three options for Greinke:

1. Pitch him 8 innings and go right to Soria.
2. Get some better middle relief.
3. Get him the %+$# out of Kansas City.

Team Grammar


But he has looked decent this year. Has the average up, walks are there and the K's are down. He's making $7.5 this year and that's only going to go up...

Don't know what the Giants are thinking not having Buster Posey up as yet...
It took him ten years to be productive. I'm not giving him any parts of $100 million at age 30.

Hell, I'm not giving hardly anybody any parts of $100 million at age 30.

at Carlos Gomez striking out on a Paul Maholm breaking ball that hit him in the knee.

Marlon Byrd just caught a 200-foot high fly ball three feet off the ground... behind his back, not looking...
I'm not saying he deserves it but it's his contract year and he's not staying near the $7.5 million he's making now.

centerpiece of the Johan deal...
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Marlon Byrd just caught a 200-foot high fly ball three feet off the ground... behind his back, not looking...
He did what?  Vid coming soon? 

Complete freak occurrence.

He lost the ball early, turned away and put his head down and stuck his glove out while falling. He's lucky it didn't knock his !+% out.


Courtesy of NT's own, Chris Littman:

Nice play. 
  Thanks for the vid. 

Just when we start playin better, we lose 2 outta 3 at home to the Nationals.  Life of a Cub. 

Heard McCutchen hit a BOMB today in Mil.  W4L was at the game and said it was impressive. 
Originally Posted by Proshares

Don't know what the Giants are thinking not having Buster Posey up as yet...

Something to do with arbitration eligibility reasons?  A friend of mine alluded to that when he was actually slightly upset the Mets called up Ike Davis
Originally Posted by Proshares

Three options for Greinke:

1. Pitch him 8 innings and go right to Soria.
2. Get some better middle relief.
3. Get him the %+$# out of Kansas City.
Mets need to empty their entire farm system for him. We'd be a lock for the Pennant with Him and Johan 1-2.
Indirectly, JJ Hardy was the centerpiece of that Johan Santana deal. Not much better though

Luke Hughes, a 25-year old Australian IF for the Twins just hit a HR in his first ever major league at-bat tonight. Most of you probably remember that Jason Heyward completed that same feat earlier this season. Hughes played on the Australian National team last year for the WBC.

Paul Konerko still going strong at 34. Leads the league in HRs
.... patiently awaiting the guy's retirement though.

What in the @%@% is up with Jake Peavy? Dude has 5 ER without even completing one inning yet. Y'all remember that story that came out in Spring Training about him hushing the critics about his performance because he "keeps his good stuff for the regular season"?
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