The Major League Baseball Post

The Rangers have already stolen 6 bases tonight in Boston...
Victor hasn't made a good throw yet, but in his defense, he's got no shot...

Turtles beat Wakefield to the plate and he doesn't even look at runners on base.
They pitched out and Elvis damn near stole a base standing up.
Two wild pitches now in the 4th... Wakefield stepping off or throwing over several times before he throws the first pitch to a hitter... It's in his head.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Dako, you're not here in SoCal are ya?

If so, avoid by all means, there are better ways to purchase

nah, will be there end of June yet.  Where else can i purchase? other sites or just go straight to local malls?
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Two wild pitches now in the 4th... Wakefield stepping off or throwing over several times before he throws the first pitch to a hitter... It's in his head.

The Sox have now given up nine stolen bases...tying a record dating back to 1913.
As a Yankee fan, I shouldn't be saying this, but Boston's struggles actually worry me.

I mean, is this just one of those rough stretches, or is it a sign?

And why does it worry me? Cause I wanna see competition in our division.
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

And why does it worry me? Cause I wanna see competition in our division.
I know what you're saying, but I could care less about the competition
. It makes things a lot easier on the Yankees if the Red Sox are constantly struggling. Plus, the Rays should be around too, and I'm sure Boston will get their act together sooner or later, so the A.L. East is definitely not a breeze.

Speaking of 'sooner or later', but I think I'm eventually buying one of these .
I have more irrational hate for the Boston Red Sox than any sports team in America... It's ridiculous how annoying they are to me.

From the stupid configuration of Fenway to the douche squad Youk/Pedroia/Papelbon/now Lackey to Red Sox Nation... God they irk me.
God damn it I'm so sick of Ron Washington and this nonsense $@!@%#@% every single time we get caught up in a close game...

Why the hell was Feliz not brought in for the 8th inning with the tying run on base? Why was Frankie brought in to pitch the 9th a week after Ron announced he wouldn't be closing anymore and would be used on low-leverage situations until he got it right again?

Fire this idiot. Get him out of here and put Hurdle in charge. This team played hard for him last year and really appeared to respect him. This year? Sloppy. Unprepared. No sense of urgency. This thing is a mess and Ron Washington needs to go. This same crap costs the Rangers close games literally every week.
Top Five Revenue Teams
1. New York Yankees, $441 million
2. New York Mets, $268 million
3. Boston Red Sox, $266 million
4. Los Angeles Dodgers, $247 million
5. Chicago Cubs $246 million

It's a damn shame

As a Yankee fan, I shouldn't be saying this, but Boston's struggles actually worry me.

I mean, is this just one of those rough stretches, or is it a sign?

And why does it worry me? Cause I wanna see competition in our division.

Why would you be worried with the way the Rays are playing?

The Boston Red Sox will always compete because they are a high revenue club that actually uses that money for their on field product.  Unfortunately, they are like the 2007 Yankees.  They have too many pieces that are old and unproductive (Varitek, Ortiz, Lowell), sucking up payroll.  They will be off the books this off season and I am sure they are going to target one of those premiere first basemen that are going to hit the open market soon (Yanks will be on the sidelines due to having Tex).  They will let Beltre go, move Youk to 3b.  I have no idea what they are going to do with Victor Martinez, dude is garbage behind the plate.  They need to deal him to a team that needs a first baseman.
Strasburg Update:

today: 5 IP, 1 H, 0 R, 1 BB, 6 K.

For the season: 12 1/3 IP, 7 H, 1 ER, 3 BB, 17 K. ERA 0.73. 

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

I have more irrational hate for the Boston Red Sox than any sports team in America... It's ridiculous how annoying they are to me.

From the stupid configuration of Fenway to the douche squad Youk/Pedroia/Papelbon/now Lackey to Red Sox Nation... God they irk me.

good old fashioned hate.

Halladay with another gem today.  Surprised that I haven't seen much coverage on it but the Cubbies moved Z to the pen today.  Talking to my cousin about this today (big Giants fan) but you can't keep Sanchez on the bench if Uribe is still hitting like he is now when Sanchez comes back, can you?
Someone make a thread about this bum for the Yankees having a no hitter going. Put the nt
jinx on him
I was listening to the Dan Patrick show and they were laughing about a team that left the dugout when their teammate hit a walk off? Anyone got a vid
20 - nothing shutout and a triple play in the same day. 

And none of it will get any run with the draft, NBA and NHL playoffs the big news the rest of the day. 

Why does every team let Jim Edmonds go, and then he just keeps producing and having solid seasons? 
Meanwhile, J Dye can't get a job.  I don't get it. 
Back to back complete games, just give him the CY Young now, Cliff Can also return the AL Cy Young he stole from Roy. 

Also is it just me or is Roy's change up gotten way better, he never used it in Toronto looks almost like a slider. 
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