"The Master" Jordan 12s To Release (2/27/2016)

yeah its a bummer they now charge shipping, gone are the days of free shipping for new release Jordans, but if you have a wc rewards it kinda softens the blow>D  

The WC rewards are another struggle. If I see a shoe I like and want to use my WC rewards, then I fail the cop. If I see a shoe I like and I get through, my WC rewards are expired.
Damn, anyone know where I can get kids size online that's still in stock? FNL is having problems... leaving me to nearly 3k pending in charges.
saw a dude got charge the same on the wc 4 release
 why is FNL notorious for these kind of charges
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Gave up and paid resale didn't expect these to be hard to get in the UK.
Resellers been getting a nice eat of me the last 2 weeks.
My SNKRS says "submitted". I'm usually patient on order confirmation but damn 
. Can't tell based off how this went online
You'll get it. Trust.
I got my order confirmation and mine still says submitted 
SNKRS app just hit me with the order confirmation 

Also FYI to anyone who has a NDC code and wasn't able to apply at checkout. Contact NDC chat or through phone and have the code applied. 
called a couple of HOH and FTL stores around me and they said they're releasing unclaimed pairs at noon or earlier
 I was dang they're in a hurry to get these off their hands
I have 3 pending orders from finishline. All 3 orders have a size 12 and size 13 in them. 6 pairs would be sweet 
You must be young. I said, if you were on your game. Of course now it's difficult. It's way past launch time.
You're like a person who wins the lottery and says "See?  Easy, anyone can win."  If it was that easy there wouldn't be this many people on here saying how they couldn't get anything.
Congrats to all who were able to pick up a pair, however has anyone seen the iconic pic these are named for.  I did a quick google search on Jordan 12 The Master and came up with nothing.  Just find it interesting that they are named "The Master."
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