The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Cannonier, Imavov, Reyes, Rosas on NOW

Who is that chick lol?

They’re trying at least. But that’s not the Nunes fight. But they trying to save that card.
This Kunitskaya fighter is the same one who previously lost to Evinger who got completely dismantled by Cyborg. I know MMA math doesn't add up all the time but I really don't see this girl putting up much of a fight against Cyborg.

Glad to see they were able to book T-City/Edgar though. Props to Ortega for stepping in.

The rest of 222 isn't terrible with Dern making her UFC debut and potential up and comer Sean O'Malley with another scrap.

So, then what is he? Can we say he's not as good as he once was, or...?

Also, Aldo is only 31, he's not really that old.

We can definitely say he's not as good as he once was, I said it myself in the post you just quoted. There's a difference between that and washed though. He lost 2 fights against the same guy who at this point seems to just be the better man. Would have to see Aldo vs. a dude like Ortega or Emmit or Zombie or Stephens or even Lamas to really see if he's done or not.

Also when you're 14 years deep into a pro career with multiple injuries that pulled you out of fights, plus wear and tear from wars in the cage, I would say yes, you're old.
Cyborg continuing to solidify her legacy as overrated trash. Cherry picking the 135lb weight class while ducking any legitimate challenge she can.
Dana once again saying there's no way Diaz fights woodley and that rda is up next for woodley

Do we believe what he says or nah
I don't understand why his response toward Woodley was so strong. Seems unnecessary :smh:

PS - I really wish I could see these tweets Cashflow Cashflow drops in here. I be feeling like I be missing so much.
I usually read the forums while at work. So they've naturally blocked most entertainment and social media avenues.
Seems like he hates woodley. Kinda weird that dana usually favors an opponent with the bigger name but he’s caping hard for an rda fight. Then if he makes the diaz fight instead he’ll pretend like he wanted that fight first all along.
Seems like he hates woodley. Kinda weird that dana usually favors an opponent with the bigger name but he’s caping hard for an rda fight. Then if he makes the diaz fight instead he’ll pretend like he wanted that fight first all along.
Yea neither Woodley or RDA are big draws and they'd likely have to co-main an event like under the DC-Stipe event. It just is lame that the WW is being held up this long, it would be about a year since the belt was defended if Twood waits for that July card.
I know woodley just had surgery and might still be recovering but him talking about legacy fights and wanting only big names is lame to me. I know fighters are underpaid and just wanna cash out but you didn’t hear this stuff from hughes, gsp, or even lawler. They put on amazing fights and fought whoever the number one contenders were and made themselves the big name draws. Fighters now sound like beggars, begging people not even in their weight classes for fights. nate didn’t become a draw overnight, took him years of trash talking and entertaining fights. Then he called out a well known guy and beat him without much time to prepare and made himself a bigger star.
I’m pretty sure Nate Diaz was begging for better pay befor the McGOAT fight

The problem is if TWood loses to RDA, he’s not getting a bag anywhere. The only time these guys have any financial power is when they are champion. So you have maximize your earning potential while you can
I’m pretty sure Nate Diaz was begging for better pay befor the McGOAT fight

The problem is if TWood loses to RDA, he’s not getting a bag anywhere. The only time these guys have any financial power is when they are champion. So you have maximize your earning potential while you can
While I agree with your point about Twood he's just not a big star and him constantly campaigning for the money fights plus all the complaining he does isn't going to earn him any fans. Outside of the Lawler fight he recent fights have been very underwhelming. They can't keep showing the Lawler and Koscheck KO's all the time.

This weekend's card is one I'll likely look for after it airs, I think Rockhold is able to use his kicks and counters to keep Romero at distance and see him getting a late rd sub after Romero tires out.
Romero missed weight after a second try now they’re waiting to see if Rockhold will still accept the fight

I kind of want him to decline purely for the ensuing chaos
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