The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Cannonier, Imavov, Reyes, Rosas on NOW

Any time they can get two dudes with any kind of personality in the same room together before they fight.....there's a good chance something good will come of it if you're trying to sell a fight.

Weidman and Rockholt may not be those dudes though :lol
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Bottom line is promotional stuff comes with the territory but he wants special treatment.

You probably would, too, in his shoes.

Look @ the money he's bringing into the UFC compared to everyone else, it's not even close.

He's done a few world tours now where the opponent pulls out and he steps up and fights anyway.

Homie asks to only show up in NY to do media and Dana immediately pulls him from the card? Alright, :lol

Son has saved like 3 UFC cards already, I give him credit for telling Dana and Co to go **** themselves.

Ronda can pick who and when she fights, Dana lets her shoot her movies but Conor can't miss a press conference that literally means nothing?

He's been promoting nonstop for about 3 years now, I think he's earned the right to say FU to a damn presser.
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Yeah. UFC isn't seeing the whole picture. Conor HAS to beat Nate. Two in a row losses by Nate? Millions get flushed down the toilet. Let Conor train. He's gonna need it. Ppl forget this is fighting. Not the WWE. Nor a job at a fortune 500 company.
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This is what a lot of you seem to be missing. They seem to feel like missing the presser doesn't "mean nothing" to promote what is an ENORMOUS event for their company.

Maybe I just see things differently. I've had a job. With a boss. And I know how that works.

Rarely are you bigger than the boss and the company.

And if you are, it's time for you to go start your own company.
How many sales you think the fight loses by Conor only showing up to one media day as opposed to the 4 that were scheduled?

You really think it's going to impact PPV buys?

Dude's tweet w/ garner more attention than all those pressers combined, the fight is already sold at this point.

Also, this dude is in Iceland, that's like a 14 hour flight and it's not direct.

These guys know it's 2016, right?

Why can't they just set up a damn projection screen and gets this dude on Skype?
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How many sales you think the fight loses by Conor only showing up to one media day as opposed to the 4 that were scheduled?

You really think it's going to impact PPV buys?

Dude's tweet w/ garner more attention than all those pressers combined, the fight is already sold at this point.

Also, this dude is in Iceland, that's like a 14 hour flight and it's not direct.

These guys know it's 2016, right?

Why can't they just set up a damn projection screen and gets this dude on Skype?

The press he got for his tweet was an unexpected byproduct of all this.

UFC can't let him call the shots. You do that, then the next "Conor" will think he can pull the same behavior without repercussions.

And you guys think the UFC would put millions into promotion without first researching how that correlates to PPV buys? Of course it increases PPV buys, that's the whole point! That would be really stupid for a company as big as them to invest that much into promo without seeing returns.
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What I think doesn't matter. Apparently the people who's job it is to know that kind of **** think it's important.

Again, you say the fight is sold. It's not. It's April. They are trying to break records.

I've already explained why the video thing is ridiculous. I can't believe people keep bringing it up :lol

You guys have all the info in front of you. All of the GOLD from the first Nick/Conor build up came from the pressers with them in the same room.
The UFC has already let him call his shots, tho.

They choose to draw a line in the sand over pressers 3 months out from the fight?

I don't know, man.

I just want to see the fight, both sides need to end this pissing match and figure something out.
The irony of Conor complaining about press obligations leading up to a fight against one of the ******* Diaz brothers just dawned on me :lol
It wasn't just the press tour, he also had to shoot a commercial for 200...this is 3 months out and he's taking training seriously like its 2 weeks out. All the training aint gonna help him against nate.

Ive said this before, He got worried about his usual press conference gimmicks not going over now that he lost...he can't talk and say the things he did before, literally everything would get trumped by diaz saying "he beat him already".  He would literally have to act like 90% of the roster at press conferences and give the cliche generic answers.

and the ppl who jumped the gun saying this was about money...smh 
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How many sales you think the fight loses by Conor only showing up to one media day as opposed to the 4 that were scheduled?

You really think it's going to impact PPV buys?

Dude's tweet w/ garner more attention than all those pressers combined, the fight is already sold at this point.

Also, this dude is in Iceland, that's like a 14 hour flight and it's not direct.

These guys know it's 2016, right?

Why can't they just set up a damn projection screen and gets this dude on Skype?

The press he got for his tweet was an unexpected byproduct of all this.

UFC can't let him call the shots. You do that, then the next "Conor" will think he can pull the same behavior without repercussions.

And you guys think the UFC would put millions into promotion without first researching how that correlates to PPV buys? Of course it increases PPV buys, that's the whole point! That would be really stupid for a company as big as them to invest that much into promo without seeing returns.

He's already a megastar, tho.

At this point he could promote his own fights on social media the same way Kevin Hart and The Rock do w/ their movies and w/e.

That would probably have a bigger impact than 17 pressers, :lol

I just don't get why he didn't ask the UFC to cut down on his media obligations after the Aldo fight.

I remember back then he was saying how it took a lot out of him.

Bad timing on his part, I'm sure they could've figured something out had he brought it up prior to signing the contract.
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That's not the only way, I'm just saying.

He could promote himself at this point, IMO.

Dude could fight ninjahood in some alley in da heightz and people will tune in.
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Goes back to what I said before. The press is almost MORE important with a guy like Conor because of how dynamic he is.

Thats how you get from 1 mil buys to 2. 2 to 3. And so on. And this event is a big deal for them.

The Aldo tour was a lot of cities though right? More than 4?
Conor McGreggor should move back to boxing. He can be his own boss, take a majority of the PPV and gate monies, I think he will sell in boxing and without the BS choking and kicking, he'd do well.
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Yea that world tour was crazy, 7 or 8 cities across the world.

They were in Ireland, Canada, London, Brazil, Vegas, LA, Boston, NY, etc...
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These trash talk promotions aren't that entertaining anyway. Will just hear most of the same stuff they said last time except he'll add in how he wants revenge and will be better this time.
Maybe to you, but to the general public who buys PPVs, you don't want to risk not having pressers 
Exactly. For the "casual fan," the pressers can add to the hype to get them to wanna order it.
:rollin at everybody saying a tweet from Connor is enough
And comparing him to somebody like the rock who has 50 million followers vs not even 5 million that Connor has. Hell even Kevin hart has over 30 million :lol

Don't get me wrong, social media is a great tool, but if Dana is letting you call shots and you're making the most money in the company, you've got to also do some legwork
wonder why this thread jumped again
conor really testing dana and ufc. :lol doubt they give in to his demands
:rollin at everybody saying a tweet from Connor is enough
And comparing him to somebody like the rock who has 50 million followers vs not even 5 million that Connor has. Hell even Kevin hart has over 30 million :lol

Don't get me wrong, social media is a great tool, but if Dana is letting you call shots and you're making the most money in the company, you've got to also do some legwork

Some legwork? :lol

He's already done that and more.

Obviously The Rock/Kevin Hart have bigger followings on social media, they're in the mainstream, MMA most likely never will be.

5 million followers for a fighter is massive.

I don't think anyone is saying pressers are totally irrelevant, I just think that 1 or 2 is enough.

I don't think him missing one impacts anything at all, maybe I'm wrong.
Come on man. The legwork is continuous. And will need to be done as long as he's planning on fighting.

And The Rock and Kevin still do plenty of press, commercials, and even host award shows to promote their films.

Because usually the more you promote, the more you sell if you've got a decent product to sell.

And even if you don't :lol
I don't know, UFC 189 had the world tour/most pressers and in terms of buys it did the worst out of Conor's past 3 fights.

Keep in mind, Dana also said that it trended higher once Aldo dropped out.

Obv he could've been BS'ing but who knows.

I just don't think having 4 pressers as opposed to having 2 is impacting much when you're talking about someone like Conor/Ronda.

If you think it does, or the higher ups think it does, cool.

At the end of the day, I just wanna see the fight and I'm a little pissed that it's fallen apart over media obligations.
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Why are you bringing up the 189 press tour and buys when the guy that Conor did the press tour with didn't even fight that night?

Some of the things being said now are just.....odd :lol

Probably did trend higher after Aldo dropped out. I never buy a PPV until the night of. I would imagine most people put in their buys week of.
I literally explained that in the 2nd sentence

Trended higher/tickets sold better once Aldo dropped out.

I think there was a slight decrease in aftermarket ticket price once he dropped out, tho, which could obv have impacted ticket sales.

Even if you use 194 where he fought the guy he world toured with, 196 did more buys w/ less promo.

UFC 100 is the highest selling PPV of all time and I don't remember a damn 8 city across 5 country world tour.
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Your bringing up UFC 100 is exactly what I meant by "odd" :lol

And I explained myself in the last sentence of my previous post.

You're also looking at things in a vacuum.

All the promo for 189, then the fight, help 194. Which does more than 189.

All the promo for 194, then the fight, help 196. Which does more than 194.

Seeing the pattern?

All of the press **** Conor did is what got him HERE. You think the legwork is done now? Now he wants to fall back before the UFC's biggest event in 7 years?

I have quite a bit of experience in marketing and promotion. So I understand where the UFC is coming from on a lot of levels.

You clearly have your beliefs. All good. I'm not trying to change your mind. Just trying to offer real world perspective on this.
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