The NBA Draft Thread

How is Dunn? barely saw any wolves games last year so I dont even know what his game is like.
Fultz is nothing like Beal
AT ALL. Jalen on that **** again

Harden / Kyrie
How is Dunn? barely saw any wolves games last year so I dont even know what his game is like.
Great defensively, offense was basically non existent, but I fel like he wasn't given a chance due to the immense amount of offensive talent in Minny.
I really like Lavine and dunn, but the wolves got fleeced.

Lavine and Dunn will be a hit in Chicago though. Run to watch
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Great trade for minny
Thibs needs to hold practices tomorrow

Aint no time to babysit. Minny needs to show results in wins
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Jimmy just lost 50+ Ms [emoji]128549[/emoji][emoji]128549[/emoji][emoji]128549[/emoji][emoji]128549[/emoji]
Lonzo is a Laker, expect the Black Paul Heyma...........I mean Lavar to gloat in all of our faces in a few moments
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