The NBA Draft Thread

Congrats Lonzo. Hope he leads this team to greatness. I was wrong, hope he proves Magic and Rob right.

On to PG13!
Having Ball as your primary ball handler is NOT a good look at all for the Lakers.

That boy Lonzo is about to get baptized on a nightly basis by every PG in the league.
Lavar getting more camera time than Lonzo. Wish Lonzo the best of luck. Lavar can kick rocks . I dont appreciate wackos flourishing with crazy comments
How did Ainge not get Butler if that was all the wolves got?! [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Boston had the assets to make a move for either Butler or kp and didn't pull the trigger. Getting ready to draft their 5th string small forward instead
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