The NBA Draft Thread

Made Danny Ainge fly out to Cow town only to cancel the workout
 that's awesome
Bucks signed Bronson Keonig :smokin

Might actually watch our G-League team games now
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Hopefully all the Freshmen being drafted gives a real slap in the face to that dumbas one and done rule lol
Only reason why the rule is dumb is because is for the schools financial gains and not the players. In all honesty I'm all about having these young kids be force to an education and tune up their skills in college vices the league ... But of course if the school is making money off them, they should be compensated ... A full scholarship is not the end all now a days ... But look at the comment below.

No, I like Ingram. It's just going to take a little while before he's actually an impact player. Lonzo should have a very positive impact on him though.
Of course he doesn't suck .. But sometime when you have a kid with potential but needs works he becomes a busy in the NBA .. Why? Because teams want to win and they are doing it at everyone's cost sometimes they don't have time to develop these kids. I love Tyus Jones in college .. I thought the dude was highly intelligent and a born leader .. NBA he's a bust or just a journey player right now and probably always will be ..

Can someone explain what Orlando's plan is? Issac, Gordon, Vuc, and Biyombo??? I thought they should've drafted Monk or DSJ.
Last night I laughed at Orlando's pick and call Orlando a joke of an organization and someone challenged my College basketball IQ ... But you my friend understand why I was saying this ... WTF are they planning on doing .. LoL ... Isaac even said he wanted to go to a NY team .... Hurt people's feelings.
We just got ours too but it's an hour and a half away from Milwaukee and there's nothing to do there. Don't think i'm gonna drive that far just to watch them lol.
Damn, ours isn't that far. About 35, 40 min away w/o traffic.
Only reason why the rule is dumb is because is for the schools financial gains and not the players. In all honesty I'm all about having these young kids be force to an education and tune up their skills in college vices the league ..
They're in school for 6 months. Only 3 of which they need to be eligible.

Devoting 90% of their time to basketball including practice, games, workouts, much of an "education" do you really think they're getting? 
Was Simmons injury before the start of the season? That would technical still make him a rookie right?
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