*****The New Official Jordan 11"Space Jam" 09 Thread ! Vol: No Bs Please !*****

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Originally Posted by javon23

If anybody knows where i can get a size 13 in the state of Maryland PM me
Never had a problem getting size 13 until now
with this shoe

PM me also lol. I just want one pair
just got my NDC shipment, as the tracking said. i got a lot of injections on one shoe, none on the other. carbon fiber is fine on my pair, patent leather is alil low. just happy i just paid retail + tax.
'lol please ONE PAIR = reseller?? HAHA @#@%, jus logg off. its called being "smart."

option #1 - keep my spacejam 09' that i paid $191....
option #2 - sell spacejams and make $135 and use that money to buy high quality -- DS concords 00' for $165 + ($135 fromm sale)

Niketalk please let me know what YOUUU would have done. lol ya im not rich. i dont, yet, have a high paying job. 21 years old in college. what would u do

OPTION #1 OR #2?? lol
Dont blame the resellers blam JB for making you wait in the cold whats so hard about taking preorders leave a deposit secure your pair. All that happens whenthey do these release is people are left out after waiting countless hours and you have to waste resources on shoes SMH at JB seriously pre orders is the wayto go.
Originally Posted by javon23

Originally Posted by CPinoy

Originally Posted by javon23

will never order anything online from FNL/Eastbay/Champs/Footlocker
lesson learned
this is my 2nd time getting burned by them. i was one of the peeps that ordered from FNL and never recieved a confirmation but my card was charged. had to call them to take the hold off so i can get my funds back. same thing happen to me years ago when the Grey/White XIX dropped

Same thing happened to me today when I called them. They said my order never went through but when I asked them how come my credit card got charged? They saidI should contact my bank & asked what happened & when I asked if they could email me a confirmation that my order didn't go through in case my bankasked for some confirmation, she gave me an attitude that its not their fault & they're not responsible for what happened & if Im trying 2 get somefree $ its not going to happen. I told her I understand they must be tired or something but how can they assume that ppl are trying to scam them when they knowtheir system messed up & then she decided to transfer me to her supervisor but she just put me on hold for 15 mins. This is definitely the last time I everdeal with Finishline. NDC ftw
Originally Posted by bak ymmij

My NDC order said it would be here by three and its not here. Now the estimated delivery date is gone from the Fedex page for my order.

So my order did get caught up in the delay. SMH

And dude shouldn't question 410, he has provided great info in the past. Also 410 is your third stock spoken for? I would love another pair or two. (I will be wearing all my pairs, none will EVER be for sale)

SMH same thing happened to mine ....
Originally Posted by bak ymmij

My NDC order said it would be here by three and its not here. Now the estimated delivery date is gone from the Fedex page for my order.

So my order did get caught up in the delay. SMH

And dude shouldn't question 410, he has provided great info in the past. Also 410 is your third stock spoken for? I would love another pair or two. (I will be wearing all my pairs, none will EVER be for sale)

did u ever see this on your tracking page ??

Dec 24, 2009 8:58 AM

On FedEx vehicle for delivery
Originally Posted by irishbaz

All these divs boasting about resellin! If your such a great sales person why not open your own store and go legit and man out the hard times when shoes is sittin on shelves and you gotta tell staff they workin a 4 day week.

Bleeding the economy of what little life is left in it, well done great effort you whet into a store bought shoes and sold them on what an achievement you must feel so fulfilled with yourself surely a highlight in your résumé!
I'm actually against price gouging personally, but we really don't have a right to judge and cry about reselling....everyone whodidn't get a pair and is salty...that's your right to be mad...but Nike got their money from the distributors, the distributors got their money fromthe shoe stores, and the shoe stores got their money from those buying...the resellers are only charging what people are willing to pay...
Page after page, people are saying how they flipped their pair for $300+, $400+ ...obviously people are prioritizing getting a pair of shoes more thansomething else since those prices are getting paid...
trickle down economics...those flipping them making double and triple profit...are going to buy more and continue doing this until people stop paying thoseprices...and then they will offload what is left to close friends/etc...to get rid of them...

CDP XI/XII was going for $500+ for weeks after release....now how much are they???
People...stop hating...you didn't get your pair and are butt hurt about it...wait till ISS is back up and go wine there....
here is one of my pair...(the one I don't need) just came in from Shoetrends...Shoutout to Ron...ALWAYS HOLDING IT DOWN!!!

Merry Christmas folks!
*gets of soapbox
Originally Posted by karxken

Originally Posted by bak ymmij

My NDC order said it would be here by three and its not here. Now the estimated delivery date is gone from the Fedex page for my order.

So my order did get caught up in the delay. SMH

And dude shouldn't question 410, he has provided great info in the past. Also 410 is your third stock spoken for? I would love another pair or two. (I will
be wearing all my pairs, none will EVER be for sale)

did u ever see this on your tracking page ??

Dec 24, 2009 8:58 AM

On FedEx vehicle for delivery

Last activity was "in transit"
They got fortunate. I guess it was NDC's way of showing that Christmas spirit. No one does that nowadays, it's very noble of them.
Originally Posted by Litflynt

Originally Posted by irishbaz

All these divs boasting about resellin! If your such a great sales person why not open your own store and go legit and man out the hard times when shoes is sittin on shelves and you gotta tell staff they workin a 4 day week.

Bleeding the economy of what little life is left in it, well done great effort you whet into a store bought shoes and sold them on what an achievement you must feel so fulfilled with yourself surely a highlight in your résumé!
I'm actually against price gouging personally, but we really don't have a right to judge and cry about reselling....everyone who didn't get a pair and is salty...that's your right to be mad...but Nike got their money from the distributors, the distributors got their money from the shoe stores, and the shoe stores got their money from those buying...the resellers are only charging what people are willing to pay...
Page after page, people are saying how they flipped their pair for $300+, $400+ ...obviously people are prioritizing getting a pair of shoes more than something else since those prices are getting paid...
trickle down economics...those flipping them making double and triple profit...are going to buy more and continue doing this until people stop paying those prices...and then they will offload what is left to close friends/etc...to get rid of them...

CDP XI/XII was going for $500+ for weeks after release....now how much are they???
People...stop hating...you didn't get your pair and are butt hurt about it...wait till ISS is back up and go wine there....
here is one of my pair...(the one I don't need) just came in from Shoetrends...Shoutout to Ron...ALWAYS HOLDING IT DOWN!!!

Merry Christmas folks!
*gets of soapbox

preach my freind PREACH!!! honestly, if youve been in the shoe game long enough, you understand thihs high demand-supply concept.

kicks always peak in price the week after release date when most panic about "missing out", but like what he said, prices always level out- much likecdp xi pack.

if youre smart, youll sell ur pair now while demand is at its highest. but i also understand those who really wantd these to begin with, and can do withoutthat extra $$$

as for me, id rather make that $$ or spend that extra on some more worthy shoes and wait for either a restock or for prices to drop to cop my pair
I gotta say that this has all turned to "prognostic comedy"!!! There's some cats on here straight hatin' on dudes that got hook-ups or justlive in desolate areas where no one really wears SJ's on their tractors in the snow, LOL.....naw for real, it's almost Christmas fam, let's behappy we even got the opportunity to buy shoes and wear them in peace.

Respect to all, and to all a good night.
like i said on the other page, if a reseller takes more then one pair of your size and your size ends up being sold out and it really bothers you do somethingabout it.

if i know the odds are in my favor because i got people with me and i put the time and work in to get a pair and some pricko reseller wants to take EVERYSINGLE PAIR in my size, i would do the same thing again, tell him that he could do whatever he wants with the rest of the pairs but their selling me one ofthose pairs at retail plus tax otherwise there's going to be a big problem.

it's not talking tough, its taking matters into your own hands. the reseller still makes whatever profit he makes off the other pairs but i'm gettingone of those pairs for retail.
well according to nike live assistance:
-these will not be restocked, they were meant to be limited release
- every nike location is sold out
-jordan 6 in january is GR

can anyone help a guy out in chicago area snag a pair of 11.5s?
Originally Posted by bak ymmij

Originally Posted by karxken

Originally Posted by bak ymmij

My NDC order said it would be here by three and its not here. Now the estimated delivery date is gone from the Fedex page for my order.

So my order did get caught up in the delay. SMH

And dude shouldn't question 410, he has provided great info in the past. Also 410 is your third stock spoken for? I would love another pair or two. (I will
be wearing all my pairs, none will EVER be for sale)

did u ever see this on your tracking page ??

Dec 24, 2009 8:58 AM

On FedEx vehicle for delivery

Last activity was "in transit"
was there a time though that it said
On FedEx vehicle for delivery

cause mine says that that it's out for delivery so im thinking if mine has a chance not to be delivered today
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Ok, keep telling yourselves that there's going to be a full restock. (back a few threads)
Yep, and even if there is a restock...They will be gonein a quick flash.

These are 11's people. Black/Red, Spacejams, Concords, Cool Grey, Columbias....It does not matter. Whatever coloway, when these drop, the hype reaches epicproportions. It's the most appealing to the eye Air Jordan sneaker out there. They sell like hotcakes.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

it is what it is, i really don't feel bad for some people on here because they had months to either establish hookups or plan a way to get them. i passed on the space jams but the manager at the place i go to on a regular basis was willing to hold a pair until whenever i woke up and give me the employee 30% off because he knows i take care of him when he needs a favor.

i do feel bad for the 14-15 year old kid or the guy who's been collecting shoes that doesn't know about niketalk or the parents who were trying to get a pair for their kid but got shafted because of a reseller.

if a reseller really bothers you though, grow a pair of balls and call them out on it when you see them walking out the store with all those shoes. i won't lie i suge knighted my way into getting a reseller to sell me my size 11.5 columbias for retail back in 2001 when i saw that this guy bought all 6 size 11.5 pairs they had. i wanted 1 pair for me to wear and i won't lie i was furious when i saw what he pulled.

i had my friends with me so that helped because he looked kinda shook but i told him straight up, " i don't want no problems but you took every 11.5 and thats my size, i'm giving you retail plus tax for one of those pairs and you do whatever you want with the rest"

he begrudingly took my $137.50 and we both went our seperate ways.

love the story, teach them some lessons man. lol
I don't think I've ever seen so many people complain in my life, a bunch of cry babies

if you didn't get a pair just do some homework and look out for restocks. There are NTers that look out for people at cost, and also sites like solez whotook pre-orders. Also 410 is helping out by charging retail and doing phone orders when he could be charging a markup and they would still sell.
How is my pair in my town yet all a sudden it one from supposed to be delivered today at 3... to not at all?!?!?
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

like i said on the other page, if a reseller takes more then one pair of your size and your size ends up being sold out and it really bothers you do something about it.

if i know the odds are in my favor because i got people with me and i put the time and work in to get a pair and some pricko reseller wants to take EVERY SINGLE PAIR in my size, i would do the same thing again, tell him that he could do whatever he wants with the rest of the pairs but their selling me one of those pairs at retail plus tax otherwise there's going to be a big problem.

it's not talking tough, its taking matters into your own hands. the reseller still makes whatever profit he makes off the other pairs but i'm getting one of those pairs for retail.
QFT....if your spot is hot and you see the gramps rollin' out of the mall with a cart of SJ's approach dude with your team and bediplomatic, extend the olive branch and ask for fairness. I had an associate do this but there was no compliance so things got rough, but he got his pair andyour boy with the stock cart leaving the mall got retail plus a $25 spot for his time and band-aids.

Be fair or justice comes quick.
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