* The New TEAM SC Official post *

Hey SC fam. So its offical i am a resident of this state now. I closed on my very first house...So it looks like i am here for a while fam. Once i move in andget settled we will have to do it up as an SC fam. And stay tunned for pictures.
Jason - Glad to hear you finally closed on the house. We definitely all should chill onceyou're moved in.

UNDS'd these today . . .


Also, some of my most recent pick-ups . . .




I've got one more special thing waiting at the post office that I have to pick-up, sostay tuned . . .
most recent pick up SB's 85 bucks flat(tax free weekend)

sorry i had to bite Allready Stan the shoes are sick
Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

Loving the Summerville Scummerville Greenwave Dunks Tyler..


You better get out of here with that though. I'm still salty that we never once beat them in footballmy whole high school career.

Anyway, I UNDS'd these today; '94 White/Navy Canvas Lows . . .


& here's a teaser picture of my newest pick-up . . .



Originally Posted by Executive76

what up SC...im new to NT but born and raised in SC

nice pickup Allready Stan
Let me guess?...Charleston, Greenville, Summerville...
hahahaa tre he got ya...finally someone from your area.

executive(put number here) welcome to the most exciting thread on nt....(insertsarcasm)

spacej23 your pick-up SUCKS even though i can only see the tissue paper and thebox

which are making me jealous...you skateboard posing hypebeast!!!LMAO
Team SC,


Go to the General Forum and read the post entitled: An Open Letter to Rock Deep: Explain Yourself.


There are some shady people in this world. I'll just leave it at that.
Originally Posted by AirJordan17

Team SC,


Go to the General Forum and read the post entitled: An Open Letter to Rock Deep: Explain Yourself.


There are some shady people in this world. I'll just leave it at that.


That was such a long read, but it was definitely worth it. I respect Rocky for beingable to put up with all of that BS.
^ Agreed. That post right there is gonna be on classic status. I will def have something to read tomorrow at work. But yea Rock put upwith a lot of crap and essentially people he thought was down for him screwed him over.

The corporate world is HELL. Number 1 rule... don't trust nobody. Sad but true.

Brad- Thanks. Can't wait to see them when they get here.
Yeah i read it at work as well ron. And it was very interesting. Makes me want to watch my back alot more. You cant trust people these days, or even retailersthese days(ty and ryan know what i mean)
Originally Posted by greencelt06

hahahaa tre he got ya...finally someone from your area.

executive(put number here) welcome to the most exciting thread on nt....(insert sarcasm)

spacej23 your pick-up SUCKS even though i can only see the tissue paper and the box

which are making me jealous...you skateboard posing hypebeast!!! LMAO
thanks man
One more teaser picture . . .


And wore these today . . .



Well, here it is . . .


'94 canvas high AF1's.
lol jason yes yes i do know what you mean.... that storywill be on classic status once its released

ive made it known before how much i despise tyler but i just thought id reiterate that point lol

nah braa love the pick up great for any duke fan lol

Man those Forces are crazy, even though I am a die hard Tar Heels fan.

Great pick-up Ty. No more Forces man! You killin me over here.

I regret now sleeping on those Red Air Max 1 joints, heck I slept on that shoe literally for years.

Pics of my modest pick-ups coming soon.
Ryan I am with you man. I hate Tyler. I am making that know publicly now. He knows my shoes are in storage and i wont get them till next monday. So to teaseme he post that pick. Hmmmmm Ty you ar evil. I am going to look for the infra reds this weekend on my own. hahahaha. SMH.
Nice pick ups as usual ty
Modest pickups as well for me coming soon.

I can't compete with OGs. Sticking to retros with my low budget paper.
What's up TEAM SC!!
I had no clue there was a post just for SC, efing awesome. Anyways, my name is Jason, I'm getting back into the sneaker game, I live in ParkCircle....yada yada. I talked with Gustavo from B'zar, pretty cool dude, and was asking him about the Infrared 90's release. He said no dice! Doesanyone know who might be getting these? I've heard on place so far but their story changes daily.
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