The Offical Team CAPCOM- Roll Call Vol:There ain't nothin Marvelous on NT pg1 updates

T[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]-[/color]E[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]-[/color]A[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]-[/color]M[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]-[/color]C[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]-[/color]A[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]-[/color]P[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]-[/color]C[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]-[/color]O[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]-[/color]M: [color= rgb(153, 0, 0)]Z[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]-[/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]E[/color][color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]-[/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]R[/color][color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]-[/color][/color][color= rgb(153, 0, 0)]O[/color] ,

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Zero Giga Attack! [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]We must continue to fight... not only against the Mavericks, but against our own destinies as well"[/color]

EDIT: Nvm, you got it.
T-E-A-M-C-A-P-C-O-M: Z-E-R-O
Zero Giga Attack!
We must continue to fight... not only against the Mavericks, but against our own destinies as well"

Thanks a lot!

soo 916, who's your favorite capcom character?

see if it works this time....

ehh team capcom is too small....have to work on it still...
Originally Posted by Rafool


see if it works this time....

ehh team capcom is too small....have to work on it still...
copy and paste mine, and just edit the text. see if that works.
any help with mine? i found a quote for ken think is alright "True strength is something money and credit cards cannot buy!"
Originally Posted by LetItRock

I need to find me an Akuma quote...
I googled, and found this thread that had Akuma quotes. Here is the link:

And this is from the page:
I spent a little time writing down the win quotes by going through VS mode vs CPU, here they are for anyone interested in selecting particular win quotes for their matches.

1: If you seek renown as a fighter , then stand and face your destiny!
2: You are but dust carried on a desert wind!
3: Be gone with you!
4: There are many paths to hell. Which will you choose?
5: Your tears of regret cannot turn back the hands of time!
6: I alone have mastered the art of combat!
7: Once you face me, there is no turning back!
8: Open your eyes and look upon the man who has broken you!
9: It is against the order of things for the mouse to turn on the cat!
10: If you insist on speaking, do so with your fists!
11: The absurdity of your attempt to defeat me is ... entertaining.
Originally Posted by Murkn3m

any help with mine? i found a quote for ken think is alright "True strength is something money and credit cards cannot buy!"

T-E-A-M-C-A-P-C-O-M: K-E-N
Whatever move you want to put
True strength is something money and credit cards cannot buy!"
Originally Posted by LetItRock

I need to find me an Akuma quote...

Alpha 3:
A weakling like yourself doesn't deserve fists to fight with
Fade to nothingness! You weakness disgust me!
If you are merciless, your soul will be slaughtered!
It's time for you to experience a million deaths in an instant!
Shall I dismember you to demonstrate your weakness?
To challenge me is to respect chaos, and to respect death!
You are permanently crippled! Accept your defeat!

Third Strike:
A weak shell for a weak soul. It was an easy task to separate the two...
My fist knows no equal!
Perfection equals obliteration!
The unworthy must be removed from existence.
To show mercy is to show proof of your imperfection!
Weakness is a disease... I am the cure!
You body assumed its proper form when my fist tore it apart!
You've fulfilled your purpose in life by allowing me to end it!
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