THE OFFICIAL 2024 - 2025 DALLAS COWBOYS SEASON THREAD || 3 - 3 Thank God for the BYE

Byron also played Gronk pretty well in his rookie year.

If he’s outside cover corner most games except when a team has a big time TE and he can play on the TE, that may be best.

Awuzie, Byron, Lewis, Woods & A. Brown rotation at Corner

And at a safety If we made a run at Earl Thomas and had a rotation of him Heath and Frazier

Together that’s a really good secondary already and then you realize most of those guys are young too years 2-4.
Byron also played Gronk pretty well in his rookie year.

If he’s outside cover corner most games except when a team has a big time TE and he can play on the TE, that may be best.

Awuzie, Byron, Lewis, Woods & A. Brown rotation at Corner

And at a safety If we made a run at Earl Thomas and had a rotation of him Heath and Frazier

Together that’s a really good secondary already and then you realize most of those guys are young too years 2-4.

heath should be playing special teams and thats it

as of right now i see us at 8-8.

This stretch is TOUGH (on paper)....really gone make ir break our season...

On the bright side, December looks favorable for a late run....if we can make it there still in the mix...

*Steal is relative to where we draft them.

Da’ron Payne
comparisons to Suh. Is starter ready. Ability to be a pro bowl defender quickly.

Strengths – Brick wall with good muscle mass. Really strong. Can stuff the run with good balance and body control. Stays on his feet. Strong initial punch that can push inside OL off their position with ease. Great bull rush. Keeps his eyes in the backfield and fills the two gap. Will force teams to shy against the run. Eats blocks and is able to give LBers holes to get into the backfield. Hands and feet move cohesively. Improved as a pass rusher, if he can consistently get to the QB or be disruptive to force QB to hurry, he’ll be elite. Seen as a good locker room leader.

Weakness – Can be slow off the snap, and initially will become too upright. Is very athletic, but can have trouble getting his feet to widen, and ends up as a phone booth defender. Average change of direction, can’t get good upper body turn. If first move in pass rush is thwarted, he is basically taken out of the play.

Vita Vea

Strengths – He’s huge. Absolutely massive. Intimidating to OL. Easily over powers lighter guards, and is a terror to Centers. Has the body control to get loose from blocks through hip rotation, power, and flexibility. Can toss around blockers with his hump move. When he can stay low, he’s able to keep his ground and move forward. Can punch OL, dislodge and locate the ball. Above average pursuit quickness. Violent hands that can keep blockers hands off him. If he can gain momentum early has a dangerous bulrush. Really good already, while being raw talent.

Weakness – Ends up on the ground too often because he loses balance. Can lean too far forward over his toes, and compromises his ability to make progress. Tendency to let pads rise too high. Lacks feel for double teams and blocking schemes. Caught off guard by second blocks, and doesn’t have the hands to work against double teams. Below average speed off the line. Lacks quick feet for pass rush, too heavy footed. As a pass rusher, he has to go through the OL, doesn’t have flexibility/foot quickness to win around the edge. Power over technique. Some teams may view him as a run down player only. Inconsistent can look like a star on some series then average on the next series. Very raw, will take time.

Maurice Hurst –

Wants to prove people wrong. His mom was a cheerleader for the Pats. Got pregnant by a DB on the team. Dad never in his life. Wears 73 because it’s the opposite of his father.

Strengths – Disruptive initial quickness when ball is snapped. Stays low when coming off the ball. If he can get into the gap, can get skinny and squeeze through. Too quick for blocker to reach out too. High motor and a lot of movement gets him into the pocket. Quick hands. Can push away early OL punch, giving him the advantage and get OL off balance. Light feet allow him to get between gaps on slower lineman. Can make plays beyond the gap because of quickness. Effective in twist rush.

Weakness – Small for interior line. Doesn’t have thick frame that will allow for adding a lot of mass. Maulers will swallow him alive if they can square up on him. Good punch can knock him well out of rushing lanes. Has to get inside longer/stronger blockers or else they can keep him away from lanes. Uses forward lean to create power, but does not have the upper body for that in NFL. Sticks to blocks and slow to shed blocks. Pass rush comes from twists and movement.

Taven Bryan

Strengths – Athletically gifted. Loose lower body. Flexibility and agility of a defensive end. Gets good burst upfield off the ball. Can squeeze through gaps into the backfield. Great pursuit speed and closing burst that few DTs have. Long motor. Determined to keep moving, doesn’t give up on plays. Explosive techniques push and pull as well as punch and release upfield for quick wins. Works quickly to the edge to attack as a rusher.

Weakness – Narrow through hips. Seems small. Lacks the size to go against power, and can get knocked back. If he doesn’t win initially, blocker can hook onto his frame and he has a hard time getting off the block. Stumbles when the line gets grounded, and ends up on the ground due to narrow base. Below average power. Lack of instincts and awareness right now. Has to learn to keep head up, and eyes on the backfield. Lack of feel explains lack of production. A project that could pay off, or could blow up in your face.

Harrison Phillips -

Strengths – Great feel for blocking schemes, can handle double teams that allow LBers to get free to the ball. Uses wrestling background to use hands, and finds way to QB. Thick frame. Makes a lot of plays. Good production in college. Can fill both gaps to follow the runner. Quality edge setter. Blockers have trouble finishing their blocks against him. Very active with a high motor. Good at driving upfield and altering the run. Effective spin move to disengage crowded line. Pushes the pocket back to force QBs off balance.

Weakness – Has build of OG as opposed to big DT. Plays too upright, and doesn’t get good bend in his legs that prevents good balance. On the ground too often. Uses activity to produce rather than athletics. Has trouble in lateral movement and change of direction. Quick lineman can get position and wall him off. Lacks plan as a rusher.

Tim Settle

Strengths – Big with good mass. Strength, quickness and agility show up in play. Lost weight, and saw a jump in production. Conditioning improved to keep him on the field. Plays with a lot of energy. Stays low. Good burst out of stance to win neutral zone. Can play through edge of blockers. When he gets a good jump, disruptive in the interior. Stays low. Upper body power for a quick punch to shed at point of attack. Good pursuit motor. Locates the ball early and can play off blocks to make tackles. Can penetrate the two gap. Can push the pocket back to force QB to throw off balance.

Weakness – Bad weight distribution. Has to maintain weight, and conditioning, did so in college, but in NFL it will be more his responsibility. Can get over-excited and get himself off balance by trying to do too much too early. Over-extends himself and ends up on the ground too often. Played in only 23 college games. Inconsistent hand usage. Will need to work on his technique to take on double teams.

Foley Fatukasi

Strengths – Good frame with a lot of muscle. Fires out of his stance, good pad level with initial quickness in the gaps. Has power to challenge the edge and close rush lanes. Two gap potential if he improves technique. Can push interior blockers back with strong hands in pass rush. Hands and leg drive work in unison to ruin the pocket. Good spin move. A lot of energy on every snap.

Weakness – While talented, he’s very raw. Average in run defense. When play goes outside, has trouble staying ahead of blocks. Needs to learn how to recognize blocking schemes. No feel for down blocks. Improve technique on double teams. Needs to improve his shed time.

Nathan Shepherd

Strengths – Has room to gain strength. Good frame. Is able to work on weaknesses, and diagnose weaknesses on his own. Plus athlete with flexible hips and good lateral quickness. He’s a very moldable player. Athletic when pursuing in space. Shows flashes as a plus pass rusher.

Weaknesses – Very raw, and has not played against much competition. Could end up not playing his first couple of seasons. Needs to develop better feel for blocking schemes. Needs to learn to fight double teams with technique over power. Needs to develop hands to help him win point of attack. Needs to play with more toughness.

B.J. Hill

Strengths – Athletic lineman. Natural/smooth movement. Gets a good jump on direction of play. Good initial snap quickness. Above average instincts. Good recognition of pre-snap movements and blocking schemes. Recognizes cut attempts, stuffs them, and goes after the ball. Good upper body turn to help him get around the edge. Good tackle production and makes tackles near line of scrimmage.

Weakness – Gives up ground in initial contact when he goes up against a lineman who can drive DTs back. Lower body doesn’t anchor in the ground and push forward well. Strength at point of attack is a concern. Can get pushed out of his gap by double team. Needs to learn a spin move against double teams. Body control and balance on contact is below average. Production was disappointing despite playing with a quality line. Lacks bull rush.

Andrew Brown

Strengths – Good get-off speed. Shoots gaps quickly, and gets into blockers before they can get to him. Good forward lean with momentum. Fights to get out of the blocks. High energy. Good use of hands. Can push the pocket with bull rush. High motor, doesn’t give up on plays. Production should increase with full time move inside.

Weaknesses – Has to get bend in his legs to get leverage at point of attack. Doesn’t produce much from point of attack, production comes from slants. Missing burst to close down running lanes on backside when he’s unblocked. Unskilled and slow hands. Not much production as a pass rusher. Needs hip flexibility to get himself around the edge.

Deadrin Senat – If Senat slides past the 3rd, he’s another potential steal.

Strengths – Small frame, but very strong. Plays with a wide base, hard to knock off balance. Low center of gravity and powerful base allows him to play through and redirect blocks on the edge. Fast twitch hands. Hits OL shoulders first, so they can’t get into his frame. Very little wasted motion. Violent hands. Two gap abiliy as shade nose. Keeps working, will chase tackle.

Weakness – Small frame can hinder him against long / powerful OL. If he can’t get control early with hands, gets tied up. Needs more initial disruption off snap. Won’t be a good pass rusher because of length. No bull rush.

Derrick Nnadi

If you can get him in the 4th round, he will be a steal. He has a very low floor due to size, but if he can put it together, or is amongst a DLine of bigger bodies, he will bring quality production.

Strengths – Good at the point of attack, and can dislodge from single blocks. Good motor, and active hands. Good build. Low center of gravity that allows for increased leverage on interior. Outstanding play strength and is a monster in the weight room. Good snap quickness. Can attack gaps and keep eyes on ball carrier. Can shed blockers and pick up runners trying to get through gap. Productive tackler. Low pad level + lateral agility make him hard to pin down. Shows ability to recover when attacked and can dislodge from angle blocks. Can counter on pass rush and go from gap to gap when single block. Uses swim move and quality slap and rip to attack edge. Good drive in lower body to push the pocket.

Weakness – Really undersized as a DT. Can get manhandled when facing bigger OGs/Cs who have power. Has to win early with hands to keep advantage. Can improve his quickness to diagnose direction of run plays. Base is inconsistent and leads to losing ground against double teams. Pass rush gets stifled if OG gets a good initial jab on him.

If we go DT in Round 1, has to be Vita.
Round 2, I'd go Hurst if he's still available. If not, wait for Round 3 and you'll get a really good player in Fatukasi or Brown
I’ll probably have Top 12 OLBs done tonight. A lot of mocks have us taking Rashaan Evans, which would be a good pick. But part of me would love us waiting until the 4th and taking Shaq Griffin
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Vea, Evans, Vander Esch... Also wouldn't hate Harold Landry or Marcus Davenport
St. Brown, Sutton, Kirk or Chark

That's my first two. Then a DT or OL in the third, unless that pick is traded for Earl.
Could probably always trade back if Evans and Vea are gone. At that point nobody really worth taking at 19. I think Riddley & Sutton will be gone as well.

Might as well see what you could get moving back.

Roquan Smith
Strengths – Pro bowl potential. WR in high school, elite athlete at OLB. Tremendous speed, can beat RB to the corner. Fluid motion, and explosive in space. Easily slips through blocks. Locker room leader. High Football IQ, great instincts. Able to sniff out misdirection, zone reads, het sweeps. Good recognition of screens to disrupt them. Great stop-start speed and ability to change direction. Can match running backs in coverage. Good coverage ability when playing zone.

Weakness – Slightly undersized. Uses speed to stay in front of blocks, but if he’s behind on the block OL size will swallow him up. In space has to settle down because he can come in too fast at times and miss. Needs to improve hands when engaged by blocks. Doesn’t recognize/sense oncoming blocks when they are not in his eye sight. Needs to improve efficiency on finding routes to the ball.

Tremaine Edmunds
Strengths – Unique size, long limbs. Great frame that will get better with lifting weights. Excellent lateral quicks. Size and speed to have a huge playmaking net. Fast twitch. Can spin out of blocks to get back in play. Length with athleticism and agility gives him ability to make tackles from difficult angles. Great finisher as a tackler. Elite traits. Can be disruptive in pass rush, run def, and coverage. Length and burst to affect the pocket as an edge rusher. Can match quick RB & big TEs in coverage.

Weakness – Average instincts relying mostly on athletic gifts. Slow to diagnose. Fooled by misdirection. Can take bad paths that take him out of the play. Needs to develop patience to see the play start to develop then attack, many times he comes in like LeRoy Jenkins, and overshoots or is fooled. Lack of patience leads to him trying to get ahead of plays, and accidentally opening up running lanes. Center of gravity is too high, needs to compensate by developing base strength. Mental mistakes in man coverage hurt the team. Takes a lot of time to process what is going on in front of him.

Rashaan Evans
Strengths – Great build with good length and great speed. Very good athlete with plus agility, range and explosiveness. Quick diagnosis skill. Can time meeting jet sweeps and pitches on the outside to meet the ball at LOS. Has patience on misdirections, isn’t baited. Can side step blocks while keeping his gap. Can cover gap to gap with athleticism against shifty RBs. Explosive wrap up tackler. Will play hurt. Sub-package rusher with upfield burst. Burst as a delayed blitzer is too much for a lot of OL to catch.

Weaknesses – Lacks instincts of someone who has his experience at the position. Needs to improve leverage in pursuit. Can get too far ahead on blockers allowing for cutbacks. Needs to improve at punch and separating when taking on blockers. Benefitted by playing behind a big DLine. Needs to trust his athleticism to get tighter routes. Concerns about his durability.

Darius Leonard
Strengths – Long frame that is hard to square up. Long stride in open field with loose hips and pursuit speed. Excellent reactive athleticism. Quick shuffle steps to avoid blocks in second level to get to RB. Good discipline and holds his hap. Pads are square to the line. Patient tackler. Produced all four years. Great closing speed with sideline-to-sideline range. Can play off blocks and find the ball carrier. Fluid in zone drops or matching up in man.

Weakness – Frame may be maxing out, put on 50 lbs in college. Lacks strength in arms and chest to combat NFL OL strength. Needs to improve efficiency of routes. Needs to be more aggressive in pursuit. Willing to hit, but needs more pop behind his pads. Needs to improve instincts and read patterns in man coverage.

Harold Landry
Strengths – Fluid athlete with good twitch. Flies out the gate, no false steps. Long stride who takes early leads to edge. Flexibility to drop on tackle’s hands, and can make a tight turn and burst to QB. Plus pursuit speed against the run. Experience dropping into space. Good change of direction. Quick lateral movement

Weakness – A bit of a tweener. Maybe a OLB in a 3-4. But kind of a tweener and not a 4-3 DE or 4-3 OLB. Needs more diverse rush approach. Still needs to learn how to put moves together. Rush counter is basic. Below average upper body strength. Hasn’t shown consistency to convert edge speed into power. Rides blocks too long. Wants to chase tackle on running plays, avoids when RB is coming downhill at him. Needs to do better wrapping up and finishing. Effort level appeared to decline in 2017.

Shaquem Griffin
Strengths – Good athletic ability. High Football IQ. Attacks blockers with max arm extension to keep them off his frame. Uphill burst as an edge blitzer, range as a tackler. Has upper body power at the punch. Tries to demolish with hits. Great instincts. Accelerates quick off the snap, and can outrace to the edge. 18.5 sacks over two years as outside rusher and blitzer. 13 passes defended on 42 targets.

Weakness – He does have only 1 hand. Can cause problems disengaging off blocks and finishing tackles. Inconsistent knee bend. Needs more mass, and add to lower body strength. Contact balance is below average when up against power. Little margin for error on tackle finisher. Struggles with cut blocks.

Lorenzo Carter
Strengths – Long and rangy. Long strides to cover ground quickly and close in on plays away from him. Effectively uses his arm length. Can punch and separate against blocks. Holds contain. Plus quickness on lateral movement. Ability to snatch up RBs when they think they’re clear. Long arms get into blocker’s frame and sets the edge. Can build on speed to create downfield angles to get to the sideline. Active tackler. Can get to the QB.

Weakness – While he has a large frame, has to add muscle to it. Longer OTs neutralize his length and push him around because he lacks strength. Does more damage tackling in groups than on his own. Needs to be able to offer more than just straight line attacks. Rush is stalled if moved to DE. Slow to get hands working as a pass rusher. Needs to develop counters on rush if he can’t improve strength. Doesn’t convert his speed to power

Jerome Baker
Strengths – Fluid and fast movement. Hips stay loose and good footwork to move around the field. Burst to come from backside to close running lanes. Tremendous range as tackler. Changes direction easily. Can elude blockers with lateral movement. Efficient paths to ball. Can shift through traffic. Great athlete. Talented in space, can match receivers. Can carry vertical receivers down the field. Can use speed to make up for mistakes and slow diagnosis of play.

Weakness – Small frame, plays small, can be swallowed up by size. Lacks play strength and base to withstand powerful OL. Needs to improve hand work. Slow diagnosis and instincts below average. Lack of size/strength may keep him off the field on run plays. Loses gap leverage and gets manhandled around the field. Motor is inconsistent.

Uchenna Nwosu
Strengths – Athletic, loose lower body movement. Smooth directional change, and instant stop start quickness to put himself in position to make play. Can come across LOS from backside to challenge running lanes. Good burst and chase speed. Hits and runs through RBs and WRs. Fluid in drops. 18 passes defended in last 2 seasons

Weaknesses – Lacks length and strength on edge. Tackles can swallow him up and take him out of play if they get into his frame. Takes a long time to disengage from blocks. Hot & Cold motor. Instincts are WIP. Relies on athletic ability as opposed to instincts. Doesn’t outrace OTs to edge very often. Could play with more sense of urgency. Needs to develop pass rush plan. Needs a counter move.

Malik Jefferson
Strengths – Long athletic frame, good muscle mass. Loose hips and speed give him explosiveness. Good range for tackles. Covers ground quickly. When he commits to pursuit can kick it into high gear. Quickness and agility to stop runners trying to burst past him. Recovery speed to make up for slow diagnosis or mistakes in reads. Can cover in man. Strength to re-route TEs off snap.

Weaknesses – Lacks instincts and has trouble seeing schemes, patterns. Inconsistent pursuit leverage. Needs to play faster at next level. Needs better knee bend. Waits at second level rather than going after it. Passive when taking on blocks. Ducks head in contact and allows blockers to swallow him up. Gets pushed around a lot. Missing aggressiveness and alpha leadership. Doesn’t wrap up and run through tackles with active feet. Undisciplined and inefficient as zone defender.

Ogbonnia Okoronkwo
Strengths – Compact build, good legs. Flashes NFL power. Gets off ball and up field with urgency. Attacks pocket with good instincts as a rusher. Uses hesitation, changes pace and alters path to get to QB. Drives legs and gets leverage to play through edges. Grew as a player through college tenure. Decent strength at point of attack. High production tackle wise because he quickly disengages and finishes.

Weakness- Needs to improve technique and consistency when setting edge. Needs faster punch to prevent edge block from getting into frame. Quality run blockers will flatten him. First rush step is subpar. Can play too tall. Lacks experience in coverage and will miss his assignments.

Fred Warner
Strengths – Size and experience as slot defender gives him hybrid appeal. Good length, good hip movement. Plays like a safety. Good athletic ability. Easy change of direction in space. Team leader. Active tackler. Plus instincts. Quick to diagnose, and gets downfield in the backfield to make tackles for losses. Keeps eyes on QB in space. Gets early jump on WRs when he recognizes it. Adequate closing burst to the ball.

Weaknesses – Inconsistent angles to the ball, leading to using all arms on tackles. Inconsistent as a tackler. Scouts unsure of best fit for him. Scheme allowed him to play off line to keep plays in front of him. Needs to add play strength if he is a conventional linebacker. Coasts at times when play goes to opposite side.

I'm fine with Rashaan Evans in the 1st is Vea, Sutton & Riddley are gone... Although I'd honestly prefer to trade back, and take Baker or Nwosu in Round 3 or Griffin or Jefferson in Round 4.

Been reading a lot about Vander Esch. He's pretty good, but he's a ILB, and we already have Jaylon who steadily improved over the season. You do take BPA when they are clearly head and shoulders above everyone else at that slot, but Vander Esch isn't that guy. Not at 19, and not in the first round.
I’d take Vander Esch and move Jaylon outside. Still too many question marks to count on him playing the middle linebacker spot and running sideline to sideline every down.

I'll finish this probably tonight or tomorrow night.

Calvin Ridley
Strengths – Blazing speed. Ran full route tree at Alabama and worked in a pro-style offense. Smooth strides with able to cut effortless. If DBs allow him to release, he’ll dominate DBs. Consistent speed in short, intermediate and deep routes. Elite separation. Seamless and sharp route breaks to create bigger throwing windows. Initial speed forces DBs to back pedal immediately to play safe. If Ridley sees this and makes a quick fake or cut, he can be wide open. Will grab the ball out of the air easily on the move. Can get to low passes that are underthrown and get passes that sail high as well. Doesn’t give up when QB starts to scramble, and finds a way to give QB open target. Can take it to the house in space.

Weaknesses - Thin build. Frame needs more strength, but may not be able to add to it. Long, press corners can knock him off original game plan. Hasn’t learned to use hands to counter press coverage. Impeded by contact. Bump and run DBs can redirect routes. Inconsistent body positioning deep down sidelines. Good hands, but has a lot of drops due to sensing of nearby defenders (20 drops over 3 seasons). Scouts question if he can catch in traffic. On hitches, he has to not waste time after catch, and just start using speed to get upfield, too often he wastes an opportunity trying to bait defenders to miss.

Courtland Sutton
Strengths – Durable and big frame. Can take a big workload. Willing to stay in and try to make a catch in traffic. Unfazed by oncoming contact, and able to focus through catch process. Keeps defenders on outside hip on slants and crossing routes. Uses body positioning and extends catch radius. Good use of hands to get late separation on jump balls. Consistent working back to QB on underthrown balls. Plays with a lot of confidence. Physical blocker who will open up room for RB.

Weaknesses – Play speed is average. Faster DBs can sit on his routes and contest catches. Route breaks are not sharp. Plays more with size and scheme than he does with effort and technique. Defaults to bodying smaller DBs. Not much separation burst on first and second level. Struggled against quality competition in TCU and UCF. Has to get quicker and get separation, but many scouts feel he’ll develop ability to separate in the pros.

D.J. Chark
Strengths – Desired combo of size and speed. Smooth and sudden acceleration. Can get corners to bite on double move. Can build speed. Long strides give him good separation. Devastating double moves. Can gather, sink and open for QBs on comebacks. Unintimidated by hitters in middle of the field. Can adjust body late on adjustments. Willing blocker.

Weakness - Press corners can get into his frame. If seeing press coverage, gets slow trying to release upfield. Too upright going into his routes. Limited route tree on second and third level, linear and rounded routes. Not effective with use of hands, and lacks upper body strength.

D.J. Moore-
Strengths – Good combo of size and speed. Holds himself accountable, and is a good locker room presence. Quick feet can bust press coverage. Can accelerate over the top past DBs. Works back to QB. Athletic talent to get balls throw behind him. Dangerous on bubble screens and hitches. Can break tackles and get down the field. Can return kicks and punts.

Weaknesses – May end up as a slot because he is lacking length to be on the outside, but has a good frame to play on outside. Catch production were simple routes. Needs to put same effort on running routes that he does on YAC. Allows DBs to crowd him at the top of route. Needs to be more explosive out of breaks, which impact his ability to separate. Low percentage of wins on 50-50 balls. Doesn’t have the feel yet for body positioning to provide him with space to make a catch. Had some miscommunication with QBs on routes/plays.

Equanimeous St. Brown
Strengths – Tall target, long limbs. Can play outside and from slot. Gets into routes with quickness and can decelerate and open up on comebacks. Plays faster than tapes show. Can easily move around route traffic. Good footwork allows above average change of direction without slowing down. Build up speed can beat DBs on vertical routes. Willing to work in middle of field. Ability to get YAC on crossing routes. Good feel for using his size down sideline. Can make chunk plays with speed. Very few drops.

Weakness – Competitiveness wanes at times. Doesn’t play with consistency. Struggles with strong and physical DBs. Routes are rounded. Needs to disguise his route breaks better. Needs better route leverage to create downfield separation. Hand strength is below average. Lack of hand strength leads to drops after contact.

Anthony Miller
Strengths - Stutter steps and head fakes defeat leverage on inside and outside. Accelerate out of cuts to create throwing window. Can work inside and outside and has been effective on short, medium and deep routes. Great ball tracker and gets better the further he gets down field. Great body adjustments to get 50/50 balls. Works well with scrambling QBs. Can get his feet down near sidelines. Creates YAC.

Weaknesses – Short stepper. Rather than sinking into routes, he gets too upright and can be disrupted by redirects from zone corners. Routes have wasted motion with too much upper body movement. Mediocre concentration on short throws. Drops and double catches easy and short throws. Ball security is a concern, 5 career fumbles.

James Washington
Strengths – Escapes press with initial quickness. Vertical threat. Powerful and driving steps lead to great stride. Great build up speed to get past DBs. Accelerates into cut on post routes to create open deep looks. Great at tracking the ball. Adjusts speed to match ball flight. Can go up and get it on 50/50. Has runaway speed after catch. Worked outside and from slot.

Weaknesses – Limited route tree. Top heavy build prevents him from sinking sharply into breaks. Clunky footwork on inside routes. Doesn’t have the skillset for fluid, complex routes. Short and medium passes, he has trouble finishing the catch.

Deon Clark
Strengths – Good size. Fluid movements, natural feel of position. Gets into routes with good push and forward lean. Quick slaps get him past press. Good pace in routes. Legit deep target. Willing to fight with hands downfield. Physical with the ball in the air. Understands correct catch angles and adjusts. Quick to catch, tuck the ball and look to get upfield. Great at keeping feet inbounds. Good talent after catch. Good shake and stiff arm to elude tacklers. Competitive as a blocker.

Weaknesses – Moved to WR1 and did not see a jump in production. Most production declined after more targets. Needs to expand route tree. Doesn’t separate much underneath. Needs to be more sudden when he runs routes. Has issues with focus. Drops have increased over last 2 seasons. Needs to play stronger through routes. Panics when lined up against length and size. 10 penalties in 3 years, most for false starts.

Christian Kirk
Going to be a slot receiver.
Strengths – Good build with well balanced upper and lower body strength. Good release angles against press. Adjusts in space to avoid redirection. Plays with consistent tempo and good suddenness. Quick in and out breaks with sharp turns. Competitive. Can get low throws thrown at the ground. Good hands. Decisive once he gets the ball. Has KR/PR value.

Weaknesses - Lack of speed and strength limit him from going down field. Doesn’t have burst into routes to get separation. More quick than fast. Below average catch radius. Needs throws near frame. Trail coverage becomes a problem because his lack of length. Tight coverage underneath hinders him, has to use strength to get open. Used a lot of rub routes to get him open.

Antonio Callaway
Strengths – Light and electric feet. Exceptional athlete. Explosiveness early in routes. Gets away from press with inside and outside releases. Terror on slants and crossing routes. Great pure speed and maintains it through route. If he can operate in space, he kills man coverage. Can fly past DBs that open too soon and ends up wide open down field. Big catch radius. Great PR talent.

Weaknesses - A lot of off the field troubles. Great competiveness on field, but doesn’t put work off the field. Hands inconsistent. Lacks strength. Routes get hurried. Slow into breaks because he doesn’t sink into route, also stalls change of direction.
I want no parts of a WR first round.

I don’t think vea is realistically there... So I’m fine with one of the LBs between Evans and vander esch...Boise kid has grown on me a lil.

I’m all in for a trade down too tho...especially if we’re giving up picks for Earl.
Thinking there's no shot on Vea... Too hot a name at this point. Would have to trade up.

Go defense in R1 and WR in R2. The value matches up best that way.
Sounds like talks for Earl Thomas are heating up again. Seattle willing to take a 2nd rd pick.

We need to make this move.

As much as like Derwin James we would have to move up to #6 to get him. That's gonna be a steep price to pay.
Earl for a 2nd is a must

Vea is pipe dreams

Vander Esch is gonna be the pick book it (another one year wonder *cough Taco*)
I'm not willing to part with much more than #50 for Earl Thomas. But 50 for Earl is fine.

But if we do pull off that trade, we should be looking to recoup that second rounder. If we could move back into the late 1st and add a 2nd, we need to do it, even if we trade a pick next year for it.

19 to NE 31 & 63 is an even trade. If we said how about 31 & 45 from NE, we'd likely have to cough up a 3rd & 7th next year to make it work.
But 19 for 33 & 64 is close to an even trade based on the draft value chart, we give up about 25 points of value (equivalent to a late 5th)

The first NE trade works, and our draft would essentially look like this
31- Leighton Vander Esch or Darius Leonard or Harold Landry (even though I'm not high on Landry)
"50" - Earl Thomas
63- Foley Fatukasi
81- Equanimeous St. Brown
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