People saying half size down do not know their true size. My foot measures an 8.5 on the foot scale, so that is my true size. 8.5 was snug and doable, but I ended up going up a half sz to a 9. No way could I have done half size down to an 8.
If the shoe is snug, you need to loosen the laces. There's zero chance the shoe is snug from a width standpoint unless you have it laced up super tight. It's too stretchy to be tight on its own. As for length, no way could I go up .5. I already have a little more room than I need right now.





If the shoe is snug, you need to loosen the laces. There's zero chance the shoe is snug from a width standpoint unless you have it laced up super tight. It's too stretchy to be tight on its own. As for length, no way could I go up .5. I already have a little more room than I need right now.

Snug as in my toe is at the tip of the shoe.
Why can't people go on NDC and purchase a full and a half size. If one don't fit right… just return them back to Nike. Or… this sounds crazy but it might work. Just drive, walk or catch a bus to your local shoe store and try a full and a half size instead of saying I wanna buy them but I don't know what size I should get because of the "material". JUST BUY IT [emoji]10004[/emoji]️
another pick up for the collection.  im going to attempt to take august off.  been too steady with the pick ups.  i'll def be swapping some black laces in there. 

this one by far is the most lit.
  One of those shoes that just never pops up for me. 

Got my flyknit am1 yesterday and tried them on and I think I'll be ordering more when the price drops! 
So last week a bunch of us scored on those 15% off coupons on NDC. I scored in a few ways.

- I had a 10% off coupon that I wanted to use on the red and oreos. Red only dropped on SNKRS. I called in to ask wtf and the lady told me to buy on SNKRS and she'd apply a code on the back end. Done.

- I waited until Friday to order the Oreo bc I wanted to design an ID with it and the 90 Ultra SE was coming out. ID was down on Friday so I called in. I got a guy named Anthony that is the ****. He's the man. He told me to go ahead and order whatever I wanted and he'd apply a 20% (if it would allow him, if not 15 or 10) code to it. He emailed me and told me to send him all of my orders for Thursday/Friday between SNKRS and NDC and he'd hook it up. When I ordered, I used my 15% off coupon I got from the chat on Friday. I emailed him as he asked and didn't hear anything for a few days. This morning I got an email saying it'd been crazy over there bc the Nike+ app had gone live for everyone but that he'd got me taken care of. I opened up my orders to find my fully adjusted prices. He applied another coupon on top of the coupon I'd already used.

*** he can't apply any discount to the ID until it ships. The price showing here is just the 15% off coupon from NDC chat

These were $149 retail + ship on SNKRS

I want to send that man cookies or something.
Super clean on the BHMs @unseen  

Daaaang anthony = mvp

Also, quick snap of one of my favorite pick ups this year. (Please excuse the bird doo doo lol)
And the hunt begins. Don't see a single pair on eBay. What's a ballpark price I should expect to pay for those?
Haha Yeah I had NEVER seen one in my size, so when I finally did I coughed up the dough and probably paid more than its worth. My pair was pretty much DS and I paid $250. Again, not sure if I overpaid or not but whatever. 

But they pop up if you keep your eyes on it. What size are you? If I ever see any in your size ill keep a lookout. 
Haha Yeah I had NEVER seen one in my size, so when I finally did I coughed up the dough and probably paid more than its worth. My pair was pretty much DS and I paid $250. Again, not sure if I overpaid or not but whatever. 

But they pop up if you keep your eyes on it. What size are you? If I ever see any in your size ill keep a lookout. 
10.5 or 11. I appreciate the lookout.
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For reference:  I wear Am zero size 10.   my TTS was 9.5 a bit too tight.   For Am 95 I wear size 9.5 

For these flyknit AM 1,  I tried 9.5 and 10,  they both felt great and almost exactly the same.  I wouldnt go down .5.   but I def think TTS or .5  up is the way to go. 
For reference:  I wear Am zero size 10.   my TTS was 9.5 a bit too tight.   For Am 95 I wear size 9.5 

For these flyknit AM 1,  I tried 9.5 and 10,  they both felt great and almost exactly the same.  I wouldnt go down .5.   but I def think TTS or .5  up is the way to go. 
I'll stick with my TTS 10 on all my AM's
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