Got one of the last 10's.
Hopefully the end to this roller coaster ride. :lol:

I'm so mad.

9am on the dot live chat with a Nike rep tomorrow.
Did you live chat NDC? I spoke to them this mornin the woman on the other end just basically said when they arrive see if they fit, if not get back in touch with us. Pretty rubbish response. Its not too bad for me only being half a size up but id be pissed if it was a size smaller.
Hope the thred has slowed down a little today, anybody know if it's possible to get creases out of the toe box in mesh? If so How? Thanks in advance hope everyone picked up the blues who wanted them
although there was never a bullet train inspiration for the 97, its true that the design of the 97 is sleek and narrow. But im not sure if this has anything to do with the bad feeling we may have when looking at this hybrid.
Thank you for the correction. According to Nike's feature for the 97, dropping water into a pond inspired the design and the bullet train was just the colorway inspiration. My foolish self just assumed the train was the design inspiration due to the shape.
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