
Dope video! Hatfield revolutionized the shoe industry. Wish we still had that FAT air unit. lol
seriously.  now it seems like they went back to the old, smaller air units that dont need the window for them anymore

crazy to see where he pulled his inspiration from
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To those with the FBs, I highly suggest changing out those skinny stringed laces, I found some random thicker flat laces I had laying around and swapped them out, (they look more like OG AM1 sized) and I thnk it makes a huge difference, these aren't long enough so I'll have to get longer ones, but here's a pic to give a better idea.

To those with the FBs, I highly suggest changing out those skinny stringed laces, I found some random thicker flat laces I had laying around and swapped them out, (they look more like OG AM1 sized) and I thnk it makes a huge difference, these aren't long enough so I'll have to get longer ones, but here's a pic to give a better idea.


I thought I was the only one who didn't like the skinny laces on em. Haven't got around to swapping mine yet. Looks good though!
This is the guide. I was actually thinking about doing it the other day. I think you can maintain the shape with spray starch during the ironing process

a bunch of pages back, someone posted tips on ironing out the toebox as to get it closer to the correct shape

well, i too was slightly disappointed in the toebox, so i said the heck with it & did the ironing thing...(a modified approach varying slightly from the tips)

i'll have to get some pics posted...but, in the meantime, i will tell you that it worked! w/o burning the material - the toeboxes now look sleek like the original
& older retro releases

(did this with the og obsidians)
^that's what the original guy giving the tip said...

i'll have to see, but they have held the new shape already for about a week with no wear just sitting in the box
Great vid... I'm pretty sure this may have been answered at some point or another, but I wonder why nike went with a smaller air unit over the years
That black purple pair is nice but man the speckle is over kill for me...
I hate eBay, sold my FB's because I need a smaller size and of course it's a new 0 feedback bidder who isn't responding
I hate eBay, sold my FB's because I need a smaller size and of course it's a new 0 feedback bidder who isn't responding
sorry to hear that. if you decide to relist, change your settings so that 0 feedbackers cannot bid 
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