Air force 1s, Highs and lows. This dude loves it.
If sheer volume makes you the king of bespoke, crown him.
Speaking of bespoke af1 I just saw these coogi biggie small ones that go crazy. Lol I want to post them but we already way off topic and I don’t know how to hide the pic in a disclaimer
Just curious...what pair of Bespokes do you consider hot fire, if any?

While I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and will give it whether people ask for it or not - I actually think its quite comical to hear people's opinions on Bespokes for couple reasons...

1.) The person made the pair for themselves, not for anyone else. It's whatever they wanted and came up with, period. If they're happy than thats all that matters - they didn't make them to please anyone but themselves (I have jumped on this train as well, and I try to remember they're not for me!)

2.) Do you have any idea what it's like to walk into a room to create something with a couple of Nike design consultants, with over 455 options to choose from and over 60 parts on the shoe you can change/alter.....all in 2 hour time frame? It's not easy and it can be super overwhelming to say the very least. Obviously you can have a gameplan, but sh*t my first time walking in there.... I had my own mockup created and still panicked and took nearly 3 hours on my pair.

It's definitely an awesome experience, great customer service, and no shortage of options to create something dope - but man it is NOT EASY!

Like you said, you want it be fire.... BUT you want it to look clean, you don't want to "over do it" and you also want to get your money's's a fine line to walk IMO.

Ya'll gonna hate my next pair of bespokes that get delivered in early April.....:rofl:
i always say...

1. bespoke'n aint easy
2. 1 bespoke=10 GRs = 1000 gatorades = etc etc. in the end, its all 1k
3. you are using 2-3 hours to go thru a process, no...a project that takes 6-12 months and has teams of people behind it. so do your work beforehand.
See, this website is only about sneakers (for me anyway) and I treat it as such, but when folks on here try to check me, I will check them back (whether it is being done for sh*ts and giggles, likes and comments or not). PERIOD!

So go ahead Chuckles (dude who has Kobe with the tongue out) and :rofl: all through here after this post since apparently I must be on my Richard Pryor, Bernie Mac steez (with you "dying" laughing after my earlier post) and have your crew co-sign you. Have a good night.
LIG homegirl

we all fam here
lol agreed, but i give him a pass since he's (japanese i think...) and his sense of style may be different than us over here in the states

I dunno man. Agree that the Japanese can be on the bleeding edge of avantgarde style but I strongly doubt that he’s representative of the norm.... either way - would love to be in his shoes (financially speaking lol)
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What no!
Masters are top tier!!
I’d have taken em if they were us11

They’re a US10 but they were sitting for a while. I opened the box twice (maybe) since I had them.

Coming up on two years since I won the draw on them and figured just let them go.

You’re making me think twice

^ This man knows. But, what other stuff? And what size?

It was just really that pair. I came late into the AM game, so majority of the collection are GR’s
You’re making me think twice

For me, it’s a must have for a collector. Most AM1s from AMM 2017 mark a pretty glorious point in time. And it’s a rare What The that probably won’t happen again.

Am I over-romanticizing the glory bit? Sure. Maybe a little.

If you’ll never wear em, let em go.
If you could see yourself looking at them the way I do, maybe worth keeping.
I wouldn’t say over romanticizing. This a hobby we love and feel passionate about, so I completely understand where you’re coming from.

out of my small collection, I have about 12-15 pairs of AM1’s and these were the only ones I haven’t worn. You had some good points Troy, think I may end up keeping them
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