
L on snkrs
L on cncpts
At a basketball tournament so I had to rely on LTE as the hotel WiFi sucked. Got in with 5 min wait for size 10 but sold out.

Got my buddy a pair of the Mellows on Snkrs however; another buddy got me my pair from Concepts.
I really think those Twitter accounts who post the link early have helped ruined the shoe game ,people don't even want shoes like this try to get but since those accounts are constantly pushing it (the release) you get people who could careless literally buying shoes just to say they "got'em" and people in the comments talking about resell price 😒. I got two shoes I want the rest of the year and them I'm finished with the shoe game lol rant over
Looks like I’m not the only one who couldn’t find the new page this morning. Got onto the new page at 11:01 and it was too late. 4 min wait and sold out right before checkout.

Same exact thing as me, smh. I was so happy they changed the captcha this time too, just to take another L. Funny thing is when I was refreshing the page, I saw my Twitter notifications go off with the right link.
I really think those Twitter accounts who post the link early have helped ruined the shoe game ,people don't even want shoes like this try to get but since those accounts are constantly pushing it (the release) you get people who could careless literally buying shoes just to say they "got'em" and people in the comments talking about resell price 😒. I got two shoes I want the rest of the year and them I'm finished with the shoe game lol rant over

i just was thinking this, so every shoe that comes out, no matter what it is... people going crazy for, might not even be your style, but those accounts push the need to have it to feel fly or relevant... a bunch of lames who would've never lined up back in the day cuz they can't come outside...& i ain't never met a reseller who can dress, so what they doing with all that money they claim to be making?
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