Price on StockX is higher now than it was earlier this morning


If I don’t end up owning these I’m ok with that
It's gonna go down again a bit when pairs are shipped from snkrs.

If no one else drops mellows maybe they hover around 200-220 then go up from there.

I knew that ppl would sell low yesterday in anticipation of a wider snkrs release.
They didnt load page til 11:03. Now 19 min wait. Welp
Where was there a link besides the homepage?

They did a good job with changing the captcha but terrible job at updating the main page on time. Twitter and cook groups posted the link a few mins before CNCPTS even did. Why you think lots got long wait times. I was refreshing main page but saw SL tweet with the right link and I was a minute late. Got 4 min wait time and just sold out on me on the last minute now.
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