The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Naruto learning the Shadow Clone Jutsu and defending someone he loves
Hinata defending Naruto against Pein
Jiraya dying :frown: (I still can't watch that without shedding a tear)

Strike Freedom's first flight
Destiny getting its limbs chopped off and being pwned

Kirito revealing dual blades
Yui sensing Asuna in ALO and Kirito flying to get to her

Ryo first putting on the white armor and using "Rage of Inferno"

Rinten pushing Nirvash to go into its special mode
Goku returning back to earth in time for the martial arts tournement
Agumon digivolving into greymon
Agumon and ty's friend's digimon digivolving into their final forms
Edward elric performing a human transmutation
The 1st naruto x sasuke fight
9 tails destroying konoha
Naruto coming back to konoha
Vegeta accepting that goku is better than him
Piccolo turning into a good guy
Vegeta x goku 1st fight
Finally finished the first part of Hajime no Ippo :smokin


Next up is
Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road
Hajime no Ippo: Mashiba vs Kimura
Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger
(26 episodes)
Here's my top 10, in no particular order:
  1. Samurai Champloo: Jin Vs. Kariya aka "The Hand of God"
  2. Cowboy Bebop: The ballad of Fallen Angels :frown:
  3. Cowboy Bebop: The final 2 episodes of the series (So many feels :frown: )
  4. Ghost in the Shell: Meeting the laughing man for the first time
  5. GitS the 2nd Gig: The tachikoma's ultimate sacrifice
  6. Stein's;Gate: The first time Okabe witnesses the consequences of altering the timeline
  7. Madoka: Mami vs. the Witch
  8. Naruto: Jiraya's final battle
  9. Pokemon: When Ash rides through the storm to get Pikachu medical treatment :frown:
  10. One Piece: The death of Whitebeard
There are so many more that I want to add, but that's all for now. :lol:
I didn't watch much pokemon but that was in the beginning red blue days....and I remember that ep. was trying to man up.....
Top 10 moments (No order):
1.) Mami vs Witch (Madoka)
2.) Episode 12 (Steins;Gate)
3.) Luffy goes into gear 2 for the first time (One Piece)
4.) Goku goes into super saiyan for the 1st time (Dragon Ball Z)
5.) Charmeleon evolves into Charizard (Pokemon)
6.) The Ending... and the boat :lol: (School Days)
7.) Naruto vs Sasuke (Naruto)
8.) When Ed see's Al's actual body and vows to come back for him. (FMA:B)
9.) The God Knows performance (Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
10) The Sniper Boobs scene :rofl: (High School Of The Dead)
Another one I want to add
FMA:B: When Mayes Hughes Dies (and his daughter doesn't want to accept it). manly tears were shed for him :frown:
What 3 Animes do you guys want to see Continued?

Mine in order are:

-B Gata H Kei
-The Pet Girl of Sakurasou

Honorable mentions:

-K-on!(since theres still a book going on theres always hope for an OVA lol)
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vegeta blowing up the crowd at the tournament (still think coolest scene with his head tilt no given no dambs)

sasuke vs orochi during chunnin exam
sasuke breaking sound ninjas arms
naruto sauske valley of the end.
rock lee vs gaara

ichigo getting his butt handed to him by grimmjow
ichigo saving rukia with the cape thing.
ichigo going bankai 1st time
kenpachi vs ichigo
renji ichigo 2

luffy vs rob lucci
all moments with robin
luffy vs enzo

gundam wing epyons 1st appearance
all of endless waltz

Project Ako whole movie but when she lifted the missle

I can name so much more
Who the hell is Enzo?
Goku goes SSJ for the first time (DBZ)

Luffy uses Gear 2 for the first time (One Piece)

Guts; the 100 man slayer (Berserk)

Kamina's death (TTGL)

Roronoa Zoro vs Kuma: "Nothing, nothing at all" (One Piece)

Sasuke vs Itachi (Naruto)

Luffy vs Rob Lucci (One Piece)

Yusuke vs. Toguro (Yu Yu Hakusho)

Mami vs. the Witch (Madoka Magica)

Whitebeard and Ace's Death (One Piece)

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Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road
My man Ippo is never going to let go of that belt :smokin

Hajime no Ippo: Mashiba vs Kimura
Didn't expect the ending to that fight :pimp:
Kimura with the re-debut :lol:
Hajime no Ippo: Champion Road
My man Ippo is never going to let go of that belt :smokin

Hajime no Ippo: Mashiba vs Kimura
Didn't expect the ending to that fight :pimp:
Kimura with the re-debut :lol:

Mashiba VS Kimura is prolly the best fight I've seen on Hajime No Ippo. That drama :smokin
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Just picked up and finished Btooom! in a day :lol:

Not bad, not bad. I hope they follow through with a 2nd season and don't HSotD us.

Anyways... Um guys...

What in the blue freaking hell is this show and should I watch it? :rofl: :rofl: :x :lol:
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Just picked up and finished Btooom! in a day :lol:

Not bad, not bad. I hope they follow through with a 2nd season and don't HSotD us.

Anyways... Um guys...

What in the blue freaking hell is this show and should I watch it? :rofl: :rofl: :x :lol:
I believe that is Niseimonogatari. great series. The whole -monogatari series is great. I can't wait for the movie this summer. :pimp:
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