The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

I watched this anime not too long ago called "K".  Really interesting about four kings in modern japan with their own clan and each clan is represented by a color and has special powers.  Just checked kissanime and see that they came out with a movie.  Going to definitely watch that after I finish up the last episode of Tokyo Ghoul.
I was disappointed by K. The premise was cool but the execution was lacking
I was disappointed by K. The premise was cool but the execution was lacking
I agree.  I really liked the artwork, and I really did enjoy the story.  It was honestly a random title I chose, and started watching. Did you watch K: Missing Kings yet?  Going to probably watch it tonight.
I was disappointed by K. The premise was cool but the execution was lacking

I agree.  I really liked the artwork, and I really did enjoy the story.  It was honestly a random title I chose, and started watching. Did you watch K: Missing Kings yet?  Going to probably watch it tonight.
Nah not yet. I do the random thing on Hulu a lot. Sometimes it hits and sometimes it misses and badly

Like K, Guilty crown, terror in resonance are all misses

But Btoom and Lord Marksman &Vanadis are hits that I probably wouldn't have seen
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started ep 13 of Fate/UBW

Fate Zero was so much better than this.....
I still like the characters and fithgts in S/N but Zero was always live and followed all the characters.
Is there going to be another season of tokyo ghoul?  I didn't understand the ending at all. 
As a major fan of this series you should've skipped season 2 and read the manga from where season 1 left off, there is a lot more to it than the ending 

you saw which was a total 180 from the creepy/sad ending the manga got unless you want me to save you the trouble of reading and spoil it for you
started ep 13 of Fate/UBW

Fate Zero was so much better than this.....
I still like the characters and fithgts in S/N but Zero was always live and followed all the characters.

Those have been my main complaints as well. Plus the plot moves painfully slow. It gets really reptitive with Shirou's emo-ness and Tohsaka trying to convince him to be more selfish. We've barely seen some of the Servants and when they get eliminated you wonder why they were even there.

Anyway, about to start season 2 of Knights of Sidonia. Hope it's not disappointing as well.
Teenage romantic comedy was a mother hit this wek. That date sequence tho :x

but Hayato comin through layng the smacketh d:smokinown on those girls :smokin

He really is similar Hikigaya except Hayato puts effort into being personable and can let stuff slide where as Hikigaya can't and doesn't trust anybody. I think thats why Hayato doesn't like him. Because he doesn't try to be nice
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As a major fan of this series you should've skipped season 2 and read the manga from where season 1 left off, there is a lot more to it than the ending 
you saw which was a total 180 from the creepy/sad ending the manga got unless you want me to save you the trouble of reading and spoil it for you

I was actually hoping for a more sadistic ending/story. I was actually going to come in here to ask for some recommendations on some sadistic animes lol. I seem to really enjoy that type of genre. The whole Jason part I seemed to enjoy but I was hoping to get a more depth analysis of like what the wrench was for.

I notice there are two different mangas I will probably read them eventually. But if you can give me a better details I would really appreciate. Including who and what the owls main objective. Who those other two characters were the mummy chick and those other two guys who seems like they could've gave anyone the hands. And the that Amira just pops out of no where to give the hands to the owl. Didn't make any sense.

The ending of season one really hyped it up for me. Depending on the info you give me I'll probably go back and read the manga. Should I read both of them as well?
I was actually hoping for a more sadistic ending/story. I was actually going to come in here to ask for some recommendations on some sadistic animes lol. I seem to really enjoy that type of genre. The whole Jason part I seemed to enjoy but I was hoping to get a more depth analysis of like what the wrench was for.

I notice there are two different mangas I will probably read them eventually. But if you can give me a better details I would really appreciate. Including who and what the owls main objective. Who those other two characters were the mummy chick and those other two guys who seems like they could've gave anyone the hands. And the that Amira just pops out of no where to give the hands to the owl. Didn't make any sense.

The ending of season one really hyped it up for me. Depending on the info you give me I'll probably go back and read the manga. Should I read both of them as well?
Without spoiling any major stuff here goes (i love this series btw)
don't read tokyo ghoul :re as that takes place after tokyo ghoul and in the manga it shows that the ccg was experimenting with making artificial ghouls as it was revealed to amon. The og owl who is yoshimura was just a loner who was super op and then fell in love and had a daughter. his daughter is owl 2/that mummy chick

who goes by eto and the reason she is wrapped like a mummy is because unwrapped she is the green haired author sen takatsuki so she is a natural one eyed ghoul. Her m.o is to crush the ccg cause they killed her mom so her feelings are out the window. the reason owl 1 and 2 are super op is because they commit alot of

cannabalism (eating other ghouls) and if you do that for a  period of time you go beserk when power up (jason and kaneki) but if you cannabalise long enough you become super op (owl 1 and 2). The two guys with eto work for the one eyed king and have a connection to kanou (this is manga related that they took out in season 2).

And arima been giving any ghoul that jumps up the hands and been op since the past when he fought yomo and uta (the guy who creates mask). He fought owl 1 way back in the day and gave him a crucial strike and made him go into hiding so of course he is the ccg's number 1 and is only seen when things are drastic. He actually fights kaneki in the manga and it shows just how strong he is
and to explain the deal with jason
He was tortured reaallllly bad (manga is super graphic compared to anime) so to escape the pain he reversed the roles as he was the one torturing and not the one being tortured, that wrench and knuckle cracking were things the person who tortured him did so he picked it up
I hope that answers everything
Current roster:

The God of High School
Fairy Tail
World Trigger
Naruto Gaiden
Death Note
Yu Yu Hakusho
Ao No Exorcist
Any body watch saint seiya. Finally found it on crunchy roll. When inwas a kid it was american knifhts of the zodiac
Any body watch saint seiya. Finally found it on crunchy roll. When inwas a kid it was american knifhts of the zodiac

I actually just started it. I think I remember it being on Toonami once in a while. It kind of reminds me of Ronin Warriors a little bit.
Sakura is that chick that knowingly goes raw with a not-**** dude and is surprised when he turns out to not be **** as a father either
so shes your average single mother?
If anyone reads it, a bunch of [COLOR=#red]Knights of Sidonia[/COLOR] chapters (16) released today.
Where the hell did all those mass union ships come from? That **** is nuts. :lol:
Boku no hero academia
SWEET BABY JESUS, those two need a rematch once they master their quirks. I think midoriya needs to chill for a long time till he can somewhat use all for one without breaking something cause his injuries are starting to become permanent
Someone remind me where that object on her left arm is from?
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Still need to watch Akira

99% chance that new DBZ will be corny just like all these new rehashes of movies. "Super saiyn God mode" cmon man :rofl: :rofl:
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