The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Shoutout to all the one that were hyping up Re:Zero

I can't remember everyone but who ever was watching it and posting about it

Good show from beginning to end (Episode 12) Now I'm all caught up

Thanks NT

I can't believe how excited I got when I saw the chapter title. Now that was some god level trolling. :lol:

Cool chapter though.
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What do y'all think of Accel World? Asking because I just finished it and I can't help but feel let down. Granted, I think one of my friends may have set me up for a fall, because after the last season of Sword Art Online finished we talked about it and he went on and on about how much better Accel World is. After finishing it though i'm not sure i'd agree. From what I just read on Google it's already been renewed for a second season, and since it came out in 2012 i'm mad late as it is :lol:, which opens the possibility for the first season to just be laying the groundwork, with the second season then being even better. As it is though I think it's a good show, can see why people like it, but also had to force myself to watch these last 3-4 episodes.

Not going to give too long of a rant as i've been doing for Gundam and Cowboy Bebop, but i'll mention a few points


You know people always make jokes about how it's easy to tell the main character apart from everyone else and I couldn't stop thinking about that here :lol: I mean i'm fairly certain that the main character is the only character in the series who could be open to ridicule based on how he physically looks, because everyone else is perfect :rofl: If you're the only overweight guy in the entire world then of course you're going to get picked on man :smh: But you know apart from that I never found myself liking this guy that much. My feelings towards him are similar to how I feel about the series as a whole. I don't hate him by any means, but I also don't really care for him either. I feel like the elements are there to make him compelling (Bullied throughout his life, trying to change for the better, gains confidence as the series goes on, not too arrogant, etc.), but they just don't come together for me. I think a major part of it is how big of a doormat he is. Son was crying or on the verge of crying every few episodes :smh: Wanted to reach through the screen and slap him, nobody wants to see that ****.

I often see Accel World compared to SAO (No doubt because they seem to be connected and have the same author, along with a similar premise) and i'll say that I enjoy SAO more. But I think part of it actually has a lot to do with the game designs in the series. SAO uses avatars that consistently look human in appearance, whereas Accel World goes with a more...IDK ambiguous mecha type thing, It allows the avatars to look more unique in a way, but I also couldn't get into it and actually hated the look of them. That being said, Accel World goes more in-depth into the different features and abilities of the characters in its game, especially because everyone here is unique in every way, from their appearance to their abilities. That was really creative and this game is definitely better detailed than any of SAO's, which is more traditional. You have everyone just choosing a basic class and then focusing on whatever stats they personally gravitate towards. What really might have done Accel World in for me is that I didn't find myself enjoying a single fight until the last 2 episodes. They weren't necessarily bad, but I just found them to be pretty boring still. And you know SAO didn't exactly have great fights every single episode either, but there are still some stand outs, such as both of Kirito's duels against Healthcliff. I also think the random monsters in SAO looked better. The rest of the animation in Accel World was just fineoutside of the game though, but in terms of inside I think the animated scenes in SAO (And even ALO, as bad as the second half of the first season was) were a good deal more appealing.

Also, Chiyuri's plan to beat Noumi by pretending to help him and all, like many other examples, is unnecessarily complicated. There's literally no reason within the story that she had to act cold towards her friends and couldn't have just talked to them about her thoughts on her powers (Specifically the idea that they're actually the manipulation of time and not healing) and then proceeded to do the exact same thing she did anyways :lol: Just seems like a case of not sharing informaiton for drama purposes. In fact, she mentions that she was worried about Noumi planting a listening device or something to monitor her, but still contacted Kuroyukihime about what was going on, which seems to kill the purpose since he logically could've discovered that as well. I also wish that Black Lotus hadn't shown up in the end to help take Noumi down. I certainly don't dislike the character, but I enjoyed her absence, with it basically being a difficult situation that the others had to solve on their own. However, I can't say that I was surprised that she showed up the way she did, basically serving to take away Noumi's advantage, while still letting Haruyuki actually take him down. Speaking of that, Silver Crow slowly walking towards Dusk Taker and taking him out as he begged for mercy was coldblooded as **** and I loved it :smokin Definitely my favorite moment in the series and I really do think a second season could be better, since the story is clearly going to be of a different nature than SAO's, where the first game wrapped up fairly well by episode 14 or 15. This series seems to be slower in pace, which might allow for a greater payoff in the long run.
After seeing so many people in here repping My Hero Academia had to sit down and watch it last night.....that joint got me mad hype!!  I almost finished it last night.
It good to know that a second season of My Hero Academia is in the works. :pimp:
That Stain teaser at the end of the episode though... :pimp:
My Hero Academia

All Might...

One more episode left then we gotta wait for a 2nd season.
This was my exact reaction, tears of pride welling up and everything

One more week before I hop face-first into the manga.

This is top-tier Shounen material, seriously.

EDIT: This week's episode of Re:Zero looks like it's setting up some extremely interesting events to come. This dude Subaru just doesn't listen, man
Man yall hyped of My hero Academia up so much......

Im sorry but i wasn't impressed.

best fight scene in the last 5 animes ive seen (not that many since last year)
still goes to how to get yambs in the dungeon .
Now that was emotional and epic
try nwanime. That's where I go to check it out.
thank you that worked.
I was hyped to watch the anime now until I seen t dog post
I'm sure this has been asked before but I need a recommendation on an anime series. I'm not a hardcore anime head by any means but I loved:

Cowboy Bebop
Samurai Champloo
One Punch Man.

I washed the first ep of Hunter x Hunter and it seemed childish (but might continue bc it supposedly gets darker.) Also Death Note didn't appeal to me.

Attack on Titan seemed interesting and it's on Netflix. Other ones that caught my eye were Berserk (is it outdated?) and Hellsing Ultimate (seems to be all style no substance.)

Despite not liking DN, I typically do enjoy things that are dark, stylish, and intelligent with adult themes.
If you don't continue with Hunter X Hunter your doing yourself a disservice but have you tried durarara yet might be something you're into

Repped you and others that dropped suggestions

I stuck with hunter x hunter for a few more eps and I'm enjoying it. Also want to complement it with some shorter series and I've liked DRRR enough. I think I would have enjoyed the personality of the series more when I was in my late teens/early 20s but it's still cool to watch.

One reason I wanted to start watching anime again is bc I have trouble sleeping sometimes and it's def worked as a solution for that to watch before going to bed. I think it's going to be a catalyst for making me an anime watcher for a long time.

I gave trigun and berserk a chance and they weren't for me. For the time being at least, I need shows that are somewhat easy to get into.
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So felt-sama= cardi b x donald trump? :nerd:
Subaru :x :smh:

Man, this dude is out here tripping :lol: :smh:

I said that last episode seemed like it was going to set up some very interesting future events, but the end of this one might have last week beat.
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Aaaaaaand another break for One Piece

That Zou/Kaidou/Jack arc was absolutely lit and now it's Dressrossa quality again. Why can't Oda give us some damn consistency? When Togashi actually cares to make chapters, HxH blows OP out of the water every week.

This post on another forum describes OP perfectly

"There are other manga out there in the same lane as One piece as far as humor and goofiness goes that are leaps and bounds ahead in quality. Boku no Hero is a perfect example in my book. The Problem with One piece is simple: It's all set up and not pay off. We HEAR about interesting ****, we don't get to see it. Too much time is spent on repetitive and uninteresting side characters. The NW was hyped to be this crazy place that made people wish to return to the first half of the GL, and so far it is simply a ******* joke. Yonko doesn't mean **** anymore, might as well be called Hokage. If Oda actually delivered on some of the **** he hyped I wouldn't have a problem with the manga right now. As it is it ******* sucks and the things to come don't seem at all exciting."
This the only whack chapter since dressrosa ended so I can forgive oda besides we just got to the island this chapter it's still all arc set up
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