The Official Avy Help/Request Thread

Help on this good sir 8o


cropped. Thanks a lot

Another one, last one I promise :lol

Can someone teach me how to make that into a NT URL, I feel stupid not knowing how. It's easy on computers, but I'm using an iPad so it's different.




Did you want an NT URL? Or just the URL?

For the URL, if you can on an iPad, view the image on it's own. For NT URL, I do the same thing and it should end in .jpg/.gif.

This gif :rollin
Can someone photoshop these words out of the picture. I want it the same size. I won't be using it as an avy, just asking here since a lot of you have photoshop.
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Here's a temporary fix (I know it's not the one you posted):



I just screenshotted from a YouTube video because Idk how to get rid of the text without cropping. :lol
My avy has the white bars and I'd like to get rid of them..Can someone fix this pic so they're gone?

How do you use an old avy?..I can't figure out how to use one of the old avy's that I have in my avatar gallery..
How do you use an old avy?..I can't figure out how to use one of the old avy's that I have in my avatar gallery..

- go to profile
- scroll down to "your photos"
- look for "avatars" in red letters and click on the text
- edit photo (button)
- all pictures are shown >> now tag the option "use as my avatar"
- save changes

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