The Official Black Mirror Thread: Season 6 on Netflix Now

2nd story was crazy. Makes no sense why dude would do that. No thought put in to having someone's consciousness in your mind being a backseat driver. Then what it results is some cruel and unusual punishment. Could've downloaded her consciousness in to an Alexa or something.

Idk how it stayed civil longer than 3 days, cause I woulda got an earful just from scrolling through my IG and the naggin' would have been unbearable. Woulda needed that mute feature off jump, but wouldn't have taken that deal. Just pull the plug so me and my son can move on.

Thing is he'll be found eventually. I doubt he'll die and then there's nothing stopping him from finding them or just recollecting the DNA, recreating a new bubble universe and completely shutting it off from the cloud.

I know the answer ain't comin' but I'm interested in knowing how the DNA captured their consciousness
I know the answer ain't comin' but I'm interested in knowing how the DNA captured their consciousness
Yeah, that was completely handwaves with its science talk.

Cuz DNA sequencing from those samples should not result in perfect replicas of a person with exact personalities and memory even in a virtual world.

That's where all the drama comes from though. Cuz if he just cloned a bunch of blank slates they'd never escape.

One out is similar to that dating app in Hang the DJ and the whole uploading your consciousness in San Junipero perhaps for videogames in this world you also can upload your consciousness to the game (online in general) and the dude being a hacker could easily get a copy of that and apply it to blank slates.
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Yeah, that was completely handwaves with its science talk.

Cuz DNA sequencing from those samples should not result in perfect replicas of a person even in a virtual world.

That's where all the drama comes from though. Cuz if he just cloned a bunch of blank slates they'd never escape.

One out is similar to that dating app in Hang the DJ and the whole uploading your consciousness in San Junipero perhaps for videogames in this world you also can consciousness to the game (online in general) and the dude being a hacker could easily get a copy of that and apply it to blank slates.

plus in "Be Right Back" they used all his social media stuff to figure out how the therapy doll would think and act, maybe it's something like that.

damn good question tho, my mind skipped right over it.
USS Callister was great.

Thing is he'll be found eventually. I doubt he'll die and then there's nothing stopping him from finding them or just recollecting the DNA, recreating a new bubble universe and completely shutting it off from the cloud.

I don't think so. Homie most likely gonna die in that apartment.
  • He lives alone
  • His entire office was taking 10days for something, I think Xmas maybe. So he wont be absent from work.
  • When he picked up the pizza, he put his apt/condo on 'Do Not Disturb', ensuring no one will bother him.....for 10days at the least.
At best my man is found on day 12 on the brink of death, but you have to get his conciousness out of the game first. Not to mention his 'rogue universe' was deleted. So is he technically even there anymore?

plus in "Be Right Back" they used all his social media stuff to figure out how the therapy doll would think and act, maybe it's something like that.

damn good question tho, my mind skipped right over it.

I would assume that's not the case. There has been a lot of debate over that point it seems. I glossed over it, since it was such a good episode IMO.

Its possible that they are using they are drawing from a theory that certain things are apart of our genetic code. A study was done some time ago where they would have newish born babies listen to the sound of a snake hissing and another potentially dangerous animal that wasn't loud/startling. The results showed that the heartrates of the children increased when hearing that sound. It's interesting because you would think that's a learned response, but these children who had no basis for fear of that noise showed signs of stress. They concluded that certain 'instinctual' things are bedded in our DNA so we are aware of what's dangerous even if we hadn't encountered it before. It's possible they could have built off of this theory? I'm just assuming tho.

The thing about 'BRB' was that you could mimic verbal response, but could not mimic human response. Emotion. These cookies had emotions still completely intact, something that Ash absolutely lacked.....well until the very end where the reanimation may have been mimicking emotion as a means of self-preservation. Poor Martha.
I don't think so. Homie most likely gonna die in that apartment.
  • He lives alone
  • His entire office was taking 10days for something, I think Xmas maybe. So he wont be absent from work.
  • When he picked up the pizza, he put his apt/condo on 'Do Not Disturb', ensuring no one will bother him.....for 10days at the least.
At best my man is found on day 12 on the brink of death, but you have to get his conciousness out of the game first. Not to mention his 'rogue universe' was deleted. So is he technically even there anymore?
Good points but given how bossy his partner (who basically is his boss) is I feel like he'd call him in to work since that deadline ended up being pushed to Xmas eve.

But if he is just found dead then the new girl is going to get caught for murder :lol:
Good points but given how bossy his partner (who basically is his boss) is I feel like he'd call him in to work since that deadline ended up being pushed to Xmas eve.

I don't think so. The Xmas Eve deadline was for the update/patch. That patch was the wormhole those imprisoned in the game saw and escaped to the World Wide Web with. I believe the work was already completed and his partner / boss would not be contacting him. The only way he gets saved is if something went wrong with the patch. But I don't think we have any reason to believe that.

But if he is just found dead then the new girl is going to get caught for murder :lol:

Why do you believe she'll get taken in for murder? Forensic evidence somewhere?
I don't think so. The Xmas Eve deadline was for the update/patch. That patch was the wormhole those imprisoned in the game saw and escaped to the World Wide Web with. I believe the work was already completed and his partner / boss would not be contacting him. The only way he gets saved is if something went wrong with the patch. But I don't think we have any reason to believe that.
If not for the patch, then call him in for the next deadline, or the followup for the patch.

Why do you believe she'll get taken in for murder? Forensic evidence somewhere?
I assume in this futuristic world there are still cameras.

The idea that she scaled the side of his building and climbed in through the window was absurd enough.

Not to mention you can track a person's location through their phone.
If not for the patch, then call him in for the next deadline, or the followup for the patch.

That's precisely my point, if the patch has no hiccups or bugs there's no reason to call or hear from him for the next 10days. No one is even in the office. Something needs to break for them to NEED him in before 10days has expired.

I assume in this futuristic world there are still cameras.

The idea that she scaled the side of his building and climbed in through the window was absurd enough.

Not to mention you can track a person's location through their phone.

That's a good point, I didn't even think about that. Do you think that would be ruled a homicide tho? Seems like they'd be able to see exactly why he died and call it a freak accident. Only thing I could say about it if it were ruled a homicide is she seems to be a very skilled programmer and hacker. So she may be able to hide her location somehow, but she didn't intend on him dying either.
But that's outside the realm of what was shown and complete speculation on my part. I wonder if she's going to feel guilty when word gets out.

Man after word gets out that the creator of the game died INSIDE the game, that company's stock is going to plummet! :lol:
That's precisely my point, if the patch has no hiccups or bugs there's no reason to call or hear from him for the next 10days. No one is even in the office. Something needs to break for them to NEED him in before 10days has expired.
There's always follow up and you're kinda just going by what should happen if things go smoothly.

I'm going off the character. That dude is the type to bust that guy's balls over the smallest thing.

That's a good point, I didn't even think about that. Do you think that would be ruled a homicide tho? Seems like they'd be able to see exactly why he died and call it a freak accident. Only thing I could say about it if it were ruled a homicide is she seems to be a very skilled programmer and hacker. So she may be able to hide her location somehow, but she didn't intend on him dying either.
But that's outside the realm of what was shown and complete speculation on my part. I wonder if she's going to feel guilty when word gets out.

Man after word gets out that the creator of the game died INSIDE the game, that company's stock is going to plummet! :lol:
All depends on how quickly she confesses to what she did and if she confesses everything.

All she did was break in, steal stuff from his mini fridge and change that little dot thingy that connected him to the game.

I imagine detectives will want to try and prove that she trapped him in the game somehow in order to kill him. I think cuz she is a hacker and programmer is why she'd be suspected if they got evidence she broke in. But yeah if she thought this out while being blackmailed she couldve covered her tracks.

Another thing to introduce is that memory thing from Crocodile. I'm sure someone saw something.

Oh she's going to feel crazy guilty. Like once he doesn't show up the first day or two she's worried but a week hell she might try stopping by to see if he's there (speculation but if she's the one that finds him dead even worse). If its announced he's been found dead, she's gonna be ****ting her pants. I can see after some investigations that the black chick tells detectives the new girl was too eager to meet dude. Then you got motive right there.

But its all wild speculation at that point. If they did a followup do would be cool to see what her video game clone would do if they got contact to the real world and found this out.
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I don't think so. The Xmas Eve deadline was for the update/patch. That patch was the wormhole those imprisoned in the game saw and escaped to the World Wide Web with. I believe the work was already completed and his partner / boss would not be contacting him. The only way he gets saved is if something went wrong with the patch. But I don't think we have any reason to believe that.

Why do you believe she'll get taken in for murder? Forensic evidence somewhere?

his partner definitely calls him, if he isn't at work, and i'm not sure there'd necessarily be reason to suspect foul play...

though if they did it's possibly she may have left fingerprints on the things she touched (don't recall if she was wearing gloves...) besides the logic of the science or game to me is somewhat irrelevant, i'm willing to play along for sci-fi narratives, but what just doesn't make sense for me is the actual plot points, a dude that has little power in the real therefore creates his own world WHERE HE IS THE BOSS AND CONTROLS EVERYTHING, and the uploaded clone crew knowing that, they begrudgingly play along also seeing what happens when they don't play along...

new girl arrives, she understandably rebels, he uses is capabilities to torture her and promptly turns one of the crew into a monster...after all this the crew still decides you know what lets risk it all on the new girl's plan...ok, maybe it's unlikely but you could say that is the human spirit or that the risk was the reward, or just that they were like **#$ it, might as well try, but where it loses me is that 1) in order for the plan to work requires extortion of the real world new girl in to breaking & entering into dudes apartment (i can't even recall how she actually got up & in there) 2) remember he's the boss but in the last act he basically cedes control, and skinny dips with ol' girl WHY??? if he really wanted that type action at any time he could make it happen..and they don't even have sexy parts! 3) real world new girl turns up at his apartment at night, orders dude a pizza (which he conveniently just decides to pay for, but not without just the right amount of hassle---conveniently giving her just enough time to do what she came to do, despite not having any prior knowledge of what is where) and rather smoothly get away...

it isn't that these are impossible to conceive, it just seems a fairly naked way to just push the story forward, which in and of itself isn't bad (that is kinda fundamental to how traditional story telling goes), but here it is done seemingly without consideration to would that character, in this world, make that decision, could they even follow through if they would? this episode has all the flaws of most of the episode of this season, a shallow display of tech, oddly motivated characters who acts don't seem to fit the circumstance, plot points where the story relies/turns on rather super convenient things that are for almost strictly shock value or suspense as opposed to really making sense (one or two of these alone might be overlooked me, but taken altogether, make this season trash...some cool philosophical seeds but ultimately kinda empty), it could still be for shock value...

like for example in black museum, you're telling me a girl that drove out of her way to exact revenge is going sit and listen to bare stories (which were all super corny to me) about macabre tech gone wrong or chance it on dude being thirsty because she broke the a/c? nah, it don't make sense...why would he just take her water anyway?? they out in desert, wouldn't he have drink on deck? a water fountain?
The guy is socially inept and awkward. A clear lame. A girl willingly showed him attention and interest for a naughty activity. That alone would have him risk it but there wasn't any risk to him. Cuz he couldn't fathom after what he's done to the rest of the crew who have been there longer they'd work together to do all that.

I got the idea one of the reasons he let some of this go on is cuz he didn't want to kill/erase them. The new clones wouldn't have those memories and he'd have to work on breaking them all over again. A bit of a nuisance.

The story is written to show some weakness. The device, the pause game, etc. They find a work around though.

As for the crew working with her, it is an issue. We don't know exactly how long they've been there but long enough that they're obedient. And quite frankly the men showed way more fear than the women. The 2 that been there seemed bored of a routine not like prisoners of a nerdy teenagers sci-fi fantasy. But I digress, somehow the new girl's hope, defiance, and intelligence is enough to convince them even when the plan was to lets all die together. Its a bit of a stretch but only bends suspension of disbelief.

As for the plan, I alluded to the absurdness of her breaking in but maybe clone her knew of some B&E skills they didn't mention. Unless dude is on the first floor it dont make much sense how she even made it outside his window

Finding the stuff though, the boss clone mentioned how the captain bragged and mocked him about where he had stored their DNA samples. And he was the one giving the real girl the orders on what to steal.

In Black Museum, he was probably incredibly parched and her water bottle was convienently on hand instead of walking out the room to get water. That's all.
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there is a saying that goes: “the truth is stranger than fiction.” in the real world folk do all sorts of things that don’t make sense, from the impossible to the inexplicable, maybe hinging on the smallest transgression(s), sometimes very deliberatively but most times unthinkingly...but in fiction everything sort of has to sort of make sense, things have to seem at least plausible, for me this season mostly misses on that mark...

i just realized the protagonist/main character in all but one episode (hang the dj, though this partially true of this episodes as well) this season is a woman, i wonder if that was intentional...

anyone watching electric dreams on amazon?

obviously he was a meek individual, i don’t remember her showing any “interest for naughty activity” though? all the folk in the game were peeps from work who maybe at one time the captain dude was either attracted to, cool with, fixated upon, or didn’t that world, he is all powerful and conducts himself as the things he is not in the real world, he would naturally underestimate the risk(s), what he could or could not fathom is kind beside my point, even if they are reasons for him to suspect things his power might indeed make him overconfident about being able to overcome anything in that world.

as i noted, that the crew goes along is maybe unlikely but very justifiable; who, as you point out, wants to be a prisoner in a nerd’s sci-if fantasy? that the plan is kinda suspect too, it’s just shaky foundation from which everything built on top of it isn’t a short time, she in coerced into commiting a crime at relatively high level (literally & figuratively and given what we know about the cloned version of her, she isn’t the type to just go along) and for him to unwillingly cooperate with their plan (which ultimately really isn’t a plan because she was basically freestyling it), and the plan ultimately is put in position to succeed by virtue of a haphazard skinny dipping session? it isn’t that he isn’t suspicious of her in the moment, even though there is at least some reason for him to be, but more fundamental, why entertain that at all, what is in it for him really? none of this may have bothered others, but from the moment they decided to go in on her plan after just failing with her previous one, it made me skeptical of it all...

forced analogy granted, i could tell you that a spud webb or nate robinson can dunk but if you never seen them jump or don’t know of them you might find it hard to believe, maybe not impossible but certainly you’d find it harder to believe than someone who is much taller...the problem with most of this season for me is the main characters are all nate robinsons, dunking with the unlikeliest of ease on three people...except they don’t show the athleticism and traits that would make me believe that yea it’s totally in the realm of possibility for that character to throw one down like that. conversely, these at times characters seemed to me to act in ways so contrary to the circumstance (that’s nate rob why wouldn’t he make that dunk?) it instantly made me question the entire story. i don’t need stories to be realistic, just authentic to it’s own fiction...

as for black museum...they’re out in the desert (which is convenient to the story as there aren’t any visitors to complicate or interrupt her plan), you’d think he’d have is own drinks...but beyond that, if you believe that the girl comes out there to get her revenge, again why leave it to the chance this dude would be “incredibly parched” AND accept a drink from you? that doesn’t seem to fit the motive, especially considering she could have alternatively just forced him to drink and got right to business...ultimately it feels like it is much more an attempt to be overly clever by turning a seemingly innocuous/unimportant thing into plot’s turrible
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That's a good point, I didn't even think about that. Do you think that would be ruled a homicide tho? Seems like they'd be able to see exactly why he died and call it a freak accident. Only thing I could say about it if it were ruled a homicide is she seems to be a very skilled programmer and hacker. So she may be able to hide her location somehow, but she didn't intend on him dying either.
But that's outside the realm of what was shown and complete speculation on my part. I wonder if she's going to feel guilty when word gets out.

All depends on how quickly she confesses to what she did and if she confesses everything.

All she did was break in, steal stuff from his mini fridge and change that little dot thingy that connected him to the game.

I imagine detectives will want to try and prove that she trapped him in the game somehow in order to kill him. I think cuz she is a hacker and programmer is why she'd be suspected if they got evidence she broke in. But yeah if she thought this out while being blackmailed she couldve covered her tracks.

If not murder she'd get involuntary manslaughter. She had no intentions on killing him but her actions that she knowingly took did lead to his death. Might get some time off or some sympathy once they figure out what dude was doing. He basically kidnapped those people and assaulted them on the regular.

I wonder what the plan was after she got all that stuff, like where was she supposed to take it? Also if somebody blackmailed me with pictures I wouldn't care. Unless I'm doing something FILTHY (like including animals, a 65' VW Beetle, a block of velveeta cheese, R. Kelly, and 4 male baby geese) I'd see that message and tell 'em "Do what you feel is right".

The guy is socially onept and awkward. A clear lame. A girl willingly showed him attention and interest for a naughty activity.

Remember tho, she was givin' him some play till ol girl from Chewing Gum told her to dial it back. That's why he decided to add her to the game. She started iggin' him
If not murder she'd get involuntary manslaughter. She had no intentions on killing him but her actions that she knowingly took did lead to his death. Might get some time off or some sympathy once they figure out what dude was doing. He basically kidnapped those people and assaulted them on the regular.

I wonder what the plan was after she got all that stuff, like where was she supposed to take it? Also if somebody blackmailed me with pictures I wouldn't care. Unless I'm doing something FILTHY (like including animals, a 65' VW Beetle, a block of velveeta cheese, R. Kelly, and 4 male baby geese) I'd see that message and tell 'em "Do what you feel is right".

Remember tho, she was givin' him some play till ol girl from Chewing Gum told her to dial it back. That's why he decided to add her to the game. She started iggin' him

honestly, if that episode got into what happens after they found him comatose/dead & spent less time with showing the particulars of the plan, the episode might still be wack but at least in would have been interesting i think. assuming they could discover what he had been doing with the dna that wasn't his (how could they though, all the people aware are trapped in the game?)
the implications of trying to parse what is & isn't 'human consciousness' in a court of law might have been a cool cloned consciousness (without a body) in a game, life? would the legal system see them as 'real?' therefore "entitled" to the same rights of freedom of people in the 'real world?' it is obviously about these things so maybe that would have been redundant...there are a lot of ideas in this that could be their own thing (just dance, does the digital extortion thing waaaaay better)

i didn't ascribe any specific motivation to him putting her in the game, he only overhead a convo telling her to be wary of dude & she only lightweight curbed him, its kinda irrelevant, it doesn't add, effect, or take anything away from/to the story for me...
Her curbing him is what made him put her in his game. Didn't the other dude just make him a sandwich wrong?
honestly, if that episode got into what happens after they found him comatose/dead & spent less time with showing the particulars of the plan, the episode might still be wack but at least in would have been interesting i think. assuming they could discover what he had been doing with the dna that wasn't his (how could they though, all the people aware are trapped in the game?)
the implications of trying to parse what is & isn't 'human consciousness' in a court of law might have been a cool cloned consciousness (without a body) in a game, life? would the legal system see them as 'real?' therefore "entitled" to the same rights of freedom of people in the 'real world?' it is obviously about these things so maybe that would have been redundant...there are a lot of ideas in this that could be their own thing (just dance, does the digital extortion thing waaaaay better)

i didn't ascribe any specific motivation to him putting her in the game, he only overhead a convo telling her to be wary of dude & she only lightweight curbed him, its kinda irrelevant, it doesn't add, effect, or take anything away from/to the story for me...

Certainly would be a good episode. It wasn't a bad one to me but it def wasn't the usual "strange but captivating" Black Mirror from before. Kinda set the tone for the rest of the season being more "realistic" or plausible....ish

She curved him hard really. Before that lil convo with ol girl she would stand in his office and talk to him and look all star struck, then she flipped and just handed him his coffee and dipped with no small talk.
Added spoilers everywhere to keep the post length to a minimum and not to reveal any major or minor plot pieces for the episodes discussed.

his partner definitely calls him, if he isn't at work, and i'm not sure there'd necessarily be reason to suspect foul play...

I still disagree here guys. He IS the kind to nit pick but he's also the type to completely detach once he's left work. Barring a complete failure of the patch, there's literally no reason to call his 'cash cow'. There's no reason to suspect anything for at least 10days from his POV. He doesn't respect Fake Matt Damon, he barely likes him from what it seems and takes him completely for granted. He's essentially the guy in the group project does no work, but is a 'people person'. That guy isn't calling the group to see how the project is going, he only provides input at the major milestones if he provides any real input at all.

As a programmer I can attest that if I write something Tuesday and it works with no hiccup, if I leave for the rest of the week no one is going to contact me.

a dude that has little power in the real therefore creates his own world WHERE HE IS THE BOSS AND CONTROLS EVERYTHING, and the uploaded clone crew knowing that, they begrudgingly play along also seeing what happens when they don't play along...

new girl arrives, she understandably rebels, he uses is capabilities to torture her and promptly turns one of the crew into a monster...after all this the crew still decides you know what lets risk it all on the new girl's plan...ok, maybe it's unlikely but you could say that is the human spirit or that the risk was the reward, or just that they were like **#$ it, might as well try, but where it loses me is that

I wonder what the plan was after she got all that stuff, like where was she supposed to take it? Also if somebody blackmailed me with pictures I wouldn't care. Unless I'm doing something FILTHY (like including animals, a 65' VW Beetle, a block of velveeta cheese, R. Kelly, and 4 male baby geese) I'd see that message and tell 'em "Do what you feel is right".

I assume her being able to contact someone, herself, outside of the USS Callister mod gave them hope. Previously, they believed this was completely sealed off from the outside world. It took the new girl to point out that he can receive calls/stimuli from the outside world. She also figured out what the wormhole was. Knowing that she could blackmail herself and that she had the skill to hack the system, gave them all hope. Especially after seeing the photos, they now had real life leverage that could work. Shorty was apparently into some real ****. Whatever it was, it had to be hardcore AF. Even Kabir turned away, and you know he's not getting any action either.

1) in order for the plan to work requires extortion of the real world new girl in to breaking & entering into dudes apartment (i can't even recall how she actually got up & in there) 2) remember he's the boss but in the last act he basically cedes control, and skinny dips with ol' girl WHY??? if he really wanted that type action at any time he could make it happen..and they don't even have sexy parts! 3) real world new girl turns up at his apartment at night, orders dude a pizza (which he conveniently just decides to pay for, but not without just the right amount of hassle---conveniently giving her just enough time to do what she came to do, despite not having any prior knowledge of what is where) and rather smoothly get away...
Remember tho, she was givin' him some play till ol girl from Chewing Gum told her to dial it back. That's why he decided to add her to the game. She started iggin' him

1. True.
2. He is the boss and a lonely man. He also very clearly has a thing for Ted Mosby's baby moms. Remember the only reason she landed in game is because she told Chewing Gum that that she wasn't in to him like that, and I believe he thought she did. He had a thing for all of the women in the game, but they gave him no play. That's why in this world he got to kiss each of them after a successful mission. I don't think it's far fetched that a guy who basically never gets play, and is obviously attracted to a woman would be seduced by him. She wasn't even in the game long, so again not being so removed from the real world, it probably lends real life hope. Hell, he probably don't even know what those 'sexy parts' do I'd bet. Who gets God control and takes away there own ability to do the horizontal mambo? :smh:
3. I think the pizza was already paid for if I'm not mistaken, my guy asked for a tip and Fat Damon closed the door in his face and put it on 'DND'.

A lot of others see point #2 the same way as you do, however.

like for example in black museum, you're telling me a girl that drove out of her way to exact revenge is going sit and listen to bare stories (which were all super corny to me) about macabre tech gone wrong or chance it on dude being thirsty because she broke the a/c? nah, it don't make sense...why would he just take her water anyway?? they out in desert, wouldn't he have drink on deck? a water fountain?

Her driving out there is more so for the mom I would assume. With the mom backseat driving, she can share all the details about the place with her daughter in real-time. The plan was as half hearted as the Little Giants' Annexation of Puerto Rico, but it worked. I still don't find it far fetched that he just takes the water. He has no reason to believe he's being setup. He started the tour without a drink, and gets offered a not opened bottle by shorty. You telling me he would under 'normal circumstance' he would say no, and go get his own water?

The guy is socially onept and awkward. A clear lame. A girl willingly showed him attention and interest for a naughty activity. That alone would have him risk it but there wasn't any risk to him. Cuz he couldn't fathom after what he's done to the rest of the crew who have been there longer they'd work together to do all that.

I got the idea one of the reasons he let some of this go on is cuz he didn't want to kill/erase them. The new clones wouldn't have those memories and he'd have to work on breaking them all over again. A bit of a nuisance.

The story is written to show some weakness. The device, the pause game, etc. They find a work around though.

As for the crew working with her, it is an issue. We don't know exactly how long they've been there but long enough that they're obedient. And quite frankly the men showed way more fear than the women. The 2 that been there seemed bored of a routine not like prisoners of a nerdy teenagers sci-fi fantasy.

Finding the stuff though, the boss clone mentioned how the captain bragged and mocked him about where he had stored their DNA samples. And he was the gone giving the real girl the orders on what to steal.

In Black Museum, he was probably incredibly parched and her water bottle was convienently on hand instead of walking out the room to get water. That's all.t55

Basically these things. None of this is outside the realm of belief IMO.

As for the plan, I alluded to the absurdness of her breaking in but maybe clone her knew of some B&E skills they didn't mention. Unless dude is on the first floor it dont make much sense how she even made it outside his window

Not even a little bit. That part is one of the single plot points that made me say 'how'? But we don't know what floor he's on or how the building is even designed, so we can't truly say it's impossible. At least I cant.

I started watching Electric Dreams over the weekend tokes99 tokes99 . It's got some stories with poor story telling IMO. But they have some gems too. That 'Real Life' episode was crazy. I had no idea which was the 'real world' and I still don't. :lol: That story was tense and perfect!
I assume her being able to contact someone, herself, outside of the USS Callister mod gave them hope. Previously, they believed this was completely sealed off from the outside world. It took the new girl to point out that he can receive calls/stimuli from the outside world. She also figured out what the wormhole was. Knowing that she could blackmail herself and that she had the skill to hack the system, gave them all hope. Especially after seeing the photos, they now had real life leverage that could work. Shorty was apparently into some real ****. Whatever it was, it had to be hardcore AF. Even Kabir turned away, and you know he's not getting any action either.

Kabir prob just a lil shy, black dude and "Russian"? chick was still lookin'. But yea, she knew what would make herself cave.
Added spoilers everywhere to keep the post length to a minimum and not to reveal any major or minor plot pieces for the episodes discussed.

I still disagree here guys. He IS the kind to nit pick but he's also the type to completely detach once he's left work. Barring a complete failure of the patch, there's literally no reason to call his 'cash cow'. There's no reason to suspect anything for at least 10days from his POV. He doesn't respect Fake Matt Damon, he barely likes him from what it seems and takes him completely for granted. He's essentially the guy in the group project does no work, but is a 'people person'. That guy isn't calling the group to see how the project is going, he only provides input at the major milestones if he provides any real input at all.

As a programmer I can attest that if I write something Tuesday and it works with no hiccup, if I leave for the rest of the week no one is going to contact me.

I assume her being able to contact someone, herself, outside of the USS Callister mod gave them hope. Previously, they believed this was completely sealed off from the outside world. It took the new girl to point out that he can receive calls/stimuli from the outside world. She also figured out what the wormhole was. Knowing that she could blackmail herself and that she had the skill to hack the system, gave them all hope. Especially after seeing the photos, they now had real life leverage that could work. Shorty was apparently into some real ****. Whatever it was, it had to be hardcore AF. Even Kabir turned away, and you know he's not getting any action either.

1. True.
2. He is the boss and a lonely man. He also very clearly has a thing for Ted Mosby's baby moms. Remember the only reason she landed in game is because she told Chewing Gum that that she wasn't in to him like that, and I believe he thought she did. He had a thing for all of the women in the game, but they gave him no play. That's why in this world he got to kiss each of them after a successful mission. I don't think it's far fetched that a guy who basically never gets play, and is obviously attracted to a woman would be seduced by him. She wasn't even in the game long, so again not being so removed from the real world, it probably lends real life hope. Hell, he probably don't even know what those 'sexy parts' do I'd bet. Who gets God control and takes away there own ability to do the horizontal mambo? :smh:
3. I think the pizza was already paid for if I'm not mistaken, my guy asked for a tip and Fat Damon closed the door in his face and put it on 'DND'.

A lot of others see point #2 the same way as you do, however.

Her driving out there is more so for the mom I would assume. With the mom backseat driving, she can share all the details about the place with her daughter in real-time. The plan was as half hearted as the Little Giants' Annexation of Puerto Rico, but it worked. I still don't find it far fetched that he just takes the water. He has no reason to believe he's being setup. He started the tour without a drink, and gets offered a not opened bottle by shorty. You telling me he would under 'normal circumstance' he would say no, and go get his own water?

Basically these things. None of this is outside the realm of belief IMO.

Not even a little bit. That part is one of the single plot points that made me say 'how'? But we don't know what floor he's on or how the building is even designed, so we can't truly say it's impossible. At least I cant.

I started watching Electric Dreams over the weekend tokes99 tokes99 . It's got some stories with poor story telling IMO. But they have some gems too. That 'Real Life' episode was crazy. I had no idea which was the 'real world' and I still don't. :lol: That story was tense and perfect!

i didn't really have an issue with the crew going along, but it was the point that made think start to scrutinize things, this is almost never good if a show gets me thinking this way and knocking all the eps out back to back i couldn't help but look at every other episode for the cracks...and my only point about the water is that it leaves an obviously determined person's plan completely to chance in a way that is dissonant with the ultimate goal, if the guy says no thanks, i had this prototype hydration system installed a few years ago (because black mirror is extra like that), is she just going hop back in her whip and go home?

i was pretty impressed with electric dreams, the ep you mentioned was dope, the pacing was definitely on point! the one with janelle monae was cool as well, i fell a sleep during a few episodes but overall i thought the ideas were interesting and cracks (of the episodes i watched) weren't so apparent to me...
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True life, but if she had some elaborate full-proof expert level plan, I would have questioned it heavily because shorty is supposed to be a civilian. The plan was simple enough anyone could come up with it.

From what I've read about S4 episodes, a large portion seem to feel the same as you. I feel like people are looking too hard for things that aren't going to occur because of previous seasons. Some of the critique borders on unfair and questions why you think the character would even think at the time.

ED is definitely pretty solid. I don't think it's better than BM, but it also sits on a different spectrum. ED is more your typical sci-fi show, while BM is entrenched in social commentary. I appreciate that about BM because it makes you think about the pitfalls of certain advancements within society. Especially those that haven't been thought out completely, like using hyper-aggressive metal dogs to guard things. :lol:

So far I've watched maybe 6 or 7 episodes, and as mentioned before a few are non-coherent AF (Crazy Diamond & Hood Maker I'm looking at you!) BUT when they get it right, they absolutely nail it! My favorites so far are:
  • Real Life (Terrance Howard episode) (And yes, the pacing of this episode was perfect. It's been a while since I'd second guessed myself that much.)
  • AutoFac (Janelle Monae episode)
  • Safe & Sound
  • Human Is... (Bryan Cranston episode)
Which episodes have you all seen so far? Favorites?

Can we discuss ED in here as well or are we going to only focus on BM? Seems they can both fit into this thread.....unless one or the other has another boom in fanbase.
KAO was my favorite of the new 4

I think it was the most black mirror-esque

Conformity, propaganda, surveillance state, consumerism, reliance on technology it touched a lot of topics
Ok, I hadn't gotten to that one yet. I felt like Safe & Sound & AutoFac did a good job with all those topics as well. Crazy Diamond seemed like it tried to do that, but just fell flat. Really flat.
True life, but if she had some elaborate full-proof expert level plan, I would have questioned it heavily because shorty is supposed to be a civilian. The plan was simple enough anyone could come up with it.

From what I've read about S4 episodes, a large portion seem to feel the same as you. I feel like people are looking too hard for things that aren't going to occur because of previous seasons. Some of the critique borders on unfair and questions why you think the character would even think at the time.

ED is definitely pretty solid. I don't think it's better than BM, but it also sits on a different spectrum. ED is more your typical sci-fi show, while BM is entrenched in social commentary. I appreciate that about BM because it makes you think about the pitfalls of certain advancements within society. Especially those that haven't been thought out completely, like using hyper-aggressive metal dogs to guard things. :lol:

So far I've watched maybe 6 or 7 episodes, and as mentioned before a few are non-coherent AF (Crazy Diamond & Hood Maker I'm looking at you!) BUT when they get it right, they absolutely nail it! My favorites so far are:
  • Real Life (Terrance Howard episode) (And yes, the pacing of this episode was perfect. It's been a while since I'd second guessed myself that much.)
  • AutoFac (Janelle Monae episode)
  • Safe & Sound
  • Human Is... (Bryan Cranston episode)
Which episodes have you all seen so far? Favorites?

Can we discuss ED in here as well or are we going to only focus on BM? Seems they can both fit into this thread.....unless one or the other has another boom in fanbase.

not to dwell, it isn't as much the 2nd plan, it just happen to be thing that got me analyzing, as it is basically a 'better' version of the 1st that had just failed, a's the part of the 2nd plan that requires that same civilian to become spidergirl and a competent cat burglar over the course of maybe a few hours...i haven't actually looked at much of the online chatter, after watching i immediately searched for reviews thinking maybe this isn't as bad i think...curious how it was being received, and the consensus then was overwhelmingly positive and i was not conviced, i thought i was well in the minority...

fair enough i could be nitpicking, nonetheless this season of black mirror still stands by far as the least enjoyable for me...

as an aside are there any series (sci-fi or other categories) that paint the future and our interaction with technology as a positive thing?
not to dwell, it isn't as much the 2nd plan, it just happen to be thing that got me analyzing, as it is basically a 'better' version of the 1st that had just failed, a's the part of the 2nd plan that requires that same civilian to become spidergirl and a competent cat burglar over the course of maybe a few hours...i haven't actually looked at much of the online chatter, after watching i immediately searched for reviews thinking maybe this isn't as bad i think...curious how it was being received, and the consensus then was overwhelmingly positive and i was not conviced, i thought i was well in the minority...

fair enough i could be nitpicking, nonetheless this season of black mirror still stands by far as the least enjoyable for me...

as an aside are there any series (sci-fi or other categories) that paint the future and our interaction with technology as a positive thing?

That response was actually for Black Museum, but it still works for both USS and BMuseum. :lol: Lets not forget, Shut Up and Dance turned several mostly-law-abiding citizens into thieves capable of robbing a bank on a whim and a full on gladiator fight....for no reason other than entertainment. Man that episode is so good.

It's ok, like I said you're opinion seems to be the overwhelming majority of the community, so you're certainly not alone. I am very clearly the minority in this debate so, maybe I'm just being too optimistic and accepting of the situations they are presenting? There's actually a meme going around that I'm sure you seen of a Roomba with a kitchen knife taped to it with the caption "Black Mirror Season 4 be like...". :lol:

Probably at least one, but those don't create discussion like ones with a bleak or not-so-positive. In those shows the tech is going to be a background thing, while the relationships are what the focal point will be. I was going to say AMCs Humans at first, but then I read the rest of your sentence (and our interaction with technology as a positive thing?). But then again, I really enjoy these kind of shows, so a positive spin wouldn't be as fun of a watch for myself.
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