***The Official Chargers @ Raiders thread 9/14 Vol MNF***

Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Sucks for Louis Murphy....

and I think he out there on a bum leg....you cant take that away from that man

Ive seen far more questionable catches in the inzone be called TD's. Murphy had his feet down in the in the inzone with clear possession of the ball. Theball slid out after he was turning his body on the ground with the ball. When isnt that called a TD?
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

You need to retain possession of the ball all the way to the ground, which he did not do. It's in the rules guys.

Well yeah if we go buy rules all the time it doesnt always mean that were doing the right thing. Maybe they applied the rule from the rulebook but imo it stillwasnt the correct decision because 1. it wasnt inconclusive evidence and 2. anyone with simple common sense would know he had enough possession for a catch. Imnot complaining but im not going to act happy about it either, maybe im not like other fans but i want to know that i won without any bs or excuses, fair andsquare as cheesy as it sounds...if you guys know what i mean.
It's all about what the ball does. The ball was on the ground and he didn't have his hand under. His hand was barely under the tip of the ball. Hedidn't have legitimate possession. And I hate San Diego, but I knew that was getting overturned the second I saw the replay.
Seymour making a nice impact right away...it seems like he's making an immediate difference out there.
Originally Posted by jerseymizzle

Originally Posted by rrroth

10-10, should be 7-14, god-awful call.
how do you figure we don't get at least that same field goal with more time on the clock?

I wasn't gonna say anything but...his logic.

I guess the half would've just automatically ended if that touchdown counted.
Originally Posted by jerseymizzle

Originally Posted by rrroth

10-10, should be 7-14, god-awful call.
how do you figure we don't get at least that same field goal with more time on the clock?
Yeah, that was dumb of me for making that assumption, I'm just bitter about the call is all.
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

You need to retain possession of the ball all the way to the ground, which he did not do. It's in the rules guys.

Well yeah if we go buy rules all the time it doesnt always mean that were doing the right thing. Maybe they applied the rule from the rulebook but imo it still wasnt the correct decision because 1. it wasnt inconclusive evidence and 2. anyone with simple common sense would know he had enough possession for a catch. Im not complaining but im not going to act happy about it either, maybe im not like other fans but i want to know that i won without any bs or excuses, fair and square as cheesy as it sounds...if you guys know what i mean.
Im with it. I call it the Denver effect. Even denvers fans knew the hoculi call was bs, but they were glad to have it come their way...
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