The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Originally Posted by JordanHead2

do you get anything special for prestiging 10 times?
this guy I know said you get to have 4 killstreaks instead of 3. he isn't 10th prestige though, he was just speculating
I'm FREAKING tired of putting in the work to kill a guy, only to have him go into Last Stand, and have a teammate steal the kill right at the end and youget the "assist"
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Will you SCRUBBY +%! dudes who constantly have negative ratios PLEASE STOP PLAYING this game

Im talking about the dudes who i see go 4/18, 3/15, 3/25(yes i saw someone who wasnt apart of boosting do that terrible), every game,

You are NOT CONTRIBUTING anything to the team. There are too many games i lose just because majority of the people on my team are terrible.

And im not trying to say im better than anyone, im just ranting
Man one time I was playing TDM and half way through the match, I noticed one of my teammates was always getting killed and respawning at one part of the mapwhere no one ever goes. So I kinda sneaked over there and eventually figured out what was going on, he was helping his friend on the other team get a nuke. SoI just waited somewhere out of sight nearby, dumb teammate never checked the radar or something. I let his friend get 23 kills in, then I decided to stop thisnonsense and killed him before he got the nuke.
I got a few hate messages from both of them after the game ended.
Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

I'm FREAKING tired of putting in the work to kill a guy, only to have him go into Last Stand, and have a teammate steal the kill right at the end and you get the "assist"
yeah I agree...but what's even when you get them from a distance and they go to last stand, and then you have to finish himoff...but while you're doing that somebody else comes up and sprays you.

There really needs to be Ground War deathmatch and Ground War domination....hell it would be awesome if there was Ground War Headquarters.
^ Yeah, $)(* pisses me off SO MUCH. They need to change it to how it was like in COD4. You should get the kill when they go to Last Stand.
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Will you SCRUBBY +%! dudes who constantly have negative ratios PLEASE STOP PLAYING this game

Im talking about the dudes who i see go 4/18, 3/15, 3/25(yes i saw someone who wasnt apart of boosting do that terrible), every game,

You are NOT CONTRIBUTING anything to the team. There are too many games i lose just because majority of the people on my team are terrible.

And im not trying to say im better than anyone, im just ranting
Chill dude... run with a squad or play FFA if youre that mad...

Some people just wanna play the game, you're not gonna stop em.

I get upset as the next guy if i go 30-5 and we lose the match but i cant tell someone to put down the sticks...
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Will you SCRUBBY +%! dudes who constantly have negative ratios PLEASE STOP PLAYING this game

Im talking about the dudes who i see go 4/18, 3/15, 3/25(yes i saw someone who wasnt apart of boosting do that terrible), every game,

You are NOT CONTRIBUTING anything to the team. There are too many games i lose just because majority of the people on my team are terrible.

And im not trying to say im better than anyone, im just ranting
Chill dude... run with a squad or play FFA if youre that mad...

Some people just wanna play the game, you're not gonna stop em.

I get upset as the next guy if i go 30-5 and we lose the match but i cant tell someone to put down the sticks...
not all of us are mw2 gods

not all of us are mw2 average joes

i mean, who knows...they might get the last kill
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Will you SCRUBBY +%! dudes who constantly have negative ratios PLEASE STOP PLAYING this game

Im talking about the dudes who i see go 4/18, 3/15, 3/25(yes i saw someone who wasnt apart of boosting do that terrible), every game,

You are NOT CONTRIBUTING anything to the team. There are too many games i lose just because majority of the people on my team are terrible.

And im not trying to say im better than anyone, im just ranting
Chill dude... run with a squad or play FFA if youre that mad...

Some people just wanna play the game, you're not gonna stop em.

I get upset as the next guy if i go 30-5 and we lose the match but i cant tell someone to put down the sticks...
not all of us are mw2 gods

not all of us are mw2 average joes

i mean, who knows...they might get the last kill
Dude acts like EVERYBODY can go 30-8. There has to be people who die.

some of y'all need to relax.. it's not that serious. I mean, I understand when things don't go your way and you might get mad here and there alittle bit... but that's the most it should be. Like any other video game.

There will always be campers. But honestly, if dudes found success camping, can you blame them? In the end, he got you.

There will always be people that just play to have fun and not give a damn about KDRs, winning, or losing.

There will always be that "what the eff I totally shot you first" or "damn it dawg you took my kill" moments.

It's as if the real world is like absolutely perfect, but MW2 isn't
Originally Posted by LongRange3Ball


some of y'all need to relax.. it's not that serious. I mean, I understand when things don't go your way and you might get mad here and there a little bit... but that's the most it should be. Like any other video game.

There will always be campers. But honestly, if dudes found success camping, can you blame them? In the end, he got you.

There will always be people that just play to have fun and not give a damn about KDRs, winning, or losing.

There will always be that "what the eff I totally shot you first" or "damn it dawg you took my kill" moments.

It's as if the real world is like absolutely perfect, but MW2 isn't
i feel you and all but dont you hate when your winning then right at the very end you loose cause you have a horrible team it sooo annoying attimes.
When I play the team games I dont really care that much about the win. I mean in S&D im not gonna sit there and look for kills when I gotta defuse thebomb. But like in TDM I just try to go out there and do my thing. If we lose we lose. This aint the NFL and we tryin to get a playoff spot. Sure its nice towin. But then again I play FFA for the most part so yea.
man I am FIENDING for some MWF2 right now. I need to just cop another xbox already. When I do play I play on a few of my homies accounts. I might get pissedplaying with some of you hardcore gamers in here tho.

live: brich36
psn: CuriousG2002
Not that experienced yet so im playin the FFA right now...btw what do the little icons mean on the right hand side of the screen do i use them??
Man, the top of the leaderboards is so annoying to look at.

What pathetic losers. I can't figure out what satisfaction they get out of having 32525349834896893296 kills on a 4534542.8 killing ratio.
Originally Posted by doyung9

the RPD... ultimate medium range weapon. MASSIVE CLIPS.
Man you can pretty much snipe with that gun... RPD with Grip is serious business. too bad you move slow as %*#$ when you got it.
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